100th Anniversary |
5 |
15-Love (2011) |
3 |
1602 |
8 |
1602: Fantastick Four |
5 |
1602: New World |
5 |
1602: Witch Hunter Angela |
4 |
1872 |
3 |
2020 Force Works |
3 |
2020 Iron Age |
1 |
2020 Ironheart |
2 |
2020 iWolverine |
2 |
2020 Machine Man |
2 |
2020 Rescue |
3 |
5 Ronin |
5 |
A Year Of Marvels |
5 |
A+X |
16 |
A-Babies vs. X-Babies |
1 |
A-Force |
5 |
A-Force (2016) |
10 |
A.X.E. One-Shots |
5 |
A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants |
3 |
A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment (2022) |
1 |
A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) |
7 |
Absolute Carnage (2019) |
5 |
Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool |
3 |
Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors |
3 |
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales |
3 |
Absolute Carnage: Scream |
3 |
Acts of Evil |
8 |
Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel |
5 |
Adventure Into Fear (1970) |
31 |
Adventures of Spider-Man (1996) |
12 |
Adventures of the X-Men (1996) |
12 |
Aero |
12 |
Age of Apocalypse (2005) |
6 |
Age of Apocalypse (2012) |
14 |
Age of Apocalypse (2015) |
5 |
Age of Conan: Belit |
5 |
Age of Conan: Valeria |
5 |
Age of Heroes |
3 |
Age of the Sentry |
2 |
Age of Ultron |
11 |
Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies |
4 |
Age of X Alpha |
1 |
Age of X-Man |
3 |
Age Of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts |
5 |
Age Of X-Man: NextGen |
5 |
Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X |
5 |
Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler |
5 |
Age Of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men |
5 |
Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists |
5 |
Age of X: Universe |
2 |
Agent Carter: SHIELD 50th Anniversary |
1 |
Agent X |
15 |
Agents Of Atlas (2006) |
6 |
Agents Of Atlas (2009) |
11 |
Agents of Atlas (2019) |
6 |
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. |
10 |
Alien (2021) |
12 |
Alien (2022) |
6 |
Alien (2023) |
9 |
Alien Legion (1984) |
20 |
Alien: Black, White & Blood (2024) |
4 |
Alien: Paradiso (2024) |
4 |
Alien: Romulus Annual (2024) |
1 |
Aliens vs. Avengers (2024) |
3 |
Aliens: Aftermath (2021) |
1 |
Aliens: What If...? (2024) |
5 |
All Winners Squad: Band of Heroes |
2 |
All-New All-Different Avengers |
16 |
All-New All-Different Marvel Point One |
1 |
All-New Captain America (2014) |
6 |
All-New Captain America: Fear Him |
2 |
All-New Doop |
5 |
All-New Ghost Rider |
12 |
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy |
12 |
All-New Hawkeye |
5 |
All-New Hawkeye (2015) |
6 |
All-New Inhumans |
11 |
All-New Invaders |
13 |
All-New Marvel NOW Point One |
1 |
All-New Miracleman Annual |
1 |
All-New Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe A-Z |
1 |
All-New Savage She-Hulk |
4 |
All-New Ultimates |
12 |
All-New Venom (2024) |
4 |
All-New Wolverine |
35 |
All-New X-Factor |
20 |
All-New X-Men |
41 |
All-New X-Men (2015) |
19 |
All-New, All-Different Avengers (FCBD 2015) |
1 |
All-Out Avengers (2022) |
5 |
Alligator Loki (2023) |
2 |
Alligator Loki Infinity Comics (2022) |
34 |
Alpha Flight (1983) |
130 |
Alpha Flight (2004) |
12 |
Alpha Flight (2011) |
9 |
Alpha Flight (2023) |
5 |
Alpha Flight: True North |
1 |
Alpha: Big Time |
5 |
Amazing Fantasy (1962) |
1 |
Amazing Fantasy (1995) |
3 |
Amazing Fantasy (2004) |
20 |
Amazing Fantasy (2021) |
5 |
Amazing Fantasy (2022) |
1 |
Amazing Mary Jane (2019) |
6 |
Amazing Spider-Girl (2006) |
31 |
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(Fly) Effect |
4 |
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) |
442 |
Amazing Spider-Man (1999) |
267 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) |
28 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) |
51 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) |
106 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) |
71 |
Amazing Spider-Man Extra |
3 |
Amazing Spider-Man Presents Jackpot |
3 |
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son |
4 |
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat |
4 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt (2024) |
3 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Cinematic Infinite Comic (2014) |
1 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Daily Bugle |
2 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business |
1 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big |
1 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows |
5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) |
23 |
Amazing Spider-Man: The Movie (2012) |
2 |
Amazing Spider-Man: The Movie Adaptation(2014) |
2 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. |
2 |
Amazing X-Men (1995) |
4 |
Amazing X-Men (2013) |
19 |
America |
12 |
America Chavez: Made in the USA |
5 |
American Dream |
5 |
Angel: Revelations |
5 |
Angela: Asgard's Assassin |
6 |
Angela: Queen Of Hel |
7 |
Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned: The Ingnue |
2 |
Annihilation |
6 |
Annihilation - Scourge |
6 |
Annihilation 2099 (2024) |
5 |
Annihilation: Conquest |
6 |
Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar |
4 |
Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord |
4 |
Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith |
4 |
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus |
2 |
Annihilation: Nova |
4 |
Annihilation: Ronan |
4 |
Annihilation: Silver Surfer |
4 |
Annihilation: Super-Skrull |
4 |
Annihilators |
4 |
Annihilators: Earthfall |
4 |
Ant-Man & the Wasp |
3 |
Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018) |
5 |
Ant-Man & The Wasp: Living Legends |
1 |
Ant-Man (2015) |
5 |
Ant-Man (2020) |
5 |
Ant-Man (2022) |
4 |
Ant-Man's Big Christmas (2000) |
1 |
Ant-Man: Larger Than Life |
1 |
Ant-Man: Season One |
1 |
Anti-Venom: New Ways to Live |
3 |
Apache Skies |
4 |
Arana (2005) |
12 |
Ares (2006) |
5 |
Armor Wars |
5 |
Asgardians of the Galaxy |
10 |
Assault On New Olympus Prologue |
1 |
Astonishing Ant-Man |
13 |
Astonishing Iceman (2023) |
6 |
Astonishing Spider-Man And Wolverine |
6 |
Astonishing Tales (2009) |
6 |
Astonishing Thor |
5 |
Astonishing X-Men (1995) |
4 |
Astonishing X-Men (2004) |
68 |
Astonishing X-Men (2017) |
17 |
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes |
2 |
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis |
5 |
Atlantis Attacks |
5 |
Atlas |
5 |
Avengers & X-Men: Axis |
9 |
Avengers (1963) |
403 |
Avengers (1996) |
12 |
Avengers (1998) |
89 |
Avengers (2010) |
36 |
Avengers (2012) |
46 |
Avengers (2016) |
35 |
Avengers (2018) |
66 |
Avengers (2023) |
24 |
Avengers / Invaders |
12 |
Avengers / Thunderbolts |
6 |
Avengers 1959 |
4 |
Avengers A.I. |
7 |
Avengers Academy |
40 |
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic (2024) |
15 |
Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet |
2 |
Avengers Arena |
18 |
Avengers Assemble |
25 |
Avengers Assemble (2022) |
2 |
Avengers Assemble (2024) |
6 |
Avengers Beyond (2023) |
5 |
Avengers Classic |
1 |
Avengers Fairy Tales |
2 |
Avengers Forever (1998) |
12 |
Avengers Forever (2021) |
15 |
Avengers Forever Infinity Comics (20220 |
4 |
Avengers Inc. (2023) |
5 |
Avengers Next (2006) |
5 |
Avengers of the Wastelands |
5 |
Avengers Origins (2011) |
5 |
Avengers Prime |
5 |
Avengers Spotlight |
1 |
Avengers Spotlight (1989) |
20 |
Avengers Standoff |
3 |
Avengers Undercover |
10 |
Avengers United Infinity Comic |
46 |
Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic |
61 |
Avengers vs. Atlas (2010) |
4 |
Avengers vs. the Pet Avengers |
1 |
Avengers Vs. X-Men |
13 |
Avengers vs. X-Men: Infinite |
3 |
Avengers World |
22 |
Avengers: 1,000,000 B.C. |
1 |
Avengers: Back To Basics |
1 |
Avengers: Children's Crusade |
9 |
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes |
5 |
Avengers: Edge of Infinity |
1 |
Avengers: Endless Wartime |
1 |
Avengers: Loki Unleashed! (2019) |
1 |
Avengers: Mech Strike (2021) |
5 |
Avengers: Millennium |
1 |
Avengers: No More Bullying |
1 |
Avengers: No Road Home |
10 |
Avengers: Rage Of Ultron OGN |
1 |
Avengers: Shards of Infinity |
1 |
Avengers: Solo (2011) |
5 |
Avengers: Tech-On |
6 |
Avengers: The Enemy Within |
1 |
Avengers: The Initiative |
35 |
Avengers: The Initiative Featuring Reptil |
1 |
Avengers: The Origin |
3 |
Avengers: Twilight (2024) |
6 |
Avengers: Ultron Forever |
1 |
Avengers: War Across Time (2023) |
5 |
Avengers: West Coast (1985) |
102 |
Avengers: X-Sanction |
4 |
AVX: Consequences |
5 |
6 |
Axis: Carnage |
3 |
Axis: Hobgoblin |
3 |
Axis: Revolutions |
2 |
Balder the Brave (1985) |
4 |
Battle Scars |
6 |
Beauty and the Beast (1984) |
4 |
Ben Reilly: Spider-Man (2022) |
5 |
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider |
25 |
Beta Ray Bill (2021) |
5 |
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter |
3 |
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain (2023) |
5 |
Beware the Planet of the Apes (2024) |
4 |
Beyond |
6 |
Beyond (2022) |
1 |
Big Hero 6 (2008) |
5 |
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad |
5 |
Bishop: The Last X-Man (1999) |
16 |
Bishop: War College (2023) |
5 |
Bizarre Adventures |
1 |
Black Bolt |
12 |
Black Cat (2019) |
12 |
Black Cat (2020) |
10 |
Black Knight |
1 |
Black Knight (2015) |
5 |
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade |
5 |
Black Panther & the Crew |
6 |
Black Panther (1977) |
16 |
Black Panther (1988) |
4 |
Black Panther (1998) |
62 |
Black Panther (2005) |
41 |
Black Panther (2009) |
12 |
Black Panther (2016) |
25 |
Black Panther (2018) |
25 |
Black Panther (2021) |
15 |
Black Panther (2023) |
10 |
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda |
8 |
Black Panther vs. Deadpool |
5 |
Black Panther: Blood Hunt (2024) |
3 |
Black Panther: Legends (2021) |
4 |
Black Panther: Long Live The King |
6 |
Black Panther: Prelude |
2 |
Black Panther: The Man Without Fear |
18 |
Black Panther: The Sound And The Fury |
1 |
Black Panther: World of Wakanda |
6 |
Black Widow & Hawkeye (2024) |
4 |
Black Widow & the Marvel Girls |
1 |
Black Widow (2004) |
6 |
Black Widow (2010) |
8 |
Black Widow (2014) |
20 |
Black Widow (2016) |
12 |
Black Widow (2019) |
5 |
Black Widow (2020) |
15 |
Black Widow 2 |
1 |
Black Widow Infinity Comic |
1 |
Black Widow Strikes |
2 |
Black Widow: Deadly Origin |
4 |
Black Widow: Pale Little Spider (2002) |
3 |
Black Widow: The Things They Say About Her |
6 |
Black Widow: Venomous (2024) |
1 |
Black Widow: Widow's Sting (2020) |
1 |
Blade (1998) |
3 |
Blade (1999) |
7 |
Blade (2002) |
6 |
Blade (2006) |
12 |
Blade (2023) |
10 |
Blade 2: Movie Adaptation (2002) |
1 |
Blade Cybercomic (1998) |
1 |
Blade: Nightstalking (2005) |
1 |
Blade: Red Band (2024) |
5 |
Blade: Sins of the Father (1998) |
