Fantastic Four #524

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Mike Wieringo Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 13
8.0Critic Rating
9.7User Rating

This is it! The Waid/Wieringo team go out with a bang -- but they have one last surprise up their sleeves as the foundation of the team is rocked one final time. If you're hungry for one last jaw-dropping plot twist, here it is -- and it's a doozy!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 12, 2005

    I also loved the dramatic simplicity of this issue's cover, as I can't think of a better visual to sell the family dynamic of the Fantastic Four, and while it has the potential to be quite cheesy I for one hope this classic scene finds its way into upcoming film. As for the interior art it's pretty clear that Mike Wieringo was having a grand old time playing with the power swapping element of this plot, as it provides him with a wealth of visual gags, from the smile inducing sound effects that are used to frame the scene in the strip club, to the laugh out loud sequence involving the close calls that Johnny had when he's trying to regain his power. I also have to say that if I ever had any doubts about Ben's simple costume design, that shot of him in the normal team uniform pretty much rid me of this concern, as it completely threw the visual dynamic of the team off. Mike Wieringo's work will be missed, though it'll be great to see him back on a Spider-Man title. Read Full Review

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