Ghost Rider #1
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Ghost Rider #1

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Javier Saltaires Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 12, 2006 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 3
6.3Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

VICIOUS CYCLE PART 1 Johnny Blaze is trapped in hell, with the Spirit of Vengeance bonded to his immortal soul. But Johnny may have finally found a way out. But at what cost? The Ghost Rider must ride again!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Jul 9, 2006

    So is this inaugural tale any good? Well, its definitely entertaining. Ghost Rider enlists the help of a demon named Greexix (which resembles the slime creature from the old Ghostbusters) cartoon to bust out of hell, but of course, Satan is there to try and thwart his escape. It isnt yet clear what Johnnys subsequent missions on earth will entail, but it looks as it will deal less with taking on the criminal underworld and focus on more supernatural elements, which of course made the character popular to its original fanbase. I think as long as Johnnys flaming noggin and that awesome looking bike keep riding into strange situations and offbeat corners of the mainstream Marvel universe, and as long as A-list characters make occasional cameos, the fans will be happy and will keep coming back for more of the same. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Noel Olson Jul 9, 2006

    The artwork in this issue is stunning, to say the least. It hails back to some of the finest work done by Texeira and Saltaires in the 90s run with Dan Ketch. The demons are quite unsettling, and the landscape likewise. Everything visual here is accomplished to great effect. The very first page, Ghost Rider breaks through the gates of hell, followed by demons and spirits. The plot involving Ghost Riders attempts to escape hell is pretty basic, but well-written and effective. Way understands Ghost Rider, and the human and supernatural dichotomy that rules his existence. If the creative team maintains the quality offered in issue #1, Ghost Rider promises to be a mind-blowing series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jul 12, 2006

    Ghost Rider #1 is a comic that relies heavily on the fantastic artwork. The story is nothing special and I don't know if any readers outside of die-hard Ghost Rider fans are going to be really interested by Way's story. Hopefully, the artwork will be enough to keep readers interested while Way gets his story into gear. I'll definitely be sticking with this title for at least the first 6 issues. I love Ghost Rider and I desperately want this title to be successful. If you like Ghost Rider then you'll like this issue. If you are a fan of Way, then you'll like this issue. For everyone else? I'm not too sure. Ghost Rider definitely has potential and is worth checking out for the first several issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St.Louis Jul 22, 2006

    The artwork is flaming and has a nice colour pallette. The colourist should be credited for giving a 3D feel to the artwork. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Jul 9, 2006

    This first issue has some promise: great art, Satan, and zombies. But the next issue better have more ass-kicking and chain-whipping or this wont last a year. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Jul 9, 2006

    All in all, this comic betrays a lack of creative thought. Beyond a very brief, and completely out of place, bit of stunt driving, theres nothing here that couldnt be done with any other Marvel character. This just doesnt have any kind of distinctive Ghost Rider feel; perhaps theres no such thing, and thats why the character has been in limbo so regularly and for so long, but even so theres no excuse for something so very bland and unimaginative. The general impression is that, with the upcoming movie, Marvel decided they should be publishing a Ghost Rider comic, but found themselves with nothing of significance to say about the character, beyond trotting out the same old clichs. Disappointing. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jul 9, 2006

    With three attempted relaunches of the book in the last 5 years, it has not been long since the last Ghost Rider #1 hit stores, and that should say something about how difficult it is to get readers interested in the character. Sadly, with a confounding first issue like this one, I have a feeling that this new series is going to go the same way. Read Full Review

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