To keep his identity as the Wallcrawler safe from J. Jonah Jameson, Peter allows himself to be thrown out of a window by the Prowler…
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(Cover Date: December, 1969)
Summary: Peter throws himself out of the window so that he may return as Spidey to confront the Prowler. After they scuffle, the Prowler escapes from Spidey using his gas pellets. Hobie thinks that he will be accused of killing Peter. He decides to clear his name by capturing Spidey & delivering him to the police. Later, Spidey finds the Prowler robbing a jewelry store. The Prowler tries to escape after his gas pellets don't work due to Spidey's gas filter. Spidey catches him & unmasks him. After hearing Hobie's story, Spidey decides to let him go, since he hasn't done any real harm yet.