1 |
Blade: Vampire Nation (2022) |
1 |
Blink (2001) |
4 |
Blood Hunt (2024) |
6 |
Blood Hunters (2024) |
9 |
Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) |
5 |
Bloodstone (2001) |
4 |
Books of Doom (2006) |
6 |
Breaking into Comics the Marvel Way |
2 |
Breaking Into Marvel Comics |
1 |
Bubble Funnies (1981) |
6 |
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier |
11 |
Bullet Points |
2 |
Bullseye (2017) |
5 |
Bullseye: Greatest Hits (2004) |
5 |
Bullseye: Perfect Game |
1 |
Cable & Deadpool |
50 |
Cable (1993) |
108 |
Cable (2008) |
26 |
Cable (2017) |
15 |
Cable (2020) |
12 |
Cable (2024) |
4 |
Cable and X-Force |
19 |
Cable King-Size Spectacular |
1 |
Cable/Deadpool Annual |
1 |
Cable: Blood and Metal |
2 |
Cable: Love and Chrome (2025) |
3 |
Cage (1992) |
20 |
Cage (2002) |
5 |
Cage (2016) |
4 |
Captain America & The Invaders |
1 |
Captain America & the Korvac Saga |
1 |
Captain America & the Winter Soldier (2022) |
1 |
Captain America & Volstagg (2025) |
1 |
Captain America (1941) |
78 |
Captain America (1968) |
355 |
Captain America (1996) |
12 |
Captain America (1998) |
50 |
Captain America (2002) |
32 |
Captain America (2004) |
93 |
Captain America (2011) |
19 |
Captain America (2012) |
25 |
Captain America (2017) |
10 |
Captain America (2018) |
31 |
Captain America (2023) |
16 |
Captain America (FCBD 2016) |
1 |
Captain America / Black Panther: Flags of our Fathers |
4 |
Captain America / Iron Man (2021) |
5 |
Captain America 65th Anniversary Special |
1 |
Captain America 70th Anniversary Special |
1 |
Captain America and Batroc the Leaper |
1 |
Captain America and Crossbones |
1 |
Captain America And The Falcon |
14 |
Captain America and the First Thirteen |
1 |
Captain America And The Mighty Avengers |
9 |
Captain America and the Secret Avengers |
1 |
Captain America Anniversary Tribute (2021) |
1 |
Captain America Corps |
5 |
Captain America Infinity Comic |
4 |
Captain America the '40s Newspaper Strip |
1 |
Captain America The Movie! (1992) |
1 |
Captain America: Cold War (2023) |
2 |
Captain America: Hail Hydra |
5 |
Captain America: Living Legend |
3 |
Captain America: Man Out of Time |
5 |
Captain America: Patriot |
4 |
Captain America: Peggy Carter, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. |
1 |
Captain America: Reborn |
6 |
Captain America: Road to War |
1 |
Captain America: Sam Wilson |
25 |
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (1998) |
12 |
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022) |
13 |
Captain America: Steve Rogers |
19 |
Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) |
15 |
Captain America: The 1940s Newspaper Strip |
1 |
Captain America: The Chosen (2007) |
6 |
Captain America: The Fighting Avenger |
1 |
Captain America: The First Vengeance |
3 |
Captain America: Theater of War |
8 |
Captain America: What Price Glory? |
4 |
Captain America: White |
6 |
Captain America: Who Will Wield the Shield? |
1 |
Captain America: Who Won't Wield The Shield |
1 |
Captain Britain and MI:13 (2008) |
15 |
Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders |
2 |
Captain Carter (2022) |
5 |
Captain Marvel (1968) |
62 |
Captain Marvel (2000) |
35 |
Captain Marvel (2002) |
25 |
Captain Marvel (2007) |
5 |
Captain Marvel (2012) |
17 |
Captain Marvel (2014) |
15 |
Captain Marvel (2016) |
10 |
Captain Marvel (2017) |
5 |
Captain Marvel (2019) |
50 |
Captain Marvel (2023) |
10 |
Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps |
4 |
Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel: Secret Invasion Infiltration |
1 |
Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden (2023) |
1 |
Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest (2023) |
5 |
Captain Universe: Universal Heroes (2006) |
5 |
Capwolf & the Howling Commandos (2023) |
4 |
Carnage (2010) |
5 |
Carnage (2015) |
16 |
Carnage (2022) |
14 |
Carnage (2023) |
8 |
Carnage Forever (2022) |
1 |
Carnage Reigns (2023) |
2 |
Carnage USA |
5 |
Carnage: Black, White & Blood |
4 |
Carnage: Mind Bomb (1995) |
1 |
Casper (1995) |
1 |
Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand |
6 |
Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man |
3 |
Cataclysm: Ultimate X-Men |
3 |
Cataclysm: Ultimates |
3 |
Cavalry: 50 Years of S.H.I.E.L.D. |
1 |
Champions (1975) |
17 |
Champions (2016) |
27 |
Champions (2019) |
10 |
Champions (2020) |
10 |
Chaos War |
5 |
Chaos War: Alpha Flight |
1 |
Chaos War: Ares |
1 |
Chaos War: Chaos King |
1 |
Chaos War: Dead Avengers |
2 |
Chaos War: God Squad |
1 |
Chaos War: Thor |
2 |
Chaos War: X-Men |
2 |
Chasm: Curse of Kaine (2024) |
4 |
Children of the Atom (2021) |
6 |
Children of the Vault (2023) |
4 |
Chris Claremont Anniversary Special (2021) |
1 |
Civil War |
7 |
Civil War (2015) |
5 |
Civil War II |
9 |
Civil War II (FCBD 2016) |
1 |
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man |
4 |
Civil War II: Choosing Sides |
6 |
Civil War II: Gods of War |
4 |
Civil War II: Kingpin |
4 |
Civil War II: Ulysses |
3 |
Civil War II: X-Men |
4 |
Civil War: Front Line |
11 |
Civil War: House of M |
5 |
Civil War: X-Men |
4 |
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways |
1 |
Clandestine |
5 |
ClanDestine (v2) |
1 |
Claws |
3 |
Cloak and Dagger (1983) |
4 |
Cloak and Dagger (1985) |
11 |
Cloak and Dagger (1988) |
19 |
Cloak and Dagger (2010) |
1 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) |
5 |
Cloak and Dagger and Power Pack: Shelter from the Storm |
1 |
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure |
3 |
Clobberin' Time (2023) |
5 |
Code of Honor (1997) |
4 |
Conan The Barbarian (1970) |
149 |
Conan The Barbarian (1997) |
3 |
Conan The Barbarian (2019) |
25 |
Conan The Barbrian Giant-Size (1974) |
5 |
Conan: Battle For The Serpent Crown |
5 |
Conan: Serpent War |
4 |
Conquest 2099 (2024) |
5 |
Contagion |
5 |
Contest Of Champions |
10 |
Contest Of Champions II (1999) |
5 |
Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) |
5 |
Cosmic Ghost Rider (2023) |
6 |
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History |
6 |
Cosmo The Spacedog Infinity Comic (2023) |
6 |
Crazy (2019) |
1 |
Crimson Dynamo (2003) |
6 |
CrossGen Tales (2022) |
1 |
Crypt of Shadows (1973) |
21 |
Crypt of Shadows (2019) |
1 |
Crypt of Shadows (2022) |
1 |
Crypt of Shadows (2023) |
1 |
Crypt of Shadows (2024) |
1 |
Cult of Carnage: Misery (2023) |
5 |
Curse of the Man-Thing (2021) |
3 |
Curse of the Mutants: X-Men vs. Vampires |
1 |
Cyclops |
1 |
Cyclops (2014) |
12 |
D.P.7 (1986) |
32 |
Daken: Dark Wolverine |
24 |
Damage Control |
1 |
Damage Control (2022) |
5 |
Damnation: Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider |
1 |
Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider (2023) |
4 |
Daredevil & Echo (2023) |
4 |
Daredevil (1964) |
381 |
Daredevil (1998) |
132 |
Daredevil (2011) |
37 |
Daredevil (2014) |
21 |
Daredevil (2015) |
46 |
Daredevil (2019) |
36 |
Daredevil (2022) |
14 |
Daredevil (2023) |
18 |
Daredevil / Punisher |
4 |
Daredevil / Punisher: The Seventh Circle |
2 |
Daredevil / Spider-Man (2001) |
4 |
Daredevil and Captain America: Dead on Arrival |
1 |
Daredevil Noir |
4 |
Daredevil vs. Punisher |
5 |
Daredevil: Battling Jack Murdock (2007) |
4 |
Daredevil: Black and White |
1 |
Daredevil: Black Armor (2023) |
4 |
Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula |
1 |
Daredevil: Dark Nights |
8 |
Daredevil: End of Days |
8 |
Daredevil: Father |
6 |
Daredevil: Gang War (2023) |
4 |
Daredevil: Love and War (1986) |
1 |
Daredevil: Reborn |
4 |
Daredevil: Redemption |
4 |
Daredevil: Road Warrior |
3 |
Daredevil: Season One |
1 |
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear |
5 |
Daredevil: The Movie (2003) |
1 |
Daredevil: The Target |
1 |
Daredevil: Unleash Hell Red Band (2025) |
3 |
Daredevil: Woman Without Fear |
3 |
Daredevil: Woman Without Fear (2024) |
4 |
Daredevil: Yellow |
6 |
Dark Ages (2021) |
6 |
Dark Agnes |
2 |
Dark Avengers |
32 |
Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men |
2 |
Dark Avengers: Ares |
2 |
Dark Reign: Elektra |
5 |
Dark Reign: Fantastic Four |
5 |
Dark Reign: Hawkeye |
5 |
Dark Reign: Lethal Legion |
1 |
Dark Reign: Mr. Negative |
3 |
Dark Reign: New Nation |
1 |
Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man |
4 |
Dark Reign: The Cabal |
1 |
Dark Reign: The Goblin Legacy |
1 |
Dark Reign: The Hood |
1 |
Dark Reign: The List (2009) |
8 |
Dark Reign: Young Avengers |
5 |
Dark Reign: Zodiac |
3 |
Dark Web (2022) |
2 |
Dark Web: Ms. Marvel |
2 |
Dark Web: X-Men |
3 |
Dark Wolverine |
16 |
Dark X-Men |
5 |
Dark X-Men (2023) |
5 |
Dark X-Men: The Beginning |
3 |
Dark X-Men: The Confession |
1 |
Darkhawk (1991) |
50 |
Darkhawk (2017) |
1 |
Darkhawk (2021) |
5 |
Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk |
1 |
Darkhold (2021) |
7 |
Darkhold: Pages From The Book Of Sins |
16 |
Darkstar and the Winter Guard |
3 |
Daughters of the Dragon |
6 |
Daughters of the Dragon (2018) |
3 |
Dazzler (1981) |
42 |
Dazzler (2010) |
1 |
Dazzler (2024) |
4 |
Dazzler: X-Song |
1 |
Dead Man Logan |
12 |
Dead X-Men (2024) |
4 |
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu |
3 |
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu: Gang War (2023) |
3 |
Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2022) |
5 |
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second |
3 |
Deadpool & The Mercs For Money |
5 |
Deadpool & The Mercs For Money (2016) |
10 |
Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII (2024) |
3 |
Deadpool (1997) |
71 |
Deadpool (2008) |
68 |
Deadpool (2012) |
45 |
Deadpool (2015) |
37 |
Deadpool (2018) |
15 |
Deadpool (2019) |
10 |
Deadpool (2022) |
10 |
Deadpool (2024) |
12 |
Deadpool / Wolverine (2025) |
3 |
Deadpool / Wolverine: Weapon X-Traction (2024) |
1 |
Deadpool and Cable |
2 |
Deadpool Bi-Annual |
1 |
Deadpool Corps |
6 |
Deadpool Dracula's Gauntlet |
7 |
Deadpool Kills Deadpool |
4 |
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe |
4 |
Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again |
5 |
Deadpool Killustrated |
4 |
Deadpool Pulp |
1 |
Deadpool Role-Plays The Marvel Universe (2024) |
1 |
Deadpool Team-Up |
13 |
Deadpool Team-Up (2024) |
5 |
Deadpool v Gambit |
5 |
Deadpool vs. Carnage |
4 |
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan |
5 |
Deadpool vs. Thanos |
3 |
Deadpool vs. The Punisher |
5 |
Deadpool vs. X-Force |
4 |
Deadpool's Art of War |
2 |
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars |
4 |
Deadpool: Assassin |
6 |
Deadpool: Back In Black |
5 |
Deadpool: Bad Blood |
1 |
Deadpool: Bad Blood (2022) |
4 |
Deadpool: Badder Blood (2023) |
5 |
Deadpool: Black, White & Blood |
4 |
Deadpool: Games of Death |
1 |
Deadpool: Invisible Touch Infinity Comic |
4 |
