Amazing Spider-Man #513

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Mike Deodato Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 7
4.7Critic Rating
3.6User Rating

SINS PAST PART 5 Two villains plucked from Peter’s past have emerged, and they threaten to destroy everything that Spider-Man holds dear!

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Oct 31, 2004

    * Ive been getting a lot of complaints about this. I should mention that Ive actually really liked Deodatos work in the past, but his work on this title has been below-average. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Oct 31, 2004

    This issue is okay, it continues the story and plays out the drama in a very nice fashion and nice pace. It doesnt completely feel like its being dragged out for a trade like some of the previous story arcs in this run. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 31, 2004

    Mike Deodato Jr. turns in some solid work capturing the emotions of these characters, as one has to image its quite difficult to convey the emotional reactions of a character wearing a full face mask, but thanks to a solid understanding of body language, and fine display of how to heighten the visual impact of a scene using tricks like the extreme close-up, I had no problem following Peter's various reactions to key developments in this issue. Now the rescue scene involving the falling Sarah never quite manages to match the impact of Gwens fateful plunge, but most of the fault for this lies at the feet of the writing which never quite developed the character so that one would be emotional invested in what happened to her. I will say that the one-page spread that shows the ends result of Peters efforts made for a nice big impact moment, and I also rather enjoyed the sense of dread that is projected by that final page discovery. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Oct 31, 2004

    Theres a tacky replay of Gwens fall, and a humorous intro that is just queasy-making in this context. Deodatos art is serviceable but uninspired. Its an abundance of dialogue, in a conversation wed have been better off avoiding. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Oct 31, 2004

    Amongst this phoned-in script is some dazzling artwork from Mike Deodato Jr., whose faces are as emotive as ever and whose action sequences are definitely improving since his first couple of issues in the title. Whether handling a moody shot of Spidey on the Brooklyn bridge or some light silliness with a Spider-Man fanatic, the artist acquits himself well--but even he cant turn a hollow, predictable story into an enjoyable piece of comics art. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 31, 2004

    In short, "Sins of the Past" in Amazing Spider-Man is one of the finest arguments for abortion I have ever read. I'm betting a bipartisan committee would agree. Shame on Straczynski. Shame on Marvel. Read Full Review

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