Amazing Spider-Man #520

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Matt Milla Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 25, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
6.0Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

An explosive story in the Mighty Marvel Manner!
In this tale for the ages, written by Stupendous J. Michael Straczynski and penciled by Magnificent Mike Deodato, Peter and the family are forced to deal with the radical changes in their lives.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 2, 2005

    It's become pretty clear that Mike Deodato's work is at it's best when he's delivering the out-of-costume aspects of the story, as when he's called upon to deliver the action sequences, the art comes across as a little flat, and the battles lack the proper sense of energy. I mean his work on the opening sequence as Aunt May wakes up to start another day was a great little sequence, and how can one not love her expression when she decides to give Jarvis a day off. The big confrontation scene between Logan and Aunt May is also a lot of fun thanks largely to the reaction panels that follow Aunt May's efforts. The art also does a pretty nice job of selling the underlying danger of that final page revelation without coming right out and showing the readers what the threat is. I do wish this title would show a little more imagination when it comes to it's covers though, as the continual shots of Spider-Man moving though the city are getting old. I'm also not quite sold on the new cover logo, Read Full Review

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