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic |
1 |
Deadpool: Masacre |
1 |
Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth |
7 |
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool (2018) |
6 |
Deadpool: Seven Slaughters (2023) |
1 |
Deadpool: Suicide Kings |
5 |
Deadpool: The Duck |
5 |
Deadpool: The Gauntlet |
6 |
Deadpool: Too Soon? |
4 |
Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War (2010) |
4 |
Death Of The Inhumans |
5 |
Death of the Venomverse (2023) |
5 |
Death Of Wolverine |
4 |
Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy |
5 |
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program |
4 |
Death of X |
4 |
Death's Head (2019) |
4 |
Deathlok (1990) |
4 |
Deathlok (1991) |
15 |
Deathlok (1999) |
11 |
Deathlok (2009) |
7 |
Deathlok (2014) |
10 |
Deathlok 50th Anniversary Special (2024) |
1 |
Defenders (1972) |
152 |
Defenders (2001) |
12 |
Defenders (2005) |
5 |
Defenders (2011) |
12 |
Defenders (2017) |
10 |
Defenders (2021) |
5 |
Defenders: Beyond (2022) |
5 |
Demon Days (2021) |
5 |
Demon Wars (2022) |
4 |
Despicable Deadpool |
14 |
Devil Dinosaur (1978) |
9 |
Devil Dinosaur Infinity Comic |
4 |
Devil Dinosaur: Spring Fling (1997) |
1 |
Devil's Reign (2021) |
6 |
Devil's Reign: Superior Four |
3 |
Devil's Reign: Villains For Hire |
3 |
Devil's Reign: X-Men |
3 |
Dexter |
5 |
Dexter Down Under |
5 |
Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird |
3 |
District X (2004) |
14 |
Doc Samson |
1 |
Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon (2025) |
1 |
Doctor Doom (2019) |
10 |
Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil (2009) |
4 |
Doctor Strange (1968) |
16 |
Doctor Strange (1974) |
81 |
Doctor Strange (2015) |
36 |
Doctor Strange (2018) |
20 |
Doctor Strange (2023) |
18 |
Doctor Strange / The Punisher: Magic Bullets |
4 |
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme |
12 |
Doctor Strange Of Asgard (2025) |
1 |
Doctor Strange Season One |
1 |
Doctor Strange: Damnation |
4 |
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise (2022) |
4 |
Doctor Strange: From The Marvel Vault |
1 |
Doctor Strange: Mystic Apprentice |
1 |
Doctor Strange: Nexus of Nightmares |
1 |
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme (1988) |
90 |
Doctor Strange: The Oath |
5 |
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural |
5 |
Doctor Voodoo: the Origin of Jericho Drumm |
1 |
Dogpool Infinity Comic (2024) |
3 |
Dominic Fortune |
2 |
Domino (2018) |
10 |
Domino: Hotshots |
5 |
Doom (2000) |
3 |
Doom (2024) |
1 |
Doom 2099 (1993) |
44 |
Doom Academy (2025) |
1 |
Doomwar (2010) |
6 |
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz |
2 |
Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil |
1 |
Dr. Strange (2019) |
6 |
Dracula Lives! (1973) |
13 |
Dracula: Blood Hunt (2024) |
3 |
Drax (2015) |
11 |
Drax the Destroyer |
4 |
Dreadstar (1982) |
64 |
E Is For Extinction |
4 |
Earth X (1999) |
15 |
Earths Mightiest Heroes (2004) |
8 |
Earths Mightiest Heroes II (2006) |
8 |
Eddie Brock: Carnage (2025) |
2 |
Edge of Spider-Geddon |
4 |
Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) |
5 |
Edge of Spider-Verse (2022) |
5 |
Edge of Spider-Verse (2023) |
4 |
Edge Of Spider-Verse (2024) |
4 |
Edge of Venomverse (2017) |
5 |
Edge of Venomverse Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) |
12 |
Electric Ant |
1 |
Elektra (1996) |
20 |
Elektra (2001) |
35 |
Elektra (2014) |
11 |
Elektra (2017) |
5 |
Elektra (2022) |
1 |
Elektra Lives Again |
1 |
Elektra: Assassin (1986) |
8 |
Elektra: Black, White & Blood |
4 |
Elektra: Glimpse and Echo |
4 |
Elektra: On the Rise (2005) |
1 |
Elektra: The Hand (2004) |
5 |
Elektra: The Movie (2005) |
1 |
Emerald City of Oz |
5 |
Emma |
1 |
Emma Frost (2003) |
18 |
Empyre |
8 |
Empyre: Avengers |
3 |
Empyre: Captain America |
3 |
Empyre: X-Men |
4 |
Enchanted Tiki Room |
5 |
Ender's Game: Battle School |
4 |
Ender's Game: Command School |
5 |
Ender's Shadow: Battle School |
3 |
Enter the Heroic Age |
1 |
Eternals (1976) |
19 |
Eternals (1985) |
12 |
Eternals (2006) |
7 |
Eternals (2008) |
9 |
Eternals (2021) |
12 |
Excalibur (1988) |
125 |
Excalibur (2004) |
14 |
Excalibur (2019) |
26 |
Exceptional X-Men (2024) |
7 |
Exiled |
1 |
Exiles (2001) |
100 |
Exiles (2009) |
6 |
Exiles (2018) |
12 |
Extermination (2018) |
5 |
Extraordinary X-Men |
20 |
Extreme Carnage (2021) |
8 |
Extreme Venomverse (2023) |
5 |
Factor X (1995) |
4 |
Falcon & Winter Soldier (2020) |
5 |
Falcon (2017) |
8 |
Fall of the House of X (2024) |
5 |
Fall of the Hulks |
2 |
Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk |
4 |
Fall of the Hulks: The Savage She-Hulks |
3 |
Fallen Angels (1987) |
8 |
Fallen Angels (2019) |
6 |
Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel (2023) |
1 |
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America |
5 |
Fantastic Five |
5 |
Fantastic Force |
1 |
Fantastic Four (1961) |
416 |
Fantastic Four (1996) |
12 |
Fantastic Four (1998) |
172 |
Fantastic Four (2012) |
17 |
Fantastic Four (2014) |
18 |
Fantastic Four (2018) |
48 |
Fantastic Four (2022) |
29 |
Fantastic Four 2099 (1996) |
8 |
Fantastic Four Anniversary Tribute (2021) |
1 |
Fantastic Four Cosmic-Size Special |
1 |
Fantastic Four in "Ataque Del M.O.D.O.K.! |
1 |
Fantastic Four Infinity Comic (2021) |
4 |
Fantastic Four Presents: Franklin Richards, Son of a Genius |
1 |
Fantastic Four vs. X-Men (1986) |
4 |
Fantastic Four: First Family |
2 |
Fantastic Four: 1 2 3 4 (2001) |
4 |
Fantastic Four: 2K Games (2007) |
1 |
Fantastic Four: Antithesis |
4 |
Fantastic Four: Foes (2005) |
6 |
Fantastic Four: Full Circle (2022) |
1 |
Fantastic Four: Grand Design (2019) |
2 |
Fantastic Four: House Of M |
3 |
Fantastic Four: Life Story |
6 |
Fantastic Four: Season One |
1 |
Fantastic Four: The End |
6 |
Fantastic Four: The Lost Adventure |
1 |
Fantastic Four: The Movie (2005) |
1 |
Fantastic Four: True Story |
3 |
Fantastic Four: Unstable Molecules |
4 |
Fantasy Masterpieces (1966) |
11 |
FCBD 2007: Marvel Adventures |
1 |
FCBD 2007: Spider-Man |
1 |
FCBD 2008: Marvel Adventures |
1 |
FCBD 2009: Avengers |
1 |
FCBD 2011: Amazing Spider-Man |
1 |
FCBD 2011: Infinity |
1 |
FCBD 2011: Thor: The Mighty Avenger |
1 |
FCBD 2014: Guardians of the Galaxy |
1 |
FCBD 2017: All-New Guardians of the Galaxy/Defenders |
1 |
FCBD 2017: Secret Empire/Spectacular Spider Man |
1 |
FCBD 2018: Amazing Spider-Man |
1 |
FCBD 2018: Avengers/Captain America |
1 |
FCBD 2019: Avengers |
1 |
FCBD 2019: Spider-Man |
1 |
FCBD 2020: Spider-Man/Venom |
1 |
FCBD 2020: X-Men |
1 |
FCBD 2021: Avengers/Hulk |
1 |
FCBD 2021: Spider-Man/Venom |
1 |
FCBD 2022: Avengers / X-Men |
1 |
FCBD 2022: Marvel's Voices |
1 |
FCBD 2022: Spider-Man / Venom |
1 |
FCBD 2023: Avengers / X-Men |
1 |
FCBD 2023: Marvel's Voices |
1 |
FCBD 2023: Spider-Man / Venom |
1 |
FCBD 2024: Blood Hunt / X-Men |
1 |
FCBD 2024: Marvel's Voices |
1 |
FCBD 2024: Star Wars / Darth Vader |
1 |
FCBD 2024: Ultimate Universe / Spider-Man |
1 |
Fear Itself |
10 |
Fear Itself: Deadpool |
3 |
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four |
3 |
Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula |
3 |
Fear Itself: Spider-Man |
3 |
Fear Itself: The Deep |
4 |
Fear Itself: The Fearless |
10 |
Fear Itself: The Home Front |
7 |
Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force |
3 |
Fear Itself: Wolverine |
3 |
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt |
6 |
Fearless (2019) |
4 |
FF |
23 |
FF (2012) |
16 |
Figment |
5 |
Figment 2 |
5 |
Fin Fang Four Return |
1 |
Firestar |
1 |
Foolkiller (2016) |
5 |
Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War |
5 |
Franken-Castle |
5 |
Frankenstein (1973) |
18 |
Franklin Richards |
5 |
Friday Slufest: Daredevil Black & White |
1 |
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2005) |
24 |
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) |
14 |
From the Marvel Vault (2011) |
5 |
Fury (1994) |
1 |
Fury (2023) |
1 |
Fury: Peacemaker (2006) |
6 |
Fury: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary |
1 |
Futurama Comics |
1 |
Future Fight Firsts |
3 |
Future Foundation (2019) |
5 |
Future Imperfect (2015) |
5 |
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (1982) |
155 |
G.O.D.S. (2023) |
8 |
Galactus the Devourer (1999) |
6 |
Gambit & The X-Ternals (1995) |
4 |
Gambit (1993) |
4 |
Gambit (1997) |
4 |
Gambit (1999) |
25 |
Gambit (2004) |
12 |
Gambit (2012) |
17 |
Gambit (2022) |
5 |
Gamma Flight |
5 |
Gamora |
5 |
Generation Hope |
17 |
Generation M (2005) |
5 |
Generation Next (1995) |
4 |
Generation X (1994) |
75 |
Generation X (2017) |
12 |
Generations (2017) |
10 |
GeNext |
4 |
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel (2022) |
5 |
George Romero's Empire of the Dead |
15 |
Get Fury (2024) |
6 |
Ghost Racers |
4 |
Ghost Rider (1967) |
7 |
Ghost Rider (1973) |
81 |
Ghost Rider (1990) |
94 |
Ghost Rider (2001) |
7 |
Ghost Rider (2005) |
6 |
Ghost Rider (2006) |
35 |
Ghost Rider (2011) |
9 |
Ghost Rider (2016) |
5 |
Ghost Rider (2019) |
7 |
Ghost Rider (2022) |
21 |
Ghost Rider / Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance (1992) |
23 |
Ghost Rider / Wolverine / Punisher (1991) |
2 |
Ghost Rider / Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance (2023) |
2 |
Ghost Rider 2099 (1994) |
25 |
Ghost Rider Trail of Tears (2007) |
6 |
Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch |
5 |
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance (2024) |
6 |
Ghost Rider: Kushala Infinity Comic |
3 |
Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance |
1 |
Ghost Rider: Robbie Reyes Special (2024) |
1 |
Ghost Rider: The Last Stand |
1 |
Ghost Riders: Heavens On Fire (2009) |
6 |
Ghost-Spider (2019) |
10 |
Giant Man (2019) |
3 |
Giant Size Hulk (2006) |
1 |
Giant Size Incredible Hulk |
1 |
Giant Size X-Men Forever |
1 |
Giant Sized X-Men First Class |
1 |
Giant-Size (2024) |
9 |
Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men |
1 |
Giant-Size Avengers (1974) |
5 |
Giant-Size Avengers/Invaders |
1 |
Giant-Size Defenders (1974) |
5 |
Giant-Size Dracula (1974) |
5 |
Giant-Size Fantastic Four (1974) |
7 |
Giant-Size Gwen Stacy (2022) |
1 |
Giant-Size Invaders |
1 |
Giant-Size Little Marvel AVX |
4 |
Giant-Size Little Marvels Infinity Comic |
7 |
Giant-Size Man-Thing (1974) |
5 |
Giant-Size Spider-Man (1974) |
5 |
Giant-Size Spider-Man (2014) |
1 |
Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up (1975) |
2 |
Giant-Size Werewolf By Night (1974) |
5 |
Giant-Size Wolverine |
1 |
Giant-Size X-Men (1975) |
4 |
Giant-Size X-Men (2020) |
7 |
Giant-Size X-Statix (2019) |
1 |
Girl Comics |
3 |
4 |
GLX-Mas Special |
1 |
Godzilla (1977) |
24 |
Gold Goblin (2022) |
5 |
Gorilla-Man |
3 |
Gravity |
3 |
Groot |
