Fantastic Four #609

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Ryan Stegman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 8, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 17
6.6Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

The Defenders from the Future hope to set out on the adventure of a lifetime, and only the Fantastic Four can help them get there.

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Aug 8, 2012

    Aside from being complicated and hard to understand (unless you have been reading FANTASTIC FOUR prior to Hickman's run) I think this is one of the best issue of this series so far. Hickman manages to write a story that is exciting, action packed and chock full of different avenues and possibilities a future writer can take -- all in a self-contained issue. Although the last page of the book is "the end," the readers gets the sense that this is only the beginning; and that feeling is what gets people to buy the next issue. Paired with beautiful art by Stegman, this issue of FANTASTIC FOUR answers a lot of questions, but leaves you scratching your head. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Justin Barnes Aug 10, 2012

    Although this issue is self-contained, the fate of the Defenders is still unknown. It will be interesting to see whether Hickman somehow revisits this story in the next two months. Next month's Fantastic Four will crossover with FF so that will likely begin the conclusion to Hickman's run coming this October. I give this 8/10. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 8, 2012

    Following a series of fill-in artists and apparent fill-in type stories -- including jaunts to a further future and a tour of Wakanda -- Hickman has seemingly returned to his grander tale, this time with an artist committed to the long haul. It's simply too bad that this run seems short-circuited by Marvel NOW! As a matter of fact, in the letters page of this issue, the imminent departure of Hickman is mentioned, rather than hyping what is yet to come during Hickman and Stegman's remaining issues. With the Future Defenders departing the pages of this series, I'm keen to see what awaits us in a newly re-energized the pages of "Fantastic Four." Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Aug 8, 2012

    The actual narrative leaves something to be desired. Hickman has become known for always having something up his sleeve, so for him to play this one straight without any sort of twist feels strange. We all claim to want the best for our heroes, but who knew how hollow a truly happy ending could feel? Even the conflict featured on the cover proves to be nothing more than a pointless encounter. For this series, Marvel NOW! could not come sooner. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Aug 10, 2012

    It pains me to say this, but this was bad. It's the firmest proof yet that Hickman does not have enough material to last from when his run was supposed to end to the Marvel NOW relaunch. Not by a long shot. Of course, that's Marvel's fault and not his. Read Full Review

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