Amazing Spider-Man #526

Writer: Reginald Hudlin Artist: Mike Deodato Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 23, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 8
5.7Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

It's cover-to-cover action as Spider-Man faces off against Morlun - and this time there's no Ezekiel to help him. Sit down for this one, True Believer - you've never seen a fight quite like this, as Spidey faces the one foe he's never beaten!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Nov 29, 2005

    Above all though, this issue makes most of its impact due to a knockout cliffhanger, which in other hands could have amounted to little more than empty shock tactics. Luckily, the ending of this issue is lent a certain amount of finesse and infinitely more power through the grim and grisly detail that Mike Deodato adds to the scene. Combining his brutal visuals with Hudlins mercifully economic and surprisingly affecting writing was a smart move, as it enables the raw drama and emotional impact of the scene to really shine through. As jaded comics readers, we know that Spider-Man isnt going to be dead and gone in any meaningful way (hell, weve just read about his appearances in Marvels solicitations for February). However, its testament to Deodatos skill as an artist that he almost had me believing it. That final image of Spidey, bloodied, battered and possibly no longer alive is one of the most stunning, emotive and iconic Spider-Man visuals Ive seen in years, and it herald Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Dec 6, 2005

    In The End: Though I was resolved to read this arc after the eventual trade saw print, I could not resist picking this issue up, if only to add Deodatos cool blue tinted cover (thought at first I thought that was Logan clutching at Spidey until I remembered it was part of The Other storyline) to my Spidey collection, but it remains to be seen whether Marvels through tinkering with their flagship hero. When will they ever learn: if it aint broke? Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Nov 28, 2005

    Mike Deodato does quite a good job on the art, particularly in conveying the desperate savagery of the battle (as did JRJR when he drew this the first time around), but that aside, this is another atrocious episode of Marvel's big Spider-Man story event. I've long been calling for closer links between the multiple Spider-Man titles, but if this is the result then Marvel shouldn't have bothered; I'd prefer to go back to the days of loose continuity, when it almost seemed like we were peering into alternate reality versions of the character at times. Even better, let's go back to the days of just one Spider-Man title. Perhaps then the four (!) editors would have time to exert some tiny, miniscule, infinitesimal smidgeon of quality control over their supposedly flagship title. Read Full Review

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