Avengers #13

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Leinil Francis Yu Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 5, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 23
8.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

“EVOLUTIONARY LEAP” The High Evolutionary stakes his claim on the Children of the Sun.Hyperion learns the true cost of the decisions he’s made at the Origin Site in the Savage Land.The Return of techno-titan Terminus.

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 9, 2013

    Yet another excellent issue in the latest version of The Avengers - it's one of Marvel's best. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 6, 2013

    As usual the art is the one thing that stands out most in this book. Between the realistic nature of every character spotlighted, and the back and forth between vibrant colors and those that are a bit faded for different effects. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jun 11, 2013

    Avengers #13 is one of those comics that you don't realize how much content there is until you finish reading it. Jonathan Hickman and Nick Spencer not only pack this issue with great plot progression for the Garden storyline and integrating the High Evolutionary into the story but also pack in a ton of memorable character interactions. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 11, 2013

    Hickman's Avengers hasn't been getting blockbuster attention, something that I attribute to the publishing frequency of the book, as we're getting something like 3 issues per month. It's a shame, really, because this series is as transformative as his Fantastic Four was on a much larger scale that affects many more characters. Avengers #13 is a great issue, even with my complaints about its frequency, and absolutely deserves it's 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. This is the Avengers book I never knew I always wanted. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Jun 5, 2013

    Even with art that is not perfect, this is still a high point for Avengers. Within playing such a long form narrative game fans should look forward too Hickman paying off this story in the future. The Hawkeye character is dialed up too a bit of a jerk here, yet it still works because the remaining characters of the team are so deadly serious. The team dynamic between the characters has been one of the best parts of the series so far. This issue also teases the big things coming for the title in Infinity. For now fans should simply enjoy a quieter Avengers story with a few beautiful moments. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jun 5, 2013

    Nick Spencer joins Jonathan Hickman on writing duties for this issue. Truth be told, I couldn't even tell that he was on this issue. That's a good thing, right? It's always hard to tell which parts came from which writer in these types of situations, but the good news is the the dialogue hits hard, the pacing is great, and the message of this two-part story rings loud and clear by the end. This series has admittedly been hit or miss for me because it's being told in such a disjointed manner, but this is definitely a chapter I can get behind. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jun 10, 2013

    While there are still some small problems, Hickman and Spencer does a bit better here by providing us with a smaller amount of teasing and focusing more on Hyperion and his desire to protect the children. With some great effort from Deodato and Martin, it's also quite pretty to look at too. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Barron Network - Bigyanks Jun 10, 2013

    The action scene were pretty bad-ass. We see the High Evolutionary have the children going into chambers, at first your thinking he's about to change the children into horrific beasts. but nope he just uses them as batteries to resurrect The Terminus. Everything was all in the dialogue, Hickman and Spencer are just doing fantastic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Jun 8, 2013

    With 'Age of Ultron' coming to an end, I know that a prelude to this summer's 'Infinity' will be coming soon in the pages of 'Avengers,' and I will be here waiting with open arms for that to begin. But as excited as I am for the next big event in the Marvel Universe, I feel like I'm this excited for every issue of 'Avengers' because it's just such a quality book. I probably say this in every one of my reviews for it, but Jonathan Hickman is just a master of his craft and he has yet to disappoint me during his run with Earth's Mightiest Heroes.I have high hopes for the crossover story that's spinning out from his books. Hopefully it doesn't end up disappointing me like 'Age of Ultron' has with their most recent issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Jun 6, 2013

    I really enjoy Hickman's writing since I've started reading his Marvel work with Secret Warriors. However, I've bee disappointed with Avengers (unlike New Avengers) that it's often been slow, filled with big ideas that are often not very well explained. However, this issue is the second of 2 part arc, with the help of Nick Spencer and Mike Dedato, that really humanizes Hyperion, the stoic Superman like figure that Hickman added at the beginning of the series. I have enjoyed that with the large team, Hickman has teamed up character like Thor, Hawkeye, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Woman & Hyperion, which often provides more comedy than is expected. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Jun 5, 2013

    Then, unfortunately, one turns back to the grander scheme, and fails to see how this issue fits in with all of the rest. With all of the great series being published by Marvel right now, this series is probably mainly for Hickman diehards, as it's tough to see the average comic reader wanting to experience this series through singles instead of trades. Though, one does find oneself waiting for the shoe to drop and all of the pieces to click together, and knowing Hickman, that seems to be just a matter of time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Jun 6, 2013

    Its a simple story but it gets the job done, carried to a fitting conclusion by Deodatos dynamic and engaging pencils. A decent read with consistent artwork and some interesting guest appearances. Not exactly a mind-blower, but a solid issue nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jun 6, 2013

    The artwork is fine, but like the last issue, that's pretty much it. Everything is done competently, but nothing about it really stands out except for when a Terminus appears and crushes Iron Man's robot. Not much else to say honestly. 4.0 The artwork is nice.All of the writing is competent.This issue and the last could have easily been combined into one.Some oddball moments in the writing.Not enough content to justify the price.The storytelling is too decompressed. Read Full Review

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