6 |
Groot (2023) |
4 |
Guardians |
1 |
Guardians 3000 |
8 |
Guardians of Infinity |
8 |
Guardians of Knowhere |
4 |
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex |
2 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) |
25 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) |
28 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) |
19 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) |
5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) |
12 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) |
18 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) |
10 |
Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite |
3 |
Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude Infinite Comic |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind (2022) |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Galaxy's Most Wanted |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy |
5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Telltale Games |
5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Jewel of Death Infinity Comic |
4 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers |
1 |
Guardians Team-Up |
10 |
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy |
1 |
Gun Theory (2003) |
2 |
Gunhawks (2019) |
1 |
Gwen Stacy (2020) |
2 |
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up |
1 |
Gwenpool Special |
1 |
Gwenpool Strikes Back |
5 |
Hail Hydra |
4 |
Hallows' Eve (2023) |
5 |
Halo: Blood Line |
2 |
Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant |
2 |
Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion |
1 |
Halo: Helljumper |
4 |
Halo: Uprising |
4 |
Hank Johnson, Agent of Hydra |
1 |
Haunted Mansion |
5 |
Hawkeye & Mockingbird |
6 |
Hawkeye (1983) |
4 |
Hawkeye (1994) |
4 |
Hawkeye (2003) |
8 |
Hawkeye (2012) |
22 |
Hawkeye (2016) |
16 |
Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool |
4 |
Hawkeye: Blindspot |
4 |
Hawkeye: Freefall |
6 |
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop (2021) |
5 |
Hellcat (2023) |
5 |
Hellhunters (2024) |
4 |
Hellions (2020) |
18 |
Hellstorm: Prince of Lies |
21 |
Hellstorm: Son of Satan (2006) |
5 |
Hellverine (2024) |
4 |
Hellverine (2025) |
4 |
Her-Oes |
1 |
Heralds |
4 |
Herc |
11 |
Hercules (1982) |
4 |
Hercules (1984) |
4 |
Hercules (2005) |
5 |
Hercules (2015) |
6 |
Hercules: Fall of an Avenger |
2 |
Hercules: Twilight of a God |
2 |
Heroes At Home (2020) |
1 |
Heroes for Hire (2006) |
15 |
Heroes for Hire (2010) |
12 |
Heroes Reborn (1999) |
6 |
Heroes Reborn (2021) |
7 |
Heroes Reborn: The Return (1997) |
4 |
Heroic Age: 1 Month 2 Live |
2 |
Heroic Age: Prince of Power |
3 |
History of the Marvel Universe (2019) |
6 |
Hit-Monkey (2010) |
3 |
House of Harkness Infinity Comic (2024) |
4 |
House Of M |
8 |
House Of M (2015) |
4 |
House of M: Avengers |
5 |
House of X |
6 |
How To Read Comics The Marvel Way (2021) |
4 |
Howard The Duck (1976) |
33 |
Howard the Duck (1979) |
9 |
Howard The Duck (2002) |
6 |
Howard The Duck (2007) |
4 |
Howard The Duck (2015) |
5 |
Howard The Duck (2016) |
11 |
Howard the Duck (2023) |
1 |
Howard the Human |
1 |
Howling Commandos |
1 |
Howling Commandos Of S.H.I.E.L.D |
6 |
Hulk & Thing: Hard Knocks |
4 |
Hulk (2008) |
68 |
Hulk (2014) |
16 |
Hulk (2016) |
11 |
Hulk (2021) |
14 |
Hulk / Wolverine: Six Hours |
4 |
Hulk 2099 (1994) |
10 |
Hulk and Power Pack (2007) |
4 |
Hulk Family: Green Genes |
1 |
Hulk Smash Avengers (2012) |
5 |
Hulk Team-Up |
1 |
Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom (2008) |
1 |
Hulk Vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide |
1 |
Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War (2022) |
1 |
Hulk: Blood Hunt (2024) |
1 |
Hulk: Broken Worlds (2009) |
2 |
Hulk: Gamma Games (2004) |
3 |
Hulk: Grand Design (2022) |
2 |
Hulk: Gray |
6 |
Hulk: Let The Battle Begin |
1 |
Hulk: Nightmerica (2003) |
6 |
Hulk: Raging Thunder |
1 |
Hulk: Season One (2012) |
1 |
Hulk: Smash (2001) |
2 |
Hulk: The Movie Adaptation (2003) |
1 |
Hulk: Unchained (2004) |
3 |
Hulk: Winter Guard |
2 |
Hulking & Wiccan Infinity Comic |
1 |
Hulkling & Wiccan (2022) |
1 |
Hulkverines |
3 |
Human Torch |
11 |
Hunger |
4 |
Hunt For Wolverine |
1 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda |
4 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Claws Of A Killer |
4 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor |
4 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost |
4 |
Hyperion |
6 |
I Am An Avenger |
1 |
I Am Groot |
5 |
I Am Iron Man (2023) |
5 |
Ice Man (2018) |
5 |
Iceman & Angel |
1 |
Iceman (1984) |
4 |
Iceman (2001) |
4 |
Iceman (2017) |
11 |
Identity Disc |
1 |
Illuminati (2015) |
7 |
Immoral X-Men (2023) |
3 |
Immortal Hulk |
51 |
Immortal Iron Fist |
27 |
Immortal Iron Fists |
6 |
Immortal She-Hulk |
1 |
Immortal Thor (2023) |
21 |
Immortal Weapons |
5 |
Immortal X-Men (2022) |
18 |
Incoming |
1 |
Incredible Hercules |
29 |
Incredible Hulk (1962) |
380 |
Incredible Hulk (1999) |
113 |
Incredible Hulk (2009) |
36 |
Incredible Hulk (2011) |
16 |
Incredible Hulk (2017) |
9 |
Incredible Hulk (2023) |
22 |
Incredible Hulk vs. Venom (1994) |
1 |
Incredible Hulk: Destruction |
4 |
Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect (1992) |
2 |
Incredible Hulk: Last Call |
1 |
Incredible Hulk: The Big Picture (2008) |
1 |
Incredible Hulk: The End |
1 |
Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force |
1 |
Indestructible Hulk |
21 |
Indomitable Iron Man |
1 |
Infamous Iron Man (2016) |
12 |
Infernal Man-Thing (2012) |
3 |
Inferno |
5 |
Inferno (2021) |
4 |
Infinity |
6 |
Infinity Comic Primer |
7 |
Infinity Countdown |
5 |
Infinity Countdown: Champions |
2 |
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk |
4 |
Infinity Crusade (1993) |
6 |
Infinity Gauntlet (1991) |
6 |
Infinity Gauntlet (2015) |
5 |
Infinity Heist |
4 |
Infinity Paws Infinity Comic (2024) |
10 |
Infinity War (1992) |
6 |
Infinity Wars (2018) |
6 |
Infinity Wars: Arachknight |
2 |
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther |
2 |
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps |
2 |
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer |
2 |
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker |
4 |
Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme |
2 |
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex |
2 |
Infinity Watch (2024) |
2 |
Infinity: Against the Tide |
1 |
Infinity: The Hunt |
4 |
Inhuman |
14 |
Inhumanity |
2 |
Inhumanity: The Awakening |
2 |
Inhumans (1975) |
12 |
Inhumans (1998) |
12 |
Inhumans (2000) |
4 |
Inhumans (2003) |
12 |
Inhumans Prime |
1 |
Inhumans: Attilan Rising |
5 |
Inhumans: Judgement Day |
1 |
Inhumans: Once And Future Kings |
5 |
International Iron Man |
7 |
Invaders (2019) |
12 |
Invincible Iron Man |
62 |
Invincible Iron Man (2015) |
14 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) |
19 |
Invincible Iron Man (2022) |
20 |
Invisible Woman (2019) |
5 |
Iron Cat (2022) |
5 |
Iron Fist (1975) |
15 |
Iron Fist (1996) |
2 |
Iron Fist (1998) |
3 |
Iron Fist (2004) |
6 |
Iron Fist (2017) |
15 |
Iron Fist (2018) |
4 |
Iron Fist (2022) |
5 |
Iron Fist 50th Anniversary Special (2024) |
1 |
Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon |
6 |
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon |
12 |
Iron Man & the Armor Wars |
1 |
Iron Man (1968) |
336 |
Iron Man (1996) |
12 |
Iron Man (1998) |
90 |
Iron Man (2004) |
14 |
Iron Man (2012) |
29 |
Iron Man (2020) |
25 |
Iron Man (2024) |
6 |
Iron Man / Captain America: Casualties of War |
1 |
Iron Man / Hellcat Annual (2022) |
1 |
Iron Man / Hulk / Fury (2009) |
1 |
Iron Man / Thor |
4 |
Iron Man 2.0 |
12 |
Iron Man 2020 (2020) |
6 |
Iron Man 2: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |
1 |
Iron Man 2: Fist of Iron (2011) |
1 |
Iron Man 2: Movie Adaptation (2013) |
2 |
Iron Man 2: Public Identity |
1 |
Iron Man 3 Prelude |
1 |
Iron Man and Sub-Mariner (1968) |
1 |
Iron Man and the Power Pack |
1 |
Iron Man Noir |
4 |
Iron Man Rapture |
1 |
Iron Man Vs. Whiplash |
2 |
Iron Man Wal-Mart Custom Comic (2008) |
1 |
Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. |
21 |
Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin |
3 |
Iron Man: Golden Avenger (2008) |
1 |
Iron Man: Hong Kong Heroes |
1 |
Iron Man: House of M |
3 |
Iron Man: Hypervelocity |
1 |
Iron Man: I Am Iron Man (2010) |
2 |
Iron Man: Legacy |
10 |
Iron Man: Legacy of Doom |
2 |
Iron Man: Limited Edition (2010) |
1 |
Iron Man: The Coming of the Melter |
1 |
Iron Man: The End |
1 |
Iron Man: The Inevitable |
1 |
Iron Man: The Iron Protocols |
1 |
Iron Man: Titanium |
1 |
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas |
2 |
Iron Man: Will Online Evils Prevail? (2010) |
1 |
Iron Patriot |
5 |
Ironheart |
12 |
Irredeemable Ant-Man |
12 |
It's Jeff (2023) |
2 |
It's Jeff Infinity Comic |
36 |
IvX |
7 |
Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters |
1 |
Jackpot & Black Cat (2024) |
4 |
Jackpot (2024) |
1 |
Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor (2022) |
5 |
Jean Grey |
11 |
Jean Grey (2023) |
5 |
Jessica Jones |
18 |
Jessica Jones (2018) |
6 |
Jessica Jones: Blind Spot |
6 |
Joe Fixit (2023) |
5 |
John Carter: A Princess of Mars |
1 |
John Carter: The Gods of Mars |
5 |
John Carter: The World of Mars |
1 |
John Romita Jr. 30th Anniversary Special |
1 |
Journey Into Mystery (1952) |
125 |
Journey Into Mystery (2011) |
35 |
Journey Into Mystery: The Birth Of Krakoa |
1 |
Journey Into Unknown Worlds |
1 |
Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance |
4 |
Juggernaut (2020) |
5 |
Jungle Action (1954) |
6 |
Jungle Action (1972) |
24 |
Justice (1986) |
32 |
Ka-Zar (1970) |
3 |
Ka-Zar (1974) |
20 |
Ka-Zar (1997) |
21 |
Ka-Zar (2011) |
5 |
Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land (2021) |
5 |
Kahhori: Reshaper of Worlds (2024) |
1 |
Kang the Conqueror (2021) |
5 |
Karnak |
6 |
Kid Colt |
1 |
Kid Juggernaut: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic (2024) |
4 |
Kid Venom (2024) |
4 |
Kidpool / Spider-Boy (2024) |
1 |
Killmonger (2018) |
5 |
Killraven |
5 |
King Conan (2021) |
6 |
King In Black |
5 |
King In Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage |
3 |
King In Black: Namor |
5 |
King In Black: Planet Of The Symbiotes |
3 |
King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries |
4 |
King In Black: Thunderbolts |
3 |
King Size Cable Spectacular |
1 |
King Size Hulk |
1 |
King Thor |
4 |
King-Size Spider-Man Summer Special |
1 |
Kingpin (2003) |
7 |
Kingpin (2017) |
5 |
Kitty Pryde & Wolverine (1984) |
6 |
Kitty Pryde: Shadow & Flame |
5 |
Knights 4 |
1 |
Knights of X (2022) |
5 |
Korvac Saga |
4 |
Labyrinth (1986) |
3 |
Last Defenders |
5 |
Last Hero Standing |
