• What will it take for Peter Quill to betray the entire Marvel Universe?
• And if you don't know Eisner award winning artist Francesco Francavilla yet, you will after this comic!
The change of art is a little jarring at first, but it quickly becomes the highlight of the book and an extremely compelling reason to give it a look. The characters are amazingly well defined, to the point that you could read standalone snippits of their dialog and pretty easily identify who said it (and not JUST I AM GROOT!) The dynamic of this team strikes a great balance between we dont like/trust one another and a fully functional one to the point that the adversarial banter doesnt seem forced or shoehorned, but like a natural part of the story. Read Full Review
I said it in my review of issue #7 and I have to reiterate it here, it's issues like this one that have me excited for the Guardians movie next year. And frankly this issue actually has me interested in the conclusion to Infinity as well. The main story and tie-ins for the event, while certainly have their moments, have been pretty hit or miss for me. This tie-in is definitely on the hit side and has me looking forward to seeing what comes next. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #8 is a great comic by two great creators. It is a sharp witted, entertaining and exceptionally well drawn issue that does a great job of riding the fence of being an event book and a Guardians book. People reading for either reason will find a lot to love in this issue, and I haven't been this pumped to read more Guardians since before the series began. Read Full Review
All in all, if you haven't given Guardians of the Galaxy a chance before now, these tie-in issues are the perfect places to start. #8 is an easy entry point into the world of the future movie stars, along with a fun side story to the larger Infinity epic, topped off with some gorgeous art from one of the most talented pencilers working today. Read Full Review
This issue starts off slowly, but once the action kicks up, this winds up being one of Brian Michael Bendis's best issues of Guardians of the Galaxy yet. Read Full Review
Bendis has definitely stepped up the game in this latest issue and I look forward to seeing the next tie-in with Infinitythat he has to offer us. Read Full Review
Overall, I enjoyed the issue. There was some great dialogue between Star-Lord and Gomera and later with Brand. The action sequences were done well and for the most part the art was decent. However, I do have to say they need to explain how Thanos and Star-Lord got out of the Cancerverse and soon.Also they need to explain what happened to Richard Rider. Unless this is a major point to how Infinity comes to a close (which I doubt), there is no reason to keep dragging it out and not telling us what happened. I'm conflicted because while on the whole I enjoyed the issue, this doesn't even feel like a build up and at this point it's just not letting the readers know what happened for no apparent reason. Read Full Review
While it doesn't make me want to go anywhere near the main book, I'm glad that it still feels like a GOTG book and Francavilla is a welcome addition to the team. Read Full Review
This was an amazing issue, and although the start wasn't very new reader friendly the issue would soon become extremely entertaining and exciting. The art from Francavilla didn't however suit the series, as although there was some amazing moments, it was mostly rather jarring and awkward, having the wrong tone for the series. The issue would however also have some brilliant interactions and explosive action and overall I'd highly recommend this, though it's not necessary for anyone looking for Infinity tie-ins that are closer linked to the main event. Read Full Review
On the whole this issue was solid, it has great art, lots of action and comedy and the Guardians have found themselves a purpose in the Infinity arc so I expect some good stories to come out of this series while the event continues. My annoyance at the change in art style is mostly just me nit-picking, there's no reason not to pick up this issue just because the art is different, although it will break up the experience somewhat when this all comes out in trade. On its own though this issue is a good read and I suggest you all pick it up. Read Full Review
Decent tie-in to say the least that finally connects them to the main fight, even if it is coming close to an end. Might be next issue, but the pacing of this book has been inconsistent, for the most part it needs to quicken up a bit because this issue did feel a bit dull. Hopefully with the re-emergence of a new character at the end gives us that sense of excitement back. Read Full Review
Brain Michael Bendis has these characters dialed in. There's some great dialogue in this issue for everyone expect Rocket Raccoon. For whatever reason, he seems to only say the same stuff over and over again. Seriously, some of his lines of dialogue are copy and pasted from early issues. "Human tech sucks," "I'll murder you," etc, etc. That said, Star-Lord and Abigail Brand have some exchanges during a a rescue attempt that pretty make the entire issue. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a fairly solid tie-in to "Infinity." Despite being a slow-burner and feeling somewhat uninspired compared to the previous seven issues of the series, this issue ends with one heck of a bang, instantly reigniting your interest. I'm certainly excited to seeing what happens next issue. Read Full Review
Not much more to say regarding Francavilla's art. It's still a pleasure to look at and his Rocket Raccoon is fantastic. I will say it again though, I am not a fan of Star-Lord's new costume and wish they'd go back to the original from his first appearance in Marvel Preview, or at least to the version we saw in the Annihilation series. We get to see Francavilla's talents one more time on this series next issue and I'm hoping the story can suit his style a bit better, but after the last page reveal I don't have high hopes. But, I'll take his art any chance, or anywhere I can. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #8 is a great example of a tie-in issue you can enjoy even if you aren't following the main storyline elsewhere. Even though I've still yet to even glance at an issue of Infinity, I had no trouble following (and enjoying) all the usual craziness on display (even if I do have trouble buying Gamora running of to sulk with millions of lives in peril). Worth a look. Read Full Review
Although the Guardians are still quibbling and quarreling amongst themselves more than I would like, "Guardians of the Galaxy" #8 is a solid, adventure-packed read that serves as a transitory issue merging the Guardians into the "Infinity" crossover. In this incarnation, the Guardians are supposed to be protecting the Earth, which Thanos is threatening. With more than half of the team personally connected to Thanos' success or failure, it only makes sense to intersect the team with the Mad Titan, elevating the team's profile in the process. Bendis and Francavilla do a fine job of delivering an entertaining comic book with plenty of adventure, as they set the stage for more interaction with "Infinity." The end of "Guardians of the Galaxy" #8 indicates that more explosive adventures are on deck for Star-Lord and crew. Read Full Review
Bendis dials up an 'Infinity' tie-in that manages to feel both like an extension of his own ongoing story and a fitting addition to Jonathan Hickman's event. The issue gets off to a slow start, unfortunately, by succumbing to Bendis' one major downfall " his penchant for characters to take pages and pages having arguments that don't need to be as wordy as he likes to make them. Read Full Review
Where Francavilla is weaker in this issue is in his colorization, as his style doesn't really add anything to the narrative. It do create an ambiance at times as his technique of mixing warm colors like orange and colder one like teal do make for good contrasts and his use of shadow do work in setting an atmosphere, yet it becomes overwhelming and repetitive rather quickly. It is quite stylish, but it does not amount to much in most scenes. It is different, yet it sometimes it's better to conform a bit more to the norm in order to get the point across. This issue does try to bring point of interests with a sound premise and the art of Francavilla, yet the uneven pacing, weak characterization and the weird colorization makes for a rather disappointing experience as a whole. Dropped. Read Full Review