Fantastic Four #521

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Mike Wieringo Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 11
7.0Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

RISING STORM PART 2 Galactus's worst Herald ever - coincidentally a member of the FF - is running out of time. So far, the mystery Herald has been able to stall Galactus from sating his cosmic hunger -- but that luck won't hold forever. What planet will be chosen as Galactus's next victim?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Jan 17, 2005

    Johnny is trying to help this world from being devoured and this world is ready to turn over another world that they have been in war with forever. Then what a shocker to see Johnny find a world that has no cities, no people and finally discover that the inhabitants are intelligent bugs! The poor bugs ask Johnny if he could spare their larvae. Poor bugs! Johnny really plays hero in this story and if that isn't good enough, he actually stands up to the big guy and even calls him Galen and tells him he is not the cosmic big shot that he thinks he is. This should be interesting!! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 23, 2004

    Mike Wieringo turns in another solid issue, as he's really come into his own on the team's first cosmic adventure, as how can one not be impressed by the one page shot of Johnny facing the alien bombs, and his follow-up efforts to stay alive in spite of their best efforts to kill him. There's also a great double-page shot that details Johnny's visit to a number of alien worlds, where he finds his efforts at a solution simply aren't materializing. There's also some nice work on the final sequence as we see Johnny manages to put the pieces together, as how can one not love the final page image that this issue offers up. I also have to give the art full credit for it's engaging cover image, as while Sue's new powers don't really play a big role in this issue, the image is sure to catch the eye of fans who are the slightest bit familiar with the Fantastic Four. Read Full Review

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