Carnage #1
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Carnage #1

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Clayton Crain Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 20, 2010 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
5.9Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

CARNAGE IS BACK! The fan-favorite villain returns to rock the CARNAGE IS BACK! The fan-favorite villain returns to rock the Marvel Universe, with the Amazing Spider-Man and the Invincible Iron Man first on his hit list. But just why � and how � has Carnage returned, and how many of Marvel's heroes will it take to stop him? Superstar creators Zeb Wells (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, NEW MUTANTS) and Clayton Crain (GHOST RIDER, X-FORCE) team up for the Spider-Man epic that�ll leave jaws on the floor! Literally! Rated T �$3.99

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Andrenn Nov 15, 2010

    ">Written by Andrenn TweetIf you missed our thoughts on San Diego Comic Con, I was very excited at the announcement of the return of Carnage. With a strong writer and amazing artist, one of my favorite Spider-villains returns. Does Carnage's return make for a bloodbath of great quality or is this bloodbath lacking any blood? Let's find out!Writer: Zeb WellsArtist: Clayton CrainStory Rating: 6 Symbiotes out of 10Art Rating: 8 Symbiotes out of 10Overall Rating: 7 Symbiotes out of 10Synopsis: Spider-Man is narrating how this is playing out with an armored car being rammed by another car and how this sounds like a simple story. We see someone swinging thinking its Spider-man. We pan out and see it is the Doppelganger in pursuit of the armored car.We switch to an invention expo, we get some technobabble and when the presenter asks Tony for Starktech to help. Everyone just laughs. He says they invented some chip doohickey that helps them control a robotic arm and when he goes to wave at To Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 20, 2010

    Carnage #1 is neither quite as accessible nor as straightforward as it should be. Still, it makes for a decent read, and all signs point to Wells being able to provide Carnage a proper reintroduction into the Marvel U. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Oct 23, 2010

    Nice Spidey-Shellhead team-up. Disappointing if you expected to see Carnage though. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Oct 26, 2010

    In all honesty, I'll probably still buy the next issue just to see where it goes, but I can't really recommend this book to casual fans. Carnage #1 contains seven mispronunciations of the word mother, three suits of power armor, one instance of Tony Stark getting the bird, one instance of web-swinging while eating breakfast cereal, and one angry mob. There are 8 thwips, 6 snkts, 2 screees, 2 thwaps, 1 thwip and 1 zzzzzark. 2 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

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