Fantastic Four #518

Writer: Mak Waid Artist: Michael Wieringo Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 14
7.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

With public opinion of the FF at an all-time low and with all of Manhattan endangered by a mysterious alien overlord, which member will make a decision that will radically change the team?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 16, 2004

    Mike Wieringo was born to draw an issue like this as it's largely the Fantastic Four doing battle with a host of wildly diverse looking alien races, and how can one not love the one page shot where we see the hidden swarm of attacker that Sue renders visible. There's also several cool impact visuals from the scene where Ben is attacked when the team first enters the structure, to the scene where we spot why Sue isn't going to be able to come to Reed's aid. The issue also turns in a nice bit of work where we get to see Galactus destroyed an inhabited planet, and the anguish on Reed's face when Sue makes her decision makes for a fantastic visual to carry us into the next issue. My only real quibble with the issue is that the lead alien looks a bit goofy, and this in turn makes it difficult to take him seriously when he's delivering his ultimatum. We do get a pretty solid cover shot though as I love the idea that the alien's grip is shown to be shattering Ben's rocky hide. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Taylor Sep 23, 2004

    Something was off with Weiringo this issue; not as much detail as I normally expect. It may have been the inking, but everything seemed a tad rushed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Sep 17, 2004

    Rapid action and a traditional comic book cliffhanger make this issue another example of the fine work of Messrs. Waid and Wieringo with Marvels First Family. Read Full Review

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