Daredevil & Echo #3

Writer: B. Earl, Taboo Artist: Phil Noto Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 26, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

CHASING GHOSTS! Demogoblin has awoken a dangerous and violent force beneath the streets of Hell's Kitchen. Luckily, Daredevil doesn't only have friends in high places, he's got them in low ones too - all the way down to HELL! You know 'im, you love 'im and, in this issue, GHOST RIDER makes his presence known!
Rated T+

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Jul 26, 2023

    Daredevil and Echo #3 welcomes back the weirdness. Its just the refresh the miniseries needed, offsetting the exposition of the last issue with action and craziness. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicBook.com - Connor Casey Jul 26, 2023

    Daredevil & Echo #3 certainly cranks up the action this issue, but it still struggles to find anything interesting for its modern day characters to do. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    CrazyforRAMU Dec 17, 2024

    I think there's a potentially sound cosmic horror story here. But it needs skilled storytelling to make it convincing, and I'm afraid it's just not getting it--not in the prose and not even in the art.

    In a similar vein, the storytelling deficits undercut Matt's big sacrificial decision. It should feel momentous and dramatic; instead, it comes across as abrupt and arbitrary.

    The creators are reaching for a goal that's impossible to grasp. Matt JUST made the same decision in the main Daredevil title, and even there, with lots more higher-level storytelling work invested, it didn't feel as meaningful as it should.

    Daredevil needs to take a break from dying.

  • 9.0
    Bruno Mael Jul 26, 2023

  • 5.5
    Ryan Dec 6, 2023

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