4 |
Last Planet Standing |
5 |
Laura Kinney: Wolverine (2024) |
3 |
League of Legends: Ashe: Warmother |
4 |
League Of Legends: Lux |
4 |
League Of Legends: Zed |
6 |
Legendary Star-Lord |
12 |
Legion (2018) |
5 |
Legion of Monsters (2007) |
4 |
Legion of Monsters (2011) |
4 |
Legion of X (2022) |
10 |
Life of Wolverine (2024) |
1 |
Life of Wolverine Infinity Comic Vol (2022) |
10 |
Lockjaw (2018) |
4 |
Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers (2009) |
8 |
Logan |
3 |
Loki (2004) |
4 |
Loki (2010) |
4 |
Loki (2019) |
5 |
Loki (2023) |
4 |
Loki: Agent of Asgard |
17 |
Loners |
2 |
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe |
4 |
Lords Of Empyre |
3 |
Love Romances |
1 |
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic |
72 |
Luke Cage (2017) |
10 |
Luke Cage (2018) |
4 |
Luke Cage Noir |
4 |
Luke Cage, Hero For Hire (1972) |
16 |
Luke Cage: Gang War (2023) |
4 |
M.O.D.O.K.: Assassin |
5 |
M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games |
4 |
Machine Man (1978) |
19 |
Machine Man (1984) |
4 |
Madrox (2004) |
5 |
Maestro (2020) |
5 |
Maestro: War & Pax |
5 |
Maestro: World War M (2022) |
5 |
Magik (1983) |
4 |
Magik (2025) |
3 |
Magneto |
1 |
Magneto (2014) |
21 |
Magneto (2023) |
4 |
Magneto: Not a Hero |
4 |
Magnificent Ms. Marvel |
18 |
Major X |
7 |
Man Without Fear (2019) |
5 |
Man-Thing (1974) |
22 |
Man-Thing (1979) |
11 |
Man-Thing (2004) |
3 |
Man-Thing (2017) |
5 |
Marauders (2019) |
27 |
Marauders (2022) |
12 |
Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989) |
60 |
Marvel & Disney: What if? (2024) |
5 |
Marvel (2020) |
6 |
Marvel 1985 |
6 |
Marvel 2099 (2019) |
9 |
Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration |
1 |
Marvel 85th Anniversary Special (2024) |
1 |
Marvel Adventures |
2 |
Marvel Adventures: Avengers (2006) |
39 |
Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four (2005) |
49 |
Marvel Adventures: Hulk (2007) |
16 |
Marvel Adventures: Iron Man (2007) |
13 |
Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man (2005) |
61 |
Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man (2010) |
24 |
Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes (2008) |
21 |
Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes (2010) |
24 |
Marvel Age (2023) |
1 |
Marvel Age: Hulk (2004) |
4 |
Marvel Age: Spider-Man (2004) |
20 |
Marvel and DC Present featuring The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans (1982) |
1 |
Marvel Apes |
3 |
Marvel Apes: Speedball |
1 |
Marvel Assistant-Sized Spectacular |
2 |
Marvel Boy: The Uranian |
3 |
Marvel Classics Illustrated: The Three Musketeers |
1 |
Marvel Comics (2019) |
2 |
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) |
175 |
Marvel Comics Presents (2007) |
12 |
Marvel Comics Presents (2019) |
9 |
Marvel Comics Super Special (1977) |
41 |
Marvel Divas |
4 |
Marvel Fanfare (1981) |
60 |
Marvel Feature (1971) |
12 |
Marvel Girl |
1 |
Marvel Graphic Novel (1982) |
21 |
Marvel Heartbreakers |
1 |
Marvel Holiday Special |
10 |
Marvel Holiday Tales To Astonish (2024) |
1 |
Marvel Illustrated: Last of the Mohicans |
1 |
Marvel Illustrated: The Iliad |
2 |
Marvel Illustrated: The Odyssey |
1 |
Marvel Knights (2000) |
16 |
Marvel Knights Spider-Man |
22 |
Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) |
5 |
Marvel Knights X-Men |
3 |
Marvel Knights: 20th |
6 |
Marvel Knights: 4 |
30 |
Marvel Knights: Hulk |
4 |
Marvel Legacy |
1 |
Marvel Legacy: 1970s Handbook |
1 |
Marvel Meow (2024) |
1 |
Marvel Meow and Pizza Dog Infinity Comic (2023) |
4 |
Marvel Meow Infinity Comic (2022) |
18 |
Marvel Milestones Special: Bloodstone, X-51, and Captain Marvel II |
1 |
Marvel Milestones: Ghost Rider, Black Widow, & Iceman |
1 |
Marvel Milestones: Blade, Man-Thing, Satana |
1 |
Marvel Milestones: Millie the Model and Patsy Walker |
1 |
Marvel Milestones: Wolverine, X-Men, and Tuk: Caveboy |
1 |
Marvel Monsters (2005) |
4 |
Marvel Monsters (2019) |
1 |
Marvel Mutts (2025) |
1 |
Marvel Mutts Infinity Comic |
6 |
Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special |
1 |
Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects |
1 |
Marvel Now What? |
1 |
Marvel NOW! Point One |
1 |
Marvel Premiere (1972) |
61 |
Marvel Project |
1 |
Marvel Rising |
5 |
Marvel Rising (2019) |
5 |
Marvel Romance Redux: But I Thought He Loved Me! |
1 |
Marvel Select |
1 |
Marvel Spotlight (1971) |
33 |
Marvel Spotlight: Dark Reign |
1 |
Marvel Super Hero Spectacular |
1 |
Marvel Super Hero Squad |
1 |
Marvel Super Heroes Adventures |
11 |
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) |
12 |
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld (2023) |
4 |
Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) |
94 |
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) |
15 |
Marvel Tales (2019) |
8 |
Marvel Tales (2023) |
8 |
Marvel Team-Up (1972) |
150 |
Marvel Team-Up (2004) |
25 |
Marvel Team-Up (2019) |
6 |
Marvel Treasury Edition (1974) |
28 |
Marvel Tsum Tsum |
4 |
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) |
100 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) |
12 |
Marvel Universe Vs. The Avengers (2012) |
4 |
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher |
4 |
Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine (2011) |
4 |
Marvel Universe: Avengers - Ultron Revolution |
2 |
Marvel Unleashed (2023) |
4 |
Marvel Westerns: Two-Gun Kid |
1 |
Marvel Zero (2023) |
1 |
Marvel Zero (2024) |
1 |
Marvel Zombie (2018) |
1 |
Marvel Zombies (2005) |
5 |
Marvel Zombies (2015) |
4 |
Marvel Zombies Destroy |
5 |
Marvel Zombies Halloween |
1 |
Marvel Zombies Return |
5 |
Marvel Zombies Supreme |
5 |
Marvel Zombies Vol. 2 |
5 |
Marvel Zombies Vol. 3 |
4 |
Marvel Zombies Vol. 4 |
4 |
Marvel Zombies Vol. 5 |
5 |
Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness |
5 |
Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood (2023) |
4 |
Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024) |
4 |
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days |
1 |
Marvel Zombies: Evil Evolution |
1 |
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection |
4 |
Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp Prelude |
2 |
Marvel's Avengers (2019) |
6 |
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War Prelude |
2 |
Marvel's Avengers: Untitled Prelude |
3 |
Marvel's Black Widow Prelude |
2 |
Marvel's Captain Marvel Prelude |
1 |
Marvel's Doctor Strange: Prelude |
2 |
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Prelude |
1 |
Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes |
5 |
Marvel's Thor The Dark World Prelude |
2 |
Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok Prelude |
4 |
Marvel's Voices |
17 |
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic |
94 |
Marvel: The End (2003) |
6 |
Marvelman Family's Finest |
1 |
Marvelous Adventures of Gus Beezer & Spider-Man |
1 |
Marvelous Land of Oz |
3 |
Marvels (1994) |
5 |
Marvels Annotated (2019) |
1 |
Marvels Ant-Man Prelude |
2 |
Marvels Snapshot (2020) |
8 |
Marvels X |
6 |
Marvels: Eye of the Camera |
6 |
Mary Jane & Black Cat (2022) |
5 |
Mary Jane (2004) |
4 |
Mary Jane: Homecoming (2005) |
4 |
Master of Kung Fu (2015) |
4 |
Master of Kung Fu (2017) |
3 |
Max Ride: Final Flight |
5 |
Max Ride: First Flight |
5 |
Maximum Security (2000) |
3 |
Mech Strike: Monster Hunters (2022) |
5 |
Meet The Skrulls |
5 |
Mega Morphs |
1 |
Mekanix (2002) |
6 |
Mephisto Vs. (1987) |
4 |
Merry X-Men Holiday Special |
1 |
Micronauts (1979) |
59 |
Micronauts: The New Voyages (1984) |
20 |
Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt (2024) |
3 |
Midnight Suns (2022) |
5 |
Mighty Avengers |
38 |
Mighty Avengers (2013) |
15 |
Miguel O'Hara - Spider-Man 2099 (2024) |
5 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) |
42 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) |
31 |
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man |
12 |
Minimum Carnage: Alpha |
1 |
Minimum Carnage: Omega |
1 |
Miracleman (2014) |
17 |
Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham |
14 |
Miss America 70th Anniversary Special |
1 |
Mockingbird |
8 |
Mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary |
1 |
Models, Inc. |
1 |
Models, Inc. (2009) |
4 |
Monica Rambeau: Photon (2023) |
5 |
Monster-Size Hulk |
1 |
Monsters Unleashed |
5 |
Monsters Unleashed (2017) |
12 |
Moon Girl (2022) |
4 |
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur |
47 |
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2023) |
5 |
Moon Knight (1980) |
38 |
Moon Knight (1998) |
4 |
Moon Knight (2006) |
30 |
Moon Knight (2011) |
12 |
Moon Knight (2014) |
17 |
Moon Knight (2016) |
14 |
Moon Knight (2017) |
13 |
Moon Knight (2021) |
30 |
Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) |
4 |
Moon Knight: City of the Dead (2023) |
5 |
Moon Knight: Divided We Fall (1992) |
1 |
Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu (2024) |
6 |
Moon Knight: Fist of Konshu (1985) |
6 |
Moon Knight: High Strangers (1999) |
4 |
Moon Knight: Silent Knight |
1 |
Morbius (2019) |
5 |
Morbius: The Living Vampire (1992) |
32 |
Morbius: The Living Vampire (2013) |
9 |
Mosaic |
8 |
Mr. and Mrs. X |
12 |
Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos |
4 |
Ms. Marvel (1977) |
23 |
Ms. Marvel (2006) |
50 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) |
19 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) |
38 |
Ms. Marvel (2022) |
3 |
Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit (2021) |
5 |
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace (2024) |
4 |
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (2023) |
4 |
Multiple Man (2018) |
5 |
Muppets |
1 |
Murderworld (2022) |
5 |
Mutant 2099 |
1 |
Mystery Men |
5 |
Mystic |
3 |
Mystique (2003) |
24 |
Mystique (2024) |
5 |
Mythos (2006) |
6 |
Namor (2024) |
8 |
Namor: Conquered Shores (2022) |
5 |
Namor: The First Mutant |
2 |
Namora |
1 |
Nation X |
4 |
Nation X: X-Factor |
1 |
Nebula (2020) |
2 |
Negasonic Teenage Warhead (2024) |
1 |
New Avengers |
64 |
New Avengers (2010) |
35 |
New Avengers (2013) |
33 |
New Avengers (2015) |
18 |
New Avengers / Transformers |
4 |
New Avengers Finale |
1 |
New Avengers: Illuminati |
5 |
New Avengers: Luke Cage |
2 |
New Avengers: Reunion |
4 |
New Avengers: Ultron Forever |
1 |
New Champions (2025) |
3 |
New Excalibur (2006) |
24 |
New Exiles |
7 |
New Fantastic Four (2022) |
5 |
New Mutants (1983) |
100 |
New Mutants (2003) |
13 |
New Mutants (2009) |
51 |
New Mutants (2019) |
33 |
New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) |
5 |
New Mutants: Dead Souls |
6 |
New Mutants: War Children (2019) |
1 |
New Thunderbolts |
18 |
New Warriors (1990) |
75 |
New Warriors (2005) |
6 |
New Warriors (2007) |
