Now a full-blown Leviathan, the Avengers attempts to save Marrina, yet destroy the beast she has become. Dr. Pym comes up with a temporary solution involving Pym particles, but will they be able to save her life? Plus, the mysterious woman tormenting Dr. Druid turns out to be a member of the Kang Korps.
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(Cover Date: July, 1988)
Summary: Dr. Druid creates the illusion of a sinking ship to draw the leviathan into attacking Atlantis, thereby convincing Namor that it must be killed. The Avengers track down the leviathan to find it destroying a ship. It is shot with a viral recombinant DNA harpoon developed by Dr. Pym. The creature turns back into Marrina. "Fred Flintstone " Kang is accepted into the Council of Cross-Time Kangs & is befriended by "Nebula" Kang. While Namor is flying with Marrina, she turns back into the leviathan. Thor & Captain Marvel combine their power to try to electrocute the creature to death, but it is to no avail. The Black Knight screams & passes out after Namor plunges his ebony blade into the head of the l more