Hulk #41

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Gabriel Hardman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 21, 2011 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Apparently you really can’t go home again. The Red Hulk just wanted to visit his old homestead, but is now in the fight of his life against the mighty Omegex, the world destroyer! As Red Hulk is on the ropes and it seems as though things can’t get any worse, super-villainess extraordinaire Zero/One and her henchman Black Fog arrive. Rulk’s renowned writer Jeff Parker and all-star artist Gabriel Hardman bring a thrilling, action-packed conclusion to Red Hulk’s most dangerous dust-up yet!

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Sep 24, 2011

    I'm sure Jeff Parker has written stinkers in the past, but he's got his two Marvel books humming along now. He's transformed Rulk from a scorn worthy character (Really???? A red Hulk??? How creative….) into a fully fleshed out and very compelling character. Huge kudos to Hardman and Breitweiser for helping him to tell the story. The new artist has big shoes to fill! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Sep 21, 2011

    Hulk #41 also marks the final issue of Gabriel Hardman, who goes out in style as expected. Despite the issue's increased focus on conversation pieces and character close-ups, Hardman offers the same classic pulp sensibilities that have come to define his run on this book. More impressively, he gets to employ his skill for facial emotion, particularly during the flashback sequences of Thunderbolt's childhood days. With so much of Parker's run honing in on the monstrous side of Thunderbolt Ross, it's refreshing to see the same care and detail being taken with the more delicate human moments. Hardman even gets to do something emotionally different with Red Hulk himself as the character reflects on the Betty's childhood and finds it hard to believe that Zero/One could take such little interest in it. Hardman's technical ability sells Parker's emotional beats and makes this concluding chapter an incredibly memorable addition to the ongoing Red Hulk saga. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Sep 26, 2011

    What a load of F'n crap. This is the awesome battle that we have waited almost a year to see? Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Ultimate Goblin Jan 13, 2024

    Okay, the conclusion is pretty lame and lazy, even though it's a nice happy end. But overall I think the issue was really great, I love how personal it was for Ross. These insights into his past are necessary for his solo series to better feel the character and he could be even more, than he was before for readers. I wish all issues of the series were more like this, but for the most part Rulk just gets punched here and there and we barely even see it from his perspective. Previous issue was more concentrated on Uravo, Annie and Zero/One. Fear Itself on MODOK. Meh, I want some actual Rulk solo comic where he could be outstanding. Maybe the next story arc will finally be good.

    Man, this Omegex character... I felt some Morlun vibes more

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