20 |
New Warriors (2014) |
12 |
New X-Men (2001) |
43 |
New X-Men (2004) |
46 |
New X-Men Academy X |
2 |
newuniversal |
4 |
newuniversal: 1959 |
1 |
Newuniversal: Conqueror |
1 |
Newuniversal: Shockfront |
2 |
Nextwave: Agents Of HATE |
12 |
Nick Fury (2017) |
6 |
Nick Fury Vs. Fin Fang Foom (2025) |
1 |
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1968) |
15 |
Night Nurse (1972) |
4 |
Night of the Living Deadpool |
4 |
Night Thrasher (1993) |
21 |
Night Thrasher (2024) |
4 |
Night Thrasher: Four Control (1992) |
4 |
Nightcrawler (1985) |
4 |
Nightcrawler (2004) |
12 |
Nightcrawler (2014) |
12 |
Nightcrawlers (2023) |
3 |
Nighthawk |
6 |
Nightmask (1986) |
12 |
Nightstalkers (1992) |
18 |
Nomad |
1 |
Nomad: Girl Without a World |
2 |
Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) |
5 |
Northanger Abbey |
1 |
Not Brand Echh |
1 |
Nova (1976) |
25 |
Nova (1994) |
18 |
Nova (1999) |
7 |
Nova (2007) |
36 |
Nova (2013) |
31 |
Nova (2015) |
11 |
Nova (2016) |
7 |
NYX (2003) |
7 |
Nyx (2024) |
9 |
NYX: No Way Home |
3 |
Occupy Avengers |
9 |
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update |
1 |
Old Man Hawkeye |
12 |
Old Man Logan |
5 |
Old Man Logan (2016) |
50 |
Old Man Quill |
12 |
Omega Flight (2007) |
5 |
Omega the Unknown (1976) |
10 |
Omega the Unknown (2007) |
10 |
One World Under Doom (2025) |
2 |
Onslaught Reborn |
3 |
Onslaught Unleashed |
2 |
Operation S.I.N. |
5 |
Origin |
6 |
Origin II |
5 |
Original Sin |
9 |
Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man |
4 |
Original Sin: Secret Avengers Infinite Comic (2014) |
2 |
Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm |
5 |
Original Sins |
5 |
Original X-Men (2023) |
1 |
Origins of Marvel Comics |
1 |
Osborn |
5 |
Outlawed (2020) |
1 |
Ozma of Oz |
6 |
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! |
17 |
Patsy Walker: Hellcat |
5 |
Penance: Relentless |
2 |
Peter Parker & Miles Morales: Spider-Men Double Trouble (2022) |
4 |
Peter Parker (2010) |
5 |
Peter Parker, Spider-Man (1999) |
58 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) |
265 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) |
23 |
Petpool: Poolparty (2024) |
1 |
Phases of the Moon Knight (2024) |
4 |
Phoenix (2024) |
9 |
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey |
5 |
Phoenix Song: Echo |
5 |
Phoenix: Endsong (2005) |
5 |
Planet Hulk |
6 |
Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker (2022) |
5 |
Planet of the Apes (2023) |
5 |
Planet Skaar Prologue |
1 |
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) |
1 |
Point One |
1 |
Power Man (1974) |
33 |
Power Man and Iron Fist (1978) |
71 |
Power Man and Iron Fist (2011) |
5 |
Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) |
15 |
Power Man: Timeless (2025) |
2 |
Power Pack (1984) |
62 |
Power Pack (2017) |
1 |
Power Pack (2020) |
5 |
Power Pack: Day One |
4 |
Power Pack: Grow Up |
1 |
Power Pack: Into the Storm (2024) |
5 |
Powerless |
6 |
Powers of X |
6 |
Predator (2022) |
6 |
Predator (2023) |
5 |
Predator Vs. Black Panther (2024) |
4 |
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023) |
4 |
Predator: The Last Hunt (2024) |
4 |
Prelude to Deadpool Corps |
5 |
Pride and Prejudice |
1 |
Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner (1984) |
4 |
Prince of Power |
2 |
Prowler |
6 |
Pryde and Wisdom (1996) |
3 |
Psi-Force (1986) |
32 |
Psylocke |
4 |
Psylocke (2024) |
5 |
Punisher (1986) |
5 |
Punisher (1987) |
104 |
Punisher (2000) |
12 |
Punisher (2001) |
37 |
Punisher (2009) |
21 |
Punisher (2011) |
16 |
Punisher (2014) |
20 |
Punisher (2016) |
28 |
Punisher (2018) |
16 |
Punisher (2022) |
12 |
Punisher (2023) |
4 |
Punisher 2099 (1993) |
34 |
Punisher 2099 (2004) |
1 |
Punisher Frank Castle Max |
1 |
Punisher Kill Krew |
5 |
Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe (2008) |
1 |
Punisher Noir |
4 |
Punisher War Journal (1988) |
80 |
Punisher War Journal (2006) |
26 |
Punisher War Journal (2022) |
3 |
Punisher X-Mas Special |
1 |
Punisher: Butterfly |
1 |
Punisher: Countdown (2004) |
1 |
Punisher: Frank Castle |
1 |
Punisher: In The Blood |
3 |
Punisher: Nightmare |
5 |
Punisher: Official Movie Adaptation (2004) |
3 |
Punisher: Red X-Mas (2004) |
1 |
Punisher: Soviet |
6 |
Punisher: The Platoon |
6 |
Punisher: Trial of the Punisher |
2 |
Punisher: War Zone (1992) |
41 |
Punisher: War Zone (2008) |
6 |
Punisher: War Zone (2012) |
5 |
Quake: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary |
1 |
Quicksilver: No Surrender |
5 |
Rampaging Hulk (1977) |
9 |
Rampaging Hulk (1988) |
6 |
Rampaging Wolverine |
1 |
Ravage 2099 (1992) |
33 |
Ravencroft |
5 |
Rawhide Kid (1985) |
4 |
Rawhide Kid (2003) |
5 |
Rawhide Kid (2010) |
4 |
Realm of Kings |
1 |
Realm of Kings: Imperial Guard |
5 |
Realm of Kings: Inhumans |
5 |
Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk |
4 |
Realm of X (2023) |
4 |
Reckoning War: Trial of the Watcher (2022) |
1 |
Red Goblin (2023) |
10 |
Red Goblin: Red Death |
1 |
Red Hulk (2025) |
1 |
Red She-Hulk |
10 |
Red Skull |
3 |
Red Skull (2015) |
3 |
Red Skull: Incarnate |
5 |
Red Wolf |
6 |
Reptil (2021) |
4 |
Rescue (2010) |
1 |
Resurrection of Magneto (2024) |
4 |
Return of the Living Deadpool |
4 |
Return of Wolverine |
5 |
Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider |
5 |
Revolutionary War (2014) |
8 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) |
6 |
Rise of the Powers of X (2024) |
5 |
Road to Oz |
2 |
Rocket |
6 |
Rocket Raccoon (1985) |
4 |
Rocket Raccoon (2014) |
10 |
Rocket Raccoon (2016) |
5 |
Rocket Raccoon and Groot |
10 |
Rogue |
6 |
Rogue & Gambit (2018) |
5 |
Rogue & Gambit (2023) |
5 |
Rogue: The Savage Land (2025) |
2 |
Rom (1979) |
75 |
Roxxon Presents: Thor (2024) |
1 |
Royals |
12 |
Ruins (1995) |
2 |
Ruins Of Ravencroft |
3 |
Runaways |
18 |
Runaways (2005) |
30 |
Runaways (2008) |
14 |
Runaways (2015) |
4 |
Runaways (2017) |
38 |
Ruse |
3 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. |
6 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) |
12 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 |
6 |
S.W.O.R.D. |
5 |
S.W.O.R.D. (2020) |
11 |
Sable & Fortune |
3 |
Sabretooth & the Exiles (2022) |
5 |
Sabretooth (2022) |
5 |
Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk (2024) |
4 |
Salem: Queen of Thorns |
1 |
Sam Wilson, Captain America (2025) |
3 |
Savage Avengers (2019) |
29 |
Savage Avengers (2022) |
10 |
Savage Hulk (1996) |
1 |
Savage Hulk (2014) |
6 |
Savage She-Hulk (1980) |
25 |
Savage Spider-Man (2022) |
5 |
Savage Sword Of Conan (1974) |
72 |
Savage Sword of Conan (2019) |
12 |
Savage Tales (1971) |
5 |
Savage Wolverine |
23 |
Scarlet Spider |
26 |
Scarlet Spiders |
3 |
Scarlet Witch |
15 |
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) |
4 |
Scarlet Witch (2023) |
10 |
Scarlet Witch (2024) |
10 |
Scream: Curse of Carnage |
6 |
Season's Beatings |
1 |
Secret Avengers |
39 |
Secret Avengers (2013) |
16 |
Secret Avengers (2014) |
15 |
Secret Empire |
11 |
Secret Empire: Brave New World |
5 |
Secret Invasion (2008) |
8 |
Secret Invasion (2022) |
5 |
Secret Invasion Aftermath: Beta Ray Bill: The Green of Eden |
1 |
Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man |
3 |
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign |
1 |
Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four |
3 |
Secret Invasion: Front Line |
5 |
Secret Invasion: Inhumans |
4 |
Secret Invasion: Requiem |
1 |
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers |
3 |
Secret Invasion: Thor |
3 |
Secret Invasion: War of Kings |
1 |
Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust? |
1 |
Secret Invasion: X-Men |
4 |
Secret War |
5 |
Secret Warps |
5 |
Secret Warriors |
28 |
Secret Warriors (2017) |
12 |
Secret Wars (2015) |
10 |
Secret Wars 2099 |
5 |
Secret Wars II (1985) |
9 |
Secret Wars Journal |
5 |
Secret Wars Too |
1 |
Secret Wars: Agents of Atlas |
1 |
Secret Wars: Armor Wars (FCBD 2015) |
1 |
Secret Wars: Battleworld |
4 |
Secret Wars: Secret Love |
1 |
Secret X-Men (2022) |
1 |
Sensational She-Hulk (1989) |
60 |
Sensational She-Hulk (2023) |
10 |
Sensational Spider-Man: Self-Improvement |
1 |
Sentinel |
12 |
Sentinels (2024) |
5 |
Sentry (2000) |
5 |
Sentry (2005) |
8 |
Sentry (2018) |
5 |
Sentry (2023) |
4 |
Shadowland |
5 |
Shadowland: Blood on the Streets |
4 |
Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow |
3 |
Shadowland: Moon Knight |
3 |
Shadowland: Power Man |
4 |
Shame Itself |
1 |
Shang-Chi (2020) |
5 |
Shang-Chi (2021) |
12 |
Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings (2022) |
6 |
Shang-Chi Infinity Comic |
4 |
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu |
5 |
Shang-Chi: Master of the Ten Rings (2023) |
1 |
Shanna the She-Devil: Survival of the Fittest (20070 |
4 |
Shanna, The She-Devil (1973) |
5 |
Shanna, The She-Devil (2005) |
7 |
Shatterstar |
5 |
She-Hulk (2004) |
12 |
She-Hulk (2005) |
38 |
She-Hulk (2014) |
12 |
She-Hulk (2017) |
5 |
She-Hulk (2022) |
15 |
She-Hulk Sensational |
1 |
She-Hulks |
4 |
Shuri (2018) |
10 |
Siege (2010) |
4 |
Siege (2015) |
4 |
Siege Epilogue: Fallen Son |
1 |
Siege: Embedded |
4 |
Sif |
1 |
Sigil |
4 |
Silent War |
3 |
Silk |
7 |
Silk (2015) |
19 |
Silk (2021) |
5 |
Silk (2022) |
5 |
Silk (2023) |
5 |
Silver Sable and The Wild Pack (2017) |
1 |
Silver Surfer (1968) |
18 |
Silver Surfer (1982) |
1 |
Silver Surfer (1987) |
146 |
Silver Surfer (2003) |
14 |
Silver Surfer (2011) |
5 |
Silver Surfer (2014) |
15 |
Silver Surfer (2016) |
14 |
Silver Surfer: Black |
5 |
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light (2023) |
5 |
Silver Surfer: In Thy Name |
4 |
Silver Surfer: Rebirth (2022) |
10 |
Silver Surfer: Requiem |
4 |
Sinister War (2021) |
4 |
Sins of Sinister (2023) |
2 |
Skaar: King of the Savage Land |
3 |
Skaar: Son Of Hulk (2008) |
17 |
Skrull Kill Krew |
2 |
Skrulls vs. Power Pack |
1 |
Skull The Slayer |
1 |
Slapstick |
6 |
Solo |
5 |
Solo Avengers (1987) |
20 |
Son of M |
6 |
Son of Satan (1975) |
8 |
Space Punisher |
4 |
Speaker for the Dead |
4 |
Spectacular Spider-Girl (2010) |
4 |
Spectacular Spider-Man (2003) |
27 |
Spectacular Spider-Man Adventures |
299 |
Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine (1968) |
2 |
Spider-Bot Infinity Comic (2021) |
12 |
Spider-Boy (2023) |
17 |
Spider-Force |
3 |
Spider-Geddon |
6 |
Spider-Girl (1998) |
101 |
Spider-Girl (2010) |
8 |
Spider-Girls (2018) |
3 |
Spider-Gwen |
5 |
Spider-Gwen (2015) |
35 |
Spider-Gwen Annual (2023) |
1 |
Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) |
10 |
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse (2022) |
5 |
Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones (2023) |
5 |
Spider-Gwen: Smash (2023) |
4 |
Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider (2024) |
