Daredevil #503

Writer: Andy Diggle Artist: Roberto de la Torre, Marco Checchetto Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 16, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
8.5Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

It’s blood, sweat, and brutal truths as the new creative team of Andy Diggle (THUNDERBOLTS) and Roberto De La Torre (IRON MAN) continue their first breathtaking story arc! While the Kingpin secretly builds his power base, Daredevil and Master Izo collide violently over the future of the guild of assassins known as The Hand, and Foggy fears the Matt Murdock he once knew may be gone for good. Rated T …$2.99

  • 9.0
    The Comic Addiction - Robert Tacopina Dec 19, 2009

    The Kingpin gets his hurt on by tearing into some of the Owl and Osborn’s thugs. The scene with Fisk and the awesome Lady Bullseye was simply too short but nonetheless outstanding and delivers the message crystal clear; you don’t mess with the Kingpin! Focusing back on Daredevil we find that he is addressing the Hand and calls out an assassin who, in the opening battle scene, cuts of the hand of a cop. Daredevil chastises him and the assassin, full of shame, kills himself. The issue ends with White Tiger basically asking Matt, who is at a loss for words, “what did he think would happen when he joined a league of assassins?” Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Dec 27, 2009

    De La Torre is a good artist and keeps Daredevil in style which is appreciated. I particularly liked Hollingsworths colours. He creates palettes that feel like washes with too much light saturation. Its great with the story as it gives it an aerie mood as if there is steam in the room. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Dan Phillips Dec 16, 2009

    But what happened to all those cops Daredevil and crew took down in the beginning of the issue? That question lingers throughout, and recalls the earlier question of how far Diggle is willing to go with this new direction. Yet even if it's not as far as I'd like, I suspect his run will remain an entertaining ride as long as he can push the envelope enough to make this story seem every bit as exciting as those of his acclaimed predecessors. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Dec 19, 2009

    After this issue, it's clear that Diggle's run won't be any weaker than those of his predecessors, which is saying quite a bit. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Dec 15, 2009

    Interesting start to this creative team's run. I haven't said much about the art because I feel the same as Dave Wallace: It's good and provides some continuity to the title. I'm enjoying what's going on, but I'll be really interested to see what happens after this initial arc is finished and Siege is complete. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 15, 2009

    I'm energized about "Daredevil" all over again thanks to this latest issue. If you aren't reading "Daredevil" yourself, now is a great time to start. Ninjas, organized crime, corrupt government agencies, deaths, traitors... what more can you ask for? Good stuff. Read Full Review

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