• The Odinson stood at a gate in a dark wood. In front of the gate stood Skurge the Executioner, bloodaxe in hand, waiting for the final battle between them.
• And if Thor won the combat, then behind that same gate stood Utgardhall, and the final death that awaited him - the death he fought for.
• This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...and the door into darkness.
Immortal Thor #21 takes a long overdue look at one of the series oldest supporting characters. It seems all Skurge needed to be brought to life was a fight to the death. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #21 shows Thor challenged both physically and mentally as he faces two opponents on two fronts. Skurge faces him in mortal combat, while Thanos attempts to attack Thors resolve and will. But what the comic does best is demonstrate why Skurge wants to take Thors death so badly, and showing Thors heroic conviction to protect others. Of course, he finally does enter Utgard and already things are not as they seem, setting things up for a great confrontation between Thor and Utgard-Loki. Read Full Review