11 |
Spider-Ham (2019) |
5 |
Spider-Island |
4 |
Spider-Island (2015) |
5 |
Spider-Island: Cloak & Dagger |
3 |
Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu |
3 |
Spider-Island: The Amazing Spider-Girl |
3 |
Spider-Man & The Fantastic Four |
4 |
Spider-Man & The League Of Realms |
3 |
Spider-Man & The X-Men |
6 |
Spider-Man & Venom: Double Trouble |
4 |
Spider-Man (1990) |
100 |
Spider-Man (2016) |
28 |
Spider-Man (2019) |
5 |
Spider-Man (2022) |
11 |
Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do |
6 |
Spider-Man / Deadpool |
50 |
Spider-Man / Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure |
5 |
Spider-Man / Doctor Octopus: Out Of Reach |
5 |
Spider-Man / Doctor Octopus: Year One |
5 |
Spider-Man / Fantastic Four |
4 |
Spider-Man / Human Torch (2005) |
5 |
Spider-Man / Human Torch: !Bahia De Los Muertos! |
1 |
Spider-Man / Wolverine (2003) |
4 |
Spider-Man 1602 |
5 |
Spider-Man 2099 (1992) |
46 |
Spider-Man 2099 (2014) |
12 |
Spider-Man 2099 (2015) |
25 |
Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis (2023) |
5 |
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus (2022) |
7 |
Spider-Man 2: The Movie (2004) |
1 |
Spider-Man 3 (2007) |
2 |
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars |
3 |
Spider-Man Annual (2019) |
1 |
Spider-Man Family (2007) |
9 |
Spider-Man Heroes & Villains Collection |
60 |
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (2005) |
20 |
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (2008) |
5 |
Spider-Man Noir (2020) |
5 |
Spider-Man Noir: Eyes Without a Face |
4 |
Spider-Man Team-Up Special |
1 |
Spider-Man Unlimited (1993) |
22 |
Spider-Man Unlimited (1999) |
6 |
Spider-Man Unlimited (2004) |
15 |
Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic |
50 |
Spider-Man Versus Wolverine (1987) |
1 |
Spider-Man vs. Vampires |
1 |
Spider-Man's Tangled Web (2001) |
22 |
Spider-Man/Daredevil |
1 |
Spider-Man: Amazing Origins |
1 |
Spider-Man: Back in Black Handbook |
1 |
Spider-Man: Back in Quack (2010) |
1 |
Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood (2024) |
4 |
Spider-Man: Blue |
6 |
Spider-Man: Breakout |
5 |
Spider-Man: City At War |
6 |
Spider-Man: Enter The Spider-Verse |
1 |
Spider-Man: Far From Home - Prelude |
2 |
Spider-Man: Fear Itself |
1 |
Spider-Man: Fever |
3 |
Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude |
2 |
Spider-Man: House of M |
5 |
Spider-Man: India |
4 |
Spider-Man: India (2023) |
5 |
Spider-Man: Life Story |
6 |
Spider-Man: Lifeline (2022) |
3 |
Spider-Man: Master Plan |
1 |
Spider-Man: Mysterio Manifesto (2001) |
3 |
Spider-Man: Noir (2008) |
4 |
Spider-Man: Quality of Life |
2 |
Spider-Man: Reign (2006) |
9 |
Spider-Man: Reptilian Rage |
1 |
Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin |
3 |
Spider-Man: Season One |
1 |
Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin (2024) |
4 |
Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow |
5 |
Spider-man: Spirits Of The Earth |
1 |
Spider-Man: The Clone Saga |
6 |
Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt (2022) |
5 |
Spider-Man: The Official Movie Adaptation (2002) |
1 |
Spider-Man: The Short Halloween |
1 |
Spider-Man: The Venom Agenda (1998) |
1 |
Spider-Man: Velocity |
5 |
Spider-Man: With Great Power |
5 |
Spider-Men |
5 |
Spider-Men II |
5 |
Spider-Men Infinity Comic (2022) |
7 |
Spider-Punk (2022) |
5 |
Spider-Punk: Arms Race (2024) |
4 |
Spider-Society (2024) |
4 |
Spider-Verse |
2 |
Spider-Verse (2015) |
5 |
Spider-Verse (2019) |
6 |
Spider-Verse Team-Up |
3 |
Spider-Verse Unlimited Infinity Comic |
53 |
Spider-Woman (1993) |
4 |
Spider-Woman (1999) |
18 |
Spider-Woman (2009) |
7 |
Spider-Woman (2014) |
10 |
Spider-Woman (2015) |
17 |
Spider-Woman (2020) |
21 |
Spider-Woman (2023) |
10 |
Spider-Woman: Origin |
5 |
Spider-Woman: The Motion Comic |
1 |
Spider-Women Alpha |
1 |
Spider-Women Omega |
1 |
Spidey & the Mini-Marvels |
1 |
Spidey (2015) |
12 |
Spidey: School's Out |
6 |
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man (2023) |
5 |
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man Infinity Comic |
1 |
Spirits Of Ghost Rider: Mother Of Demons (2020) |
1 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2017) |
5 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2024) |
6 |
Spirits Of Vengeance: Spirit Rider (2021) |
1 |
Spitfire (2010) |
1 |
Spitfire and the Troubleshooters (1986) |
9 |
Squadron Sinister |
3 |
Squadron Supreme (1985) |
12 |
Squadron Supreme (2006) |
7 |
Squadron Supreme (2008) |
12 |
Squadron Supreme (2015) |
15 |
Squadron Supreme: Hyperion Vs. Nighthawk (2007) |
4 |
Stan Lee Meets (2006) |
5 |
Star (2020) |
5 |
Star Brand (1986) |
19 |
Star Wars (1977) |
108 |
Star Wars (2014) |
75 |
Star Wars (2020) |
50 |
Star Wars Original Marvel Years |
1 |
Star Wars Special: C-3PO |
1 |
Star Wars Tales (2022) |
1 |
Star Wars: A New Legacy (2025) |
1 |
Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion |
9 |
Star Wars: Age Of Resistance |
9 |
Star Wars: Age Of The Republic |
9 |
Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024) |
8 |
Star Wars: Battle of Jakku (2024) |
12 |
Star Wars: Beckett |
1 |
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters |
42 |
Star Wars: Captain Phasma |
4 |
Star Wars: Chewbacca |
5 |
Star Wars: Crimson Reign (2021) |
5 |
Star Wars: Dark Droids (2023) |
5 |
Star Wars: Dark Droids - D-Squad (2023) |
4 |
Star Wars: Darth Maul |
5 |
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White & Red (2024) |
4 |
Star Wars: Darth Vader |
25 |
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) |
25 |
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) |
50 |
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Black, White & Red (2023) |
4 |
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra |
40 |
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) |
40 |
Star Wars: Droids Unplugged |
1 |
Star Wars: Ewoks (2024) |
4 |
Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge |
5 |
Star Wars: Han Solo |
5 |
Star Wars: Han Solo & Chewbacca (2022) |
10 |
Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet |
5 |
Star Wars: Hidden Empire (2022) |
5 |
Star Wars: Inquisitors (2024) |
4 |
Star Wars: Jango Fett (2024) |
4 |
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple |
5 |
Star Wars: Jedi Knights (2025) |
2 |
Star Wars: Kanan |
12 |
Star Wars: Lando |
5 |
Star Wars: Lando - Double Or Nothing |
5 |
Star Wars: Mace Windu |
5 |
Star Wars: Mace Windu (2024) |
4 |
Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin |
5 |
Star Wars: Obi-Wan (2022) |
5 |
Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (2023) |
6 |
Star Wars: Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Special (2024) |
1 |
Star Wars: Poe Dameron |
31 |
Star Wars: Princess Leia |
5 |
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (2023) |
6 |
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The 40th Anniversary Covers by Chris Sprouse (2023) |
1 |
Star Wars: Revelations (2022) |
1 |
Star Wars: Revelations (2023) |
1 |
Star Wars: Rogue One - Cassian & K2SO Special |
1 |
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation |
6 |
Star Wars: Sana Starros |
5 |
Star Wars: Shattered Empire |
4 |
Star Wars: Solo Adaptation |
7 |
Star Wars: Target Vader |
6 |
Star Wars: The Acolyte - Kelnacca (2024) |
1 |
Star Wars: The Action Figure Variant Covers (2020) |
1 |
Star Wars: The Force Awakens |
6 |
Star Wars: The Halcyon Legacy (2022) |
5 |
Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) |
15 |
Star Wars: The High Republic (2022) |
10 |
Star Wars: The High Republic (2023) |
10 |
Star Wars: The High Republic - Eye Of The Storm |
2 |
Star Wars: The High Republic - Fear Of The Jedi (2025) |
1 |
Star Wars: The High Republic - Shadows of Starlight (2023) |
4 |
Star Wars: The High Republic - The Blade (2023) |
4 |
Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows |
5 |
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - DJ |
1 |
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - The Storms Of Crait |
1 |
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Adaptation |
6 |
Star Wars: The Legacy Of Vader (2025) |
2 |
Star Wars: The Mandalorian |
16 |
Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren |
4 |
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Adaptation (2025) |
1 |
Star Wars: Thrawn |
6 |
Star Wars: Thrawn - Alliances (2024) |
4 |
Star Wars: Tie Fighter |
5 |
Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) |
5 |
Star Wars: Visions (2022) |
3 |
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters |
6 |
Star Wars: Yoda (2022) |
10 |
Star-Lord |
8 |
Star-Lord (2016) |
6 |
Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde |
3 |
Starbrand and Nightmask |
6 |
Starjammers (1995) |
4 |
Starjammers (2004) |
6 |
Starr the Slayer |
1 |
Startling Stories: Banner (2001) |
4 |
Startling Stories: The Thing |
1 |
Steed and Mrs. Peel |
1 |
Stephen King's N. |
1 |
Steve Rogers: Super Soldier |
4 |
Storm |
11 |
Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants (2023) |
3 |
Storm (2023) |
5 |
Storm (2024) |
6 |
Storm: Lifedream (2025) |
1 |
Strange (2004) |
6 |
Strange (2009) |
4 |
Strange (2022) |
10 |
Strange Academy (2020) |
18 |
Strange Academy (2023) |
3 |
Strange Academy: Blood Hunt (2024) |
3 |
Strange Academy: Finals (2022) |
6 |
Strange Tales (1951) |
181 |
Strange Tales (1987) |
19 |
Strange Tales (1994) |
1 |
Strange Tales (2009) |
3 |
Strange Tales II (2010) |
3 |
Strange Tales Infinity Comic |
4 |
Strange Tales: Rocket Raccoon Infinity Comic |
1 |
Strange Westerns Starring the Black Rider |
1 |
Strikeforce (2019) |
9 |
Strikeforce: Morituri (1986) |
31 |
Sub-Mariner (1968) |
72 |
Sub-Mariner (2007) |
6 |
Sub-Mariner 70th Anniversary Special |
1 |
Sub-Mariner: The Depths |
5 |
Super Heroes |
6 |
Super-Villain Classics (1983) |
1 |
Super-Villain Team-Up (1975) |
17 |
Super-Villain Team-Up/M.O.D.O.K.'s 11 |
5 |
Superior Carnage |
5 |
Superior Foes of Spider-Man |
17 |
Superior Iron Man |
9 |
Superior Octopus |
1 |
Superior Spider-Man (2013) |
34 |
Superior Spider-Man (2018) |
12 |
Superior Spider-Man (2023) |
8 |
Superior Spider-Man Returns (2023) |
1 |
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up |
12 |
Survive |
1 |
Sword Master (2019) |
12 |
Symbiote Spider-Man |
5 |
Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 (2024) |
5 |
Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality |
5 |
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads |
5 |
Symbiote Spider-Man: King In Black |
5 |
T.E.S.T. Kitchen Infinity Comic |
4 |
Tails of the Pet Avengers |
1 |
Tales of Suspense (1959) |
99 |
Tales of Suspense (2017) |
5 |
Tales of the Thing |
2 |
Tales to Astonish (1959) |
