Amazing Spider-Man #531

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Tyler Kirkham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 26, 2006 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 10
7.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Peter Parker's trip to Washington with his boss Tony Stark has been a real doozy. As if suffering politicians who want to impose all sort of new rules on guys like him isn't enough, he's also got to deal with the monstrous might of the Titanium Man! Good thing for Spidey, his new costume's got some very special features - Get ready, True Believer. The clouds are quickly building on the horizon for a storm that will shake the entire Marvel Universe next month!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey May 26, 2006

    In The End: This issue literally had the best balance of action and drama that I've seen in awhile. I'm glad that this seems to be a developing trend in the comics I read. Straczynski nails another issue of Amazing Spider-Man and gets me excited about the upcoming event. This is something that both DC and Marvel have been doing over the past year, and I'm glad for it because it is always nice when the final product lives up to the hype. I feel bad for Peter because he is about to be put in a very awkward position. Of course, this is his lot in life; thrown into something he's not quite prepared for and forced to make some hard decisions about how to deal with it. Still it's dramatic and that makes all the difference. Straczynski had a good idea what makes the character tick today and as long as he keeps writing the character I'll keep buying the title. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 28, 2006

    As a single issue, this wasn't a terribly exciting issue. But, what it was supposed to be was the calm before the storm. This was all pure set up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Sam Kirkland May 1, 2006

    Kirkham's art has some major flaws, making him a bizarre choice for such a high-profile assignment. Still, Straczynski's characterization of both main characters is strong and well worth the price of admission. The writer proves just how far Tony Stark is willing to go to do what he believes is in the best interests of superheroes and the world at large, making Amazing Spider-Man #531 an essential piece of the ever-expanding Civil War puzzle. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace May 2, 2006

    JMS takes the chance hes given towards the end of the issue to reaffirm some of Spideys key values as the Senate hearings on super-hero registration draw to a close, in a neat little speech which states the case in favour of the masked heroes plainly and simply (and in a manner which might seem clich if it came from anyone but Spidey). Nevertheless, the Senators rebuttal of his argument is an equally deft piece of writing from JMS and provides a surprisingly effective counter to Peters reasoning, which sets up the two sides of the Civil War in an unfussy and easily-comprehensible way. Bar a last-minute gratuitous Mary Jane shower scene, its a solid way to tie up the story, and JMS has clearly done his best with a plot which carries more than a whiff of editorial mandate. Of course, the final pages provide a segue into the opening events of the Civil War series, and I understand that the next big arc in this issue will also be a direct tie-in with Marvels big summer event, whi Read Full Review

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