Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #4

Writer: Danny Lore Artist: Karen Darboe Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 17, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 5
7.1Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Blade stayed away from his daughter for years to keep her safe - but now the supernatural has come to Brielle's door and struck a blow at the person she loves most! Now both Daywalkers will face life-and-death stakes as one of Blade's old nemeses makes his play for Atlanta? with BLOODLINE at the center of his evil plan!
Rated T+

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Ingrid Lind-Jahn May 20, 2023

    Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #4 contains a lot of emotional turmoil. I like seeing Blade's relationship with his daughter start to grow even as the danger grows around them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - dragoncache May 17, 2023

    Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #4 delivers a teen-friendly story of family, empowerment, and the supernatural in an appealing, all-ages package. With a new Blade series hitting comic shops this July, theres never been a better time to discover the world of Marvels night-stalking Daywalker. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Matthew Aguilar May 17, 2023

    Bloodline is as addictive as ever, and hopefully the series only gets more entertaining from here. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - mrgabehernandez May 19, 2023

    Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #4 is a mediocre comic with sub-par art, a predictable plot, and a main character trying too hard to be a third-rate Buffy knockoff. Marvel missed the mark on this one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Afterforevercomics Jul 29, 2023

    So issue #4 was great. One of the better Marvel books being released at the moment. I could be bias since I do love Blade and can’t wait for the new movie whenever that finally comes out.

    Spin this issue Bri is coming along with her training with her father so well Blade gives her a jacket which she loves. She sees and asks if the pockets in it are for stakes. Blade tells her they are the injection he uses to keep the bloodlust at bay and that she should use them if she needs to. We then get the touching moment of a hug between them. Then they go into the house and find out her mother is missing and has been kidnapped.

    She goes to school where she finds out who has her mothers phone. Then you flash to Blade and the more

  • 9.0
    AfterForeverComics Jul 8, 2023

    So issue #4 was great. One of the better Marvel books being released at the moment. I could be bias since I do love Blade and can’t wait for the new movie whenever that finally comes out.

    Spin this issue Bri is coming along with her training with her father so well Blade gives her a jacket which she loves. She sees and asks if the pockets in it are for stakes. Blade tells her they are the injection he uses to keep the bloodlust at bay and that she should use them if she needs to. We then get the touching moment of a hug between them. Then they go into the house and find out her mother is missing and has been kidnapped.

    She goes to school where she finds out who has her mothers phone. Then you flash to Blade and the more

  • 7.5
    Psycamorean May 21, 2023

    This still gives me lots of Buffy vibes, and that's what's keeping me engaged with this book.


  • 7.0
    CrazyforRAMU Aug 2, 2024

    The plot is pretty clear by this point, cutting down on the need for clumsy exposition (though not eliminating it completely). The script and the art move along briskly, working well together. The first scene is particularly impressive, using a cutaway structure to tell a visual story in parallel to the verbal one.

    This issue doesn't quite break through to "good," but the increasing comfort the creators have with the story and each other does raise the quality level considerably.

  • 7.0
    Jawsh Jun 27, 2023

    First issue where the constraints of the limited series feel, we are rushing through story like crazy.

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