101 |
Target / Iron Man 2 (2010) |
1 |
Tarot (2020) |
4 |
Taskmaster (2002) |
4 |
Taskmaster (2010) |
4 |
Taskmaster (2020) |
5 |
Thanos |
2 |
Thanos (2016) |
18 |
Thanos (2019) |
6 |
Thanos (2023) |
4 |
Thanos Imperative |
6 |
Thanos Imperative: Ignition |
1 |
Thanos Rising |
5 |
Thanos vs. Hulk (2015) |
4 |
Thanos: A God Up There Listening |
1 |
Thanos: Death Notes (2022) |
1 |
Thanos: Infinity |
6 |
The Amazing Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth |
1 |
The Avenging Spider-Man |
23 |
The B-Sides |
3 |
The Best Defense |
5 |
The Black Order |
5 |
The Cavalry: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary |
1 |
The Clone Conspiracy |
5 |
The Crew |
7 |
The Dark Tower (2007) |
54 |
The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three (2014) |
19 |
The Death of Captain Marvel |
1 |
The Death of Doctor Strange |
5 |
The Death Of Dracula |
1 |
The End (2020) |
6 |
The Fearless |
11 |
The Fearless Defenders |
13 |
The First X-Men |
5 |
The Great Lakes Avengers |
7 |
The Heroic Age: Super Heroes |
1 |
The Hood (2002) |
6 |
The Human Fly (1977) |
19 |
The Human Torch Comics 70th Anniversary Special |
1 |
The Infinity Entity |
4 |
The Infinity Watch Annual (2024) |
9 |
The Iron Age |
3 |
The Iron Age - Omega |
1 |
The Iron Age: Alpha |
1 |
The Last Annihilation |
2 |
The Last Fantastic Four Story |
1 |
The Legend of Shang-Chi |
1 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel |
5 |
The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man |
1 |
The Marvels (2021) |
12 |
The Marvels Project |
8 |
The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) |
10 |
The Mighty Thor |
23 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) |
30 |
The Mighty Valkyries (2021) |
5 |
The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange |
1 |
The New Mutants Forever |
2 |
The Odyssey |
2 |
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men: The Age of Apocalypse |
1 |
The Order |
10 |
The Pitt (1987) |
1 |
The Prodigal Sun |
3 |
The Pulse |
14 |
The Rise Of Ultraman (2020) |
5 |
The Savage Axe of Ares |
1 |
The Sensational Spider-Man (1996) |
37 |
The Sensational Spider-Man (2006) |
19 |
The Spectacular Spider-Men (2024) |
13 |
The Stand: American Nightmares |
5 |
The Stand: Captain Trips |
5 |
The Stand: Hardcases |
3 |
The Stand: No Man's Land |
2 |
The Stand: Soul Survivors |
3 |
The Thanos Imperative: Devastation |
1 |
The Thing (1983) |
36 |
The Thing (2005) |
8 |
The Thing (2021) |
7 |
The Thing: Freakshow (2002) |
4 |
The Thing: Night Falls On Yancy Street |
4 |
The Torch |
8 |
The Totally Awesome Hulk |
23 |
The Trials Of Ultraman (2021) |
5 |
The Twelve |
12 |
The Twelve 1/2 |
1 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl |
8 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) |
50 |
The Union (2020) |
5 |
The United States of Captain America |
5 |
The Unstoppable Wasp |
8 |
The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) |
10 |
The Unworthy Thor |
5 |
The Variants (2022) |
5 |
The Weeknd Presents: Starboy |
1 |
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz |
8 |
The X-Cellent (2023) |
5 |
Thing & She-Hulk: The Long Night (2002) |
1 |
Thor & Loki: Double Trouble |
4 |
Thor (1966) |
378 |
Thor (1998) |
85 |
Thor (2007) |
35 |
Thor (2014) |
8 |
Thor (2018) |
16 |
Thor (2020) |
35 |
Thor and the Warriors Four |
2 |
Thor God-Size Special |
1 |
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe |
6 |
Thor: Ages of Thunder |
1 |
Thor: Ages of Thunder - Reign of Blood |
1 |
Thor: Blood Oath (2005) |
6 |
Thor: Defining Moments Giant-Size |
1 |
Thor: First Thunder |
4 |
Thor: For Asgard |
6 |
Thor: God of Thunder |
25 |
Thor: Heaven & Earth |
4 |
Thor: Man of War |
1 |
Thor: Reign of Blood |
1 |
Thor: Son of Asgard (2004) |
12 |
Thor: The Crown of Fools |
1 |
Thor: The Dark World Prelude |
2 |
Thor: The Deviants Saga |
5 |
Thor: The Mighty Avenger |
8 |
Thor: The Rage of Thor |
1 |
Thor: The Trial of Thor |
1 |
Thor: The Truth of History |
1 |
Thor: The Worthy |
1 |
Thor: Where Walk The Frost Giants |
1 |
Thor: Wolves of the North |
1 |
Thors |
4 |
Thunderbolts (1997) |
83 |
Thunderbolts (2006) |
76 |
Thunderbolts (2012) |
32 |
Thunderbolts (2016) |
12 |
Thunderbolts (2022) |
5 |
Thunderbolts (2023) |
4 |
Thunderbolts: Doomstrike (2025) |
1 |
Thunderstrike |
5 |
Tiger Division (2022) |
5 |
Tigra (2002) |
4 |
Timeless (2021) |
3 |
Timeless (2023) |
1 |
Timeslide (2024) |
1 |
Timestorm 2009 / 2099 |
2 |
Tomb of Dracula (1972) |
70 |
Tomb of Terror |
1 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man |
19 |
Toxin (2005) |
6 |
Trojan War |
1 |
Trouble (2003) |
5 |
True Believers |
4 |
True Believers: She-Hulk |
1 |
True Believers: Spider-Gwen |
1 |
Truth: Red, White, & Black |
7 |
TVA (2024) |
4 |
Twelve: Spearhead |
1 |
Typhoid Fever (2018) |
3 |
U.S. War Machine (2001) |
12 |
U.S. War Machine 2.0 (2003) |
3 |
U.S.Agent (1993) |
4 |
U.S.Agent (2001) |
3 |
U.S.Agent (2020) |
5 |
U.S.Avengers |
12 |
Ultimate Adventures |
6 |
Ultimate Black Panther (2024) |
14 |
Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham |
1 |
Ultimate Comics Armor Wars |
4 |
Ultimate Comics Avengers |
6 |
Ultimate Comics Avengers Vol. 2 |
6 |
Ultimate Comics Avengers Vol. 3 |
6 |
Ultimate Comics Avengers vs. New Ultimates |
6 |
Ultimate Comics Captain America |
4 |
Ultimate Comics Doom |
4 |
Ultimate Comics Enemy |
4 |
Ultimate Comics Hawkeye |
4 |
Ultimate Comics Iron Man |
4 |
Ultimate Comics Mystery |
4 |
Ultimate Comics New Ultimates |
5 |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) |
26 |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) |
30 |
Ultimate Comics Thor |
4 |
Ultimate Comics Wolverine |
4 |
Ultimate Comics X |
5 |
Ultimate Comics: Ultimates |
31 |
Ultimate Comics: X-Men |
34 |
Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra |
4 |
Ultimate Elektra |
5 |
Ultimate End |
5 |
Ultimate Extinction |
5 |
Ultimate Fallout |
6 |
Ultimate Fantastic Four |
60 |
Ultimate Fantastic Four / X-Men Annual |
1 |
Ultimate FF |
6 |
Ultimate Hulk Annual |
1 |
Ultimate Human |
4 |
Ultimate Invasion (2023) |
4 |
Ultimate Iron Man |
5 |
Ultimate Iron-Man II |
5 |
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up |
16 |
Ultimate Nightmare |
5 |
Ultimate Origins |
5 |
Ultimate Power (2006) |
9 |
Ultimate Secret |
4 |
Ultimate Six |
7 |
Ultimate Spider-Man |
133 |
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) |
14 |
Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-Verse |
4 |
Ultimate Universe (2023) |
1 |
Ultimate Universe: One Year In (2024) |
1 |
Ultimate Vision |
6 |
Ultimate War |
4 |
Ultimate Wolverine (2025) |
2 |
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk |
6 |
Ultimate X-Men |
101 |
Ultimate X-Men (2024) |
13 |
Ultimate X-Men / Fantastic Four (2005) |
2 |
Ultimate X-Men / Fantastic Four Annual |
1 |
Ultimates |
13 |
Ultimates (2015) |
12 |
Ultimates (2024) |
10 |
Ultimates 2 |
14 |
Ultimates 2 (2016) |
10 |
Ultimates 3 |
5 |
Ultimates Saga (2007) |
1 |
Ultimatum |
5 |
Ultimatum: Requiem |
4 |
Ultraman X Avengers (2024) |
4 |
Ultraman: The Mystery of Ultraseven (2022) |
5 |
Ultron |
1 |
Unbelievable Gwenpool |
25 |
Uncanny Avengers |
26 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) |
30 |
Uncanny Avengers (2023) |
5 |
Uncanny Avengers Vol. 2 |
5 |
Uncanny Avengers: Ultron Forever |
1 |
Uncanny Inhumans |
21 |
Uncanny Spider-Man (2023) |
5 |
Uncanny X-Force (2010) |
37 |
Uncanny X-Force (2013) |
15 |
Uncanny X-Men (1963) |
546 |
Uncanny X-Men (2011) |
20 |
Uncanny X-Men (2013) |
36 |
Uncanny X-Men (2016) |
19 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) |
22 |
Uncanny X-Men (2024) |
11 |
Uncanny X-Men Special |
1 |
Uncanny X-Men: First Class (2009) |
8 |
Uncanny X-Men: The Heroic Age |
1 |
Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime (2024) |
1 |
Underworld |
1 |
Unforgiven (2023) |
3 |
Union Jack (1998) |
3 |
Union Jack (2006) |
4 |
Union Jack the Ripper: Blood Hunt (2024) |
3 |
Universal War One |
1 |
Untold Tales of Spider-Man (1995) |
26 |
Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand |
1 |
Valkyrie |
1 |
Valkyrie: Jane Foster |
10 |
Vault of Spiders |
2 |
Vengeance (2011) |
6 |
Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2009) |
10 |
Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2024) |
9 |
Venom (2003) |
18 |
Venom (2011) |
47 |
Venom (2016) |
22 |
Venom (2018) |
35 |
Venom (2021) |
39 |
Venom vs. Carnage (2004) |
4 |
Venom War (2024) |
5 |
Venom War: Carnage (2024) |
3 |
Venom War: Deadpool (2024) |
3 |
Venom War: Lethal Protectors (2024) |
3 |
Venom War: Spider-Man (2024) |
4 |
Venom War: Venomous (2024) |
3 |
Venom War: Wolverine (2024) |
3 |
Venom War: Zombiotes (2024) |
3 |
Venom/Carnage Infinity Comic |
4 |
Venom: Along Came A Spider (1996) |
4 |
Venom: Carnage Unleashed (1995) |
4 |
Venom: Dark Origin |
5 |
Venom: First Host |
5 |
Venom: Funeral Pyre (1993) |
3 |
Venom: Lethal Protector (1993) |
6 |
Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) |
5 |
Venom: Lethal Protector II (2023) |
5 |
Venom: License to Kill (1997) |
3 |
Venom: Nights Of Vengeance (1994) |
4 |
Venom: On Trial (1997) |
3 |
Venom: Original Sin Infinity Comic (2024) |
4 |
Venom: Seed of Darkness (1997) |
1 |
Venom: Separation Anxiety (1994) |
4 |
Venom: Separation Anxiety (2024) |
5 |
Venom: Sign of the Boss (1997) |
2 |
Venom: Sinner Takes All (1995) |
5 |
Venom: Sony Custom Edition (2018) |
1 |
Venom: Space Knight |
13 |
Venom: The Enemy Within (1994) |
3 |
Venom: The Finale (1997) |
3 |
Venom: The Hunger (1996) |
4 |
Venom: The Hunted (1996) |
3 |
Venom: The Mace (1994) |
3 |
Venom: The Madness (1994) |
3 |
Venom: Tooth And Claw (1996) |
3 |
Venomized |
5 |
Venomverse |
5 |
Venomverse Reborn (2024) |
4 |
Venomverse: War Stories |
1 |
Villains For Hire |
6 |
Vision (1994) |
4 |
Vision (2015) |
12 |
Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982) |
4 |
Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) |
12 |
Vote Loki |
4 |
W.E.B. of Spider-Man (2021) |
5 |
Waiting for Godot |
1 |
Wakanda (2022) |
5 |
Wakanda Forever |
3 |
War is Hell (2019) |
1 |
War is Hell: The Phantom Eagle |
1 |
War Machine (1994) |
25 |
War Machine (2009) |
12 |
War Machine: Weapon of S.H.I.E.L.D. |
1 |
War of Kings |
6 |
War of Kings: Ascension |
4 |
War of Kings: Darkhawk |
2 |
War of Kings: Savage World of Skaar |
1 |
War of Kings: Warriors |
2 |
War of Kings: Who Will Rule? |
1 |
War of the Realms |
6 |
War Of The Realms Strikeforce |
3 |
War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery |
5 |
War Of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas |
4 |
War of the Realms: The Punisher |
3 |
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men |
3 |
War of the Realms: War Scrolls |
3 |
Warhammer 40,000: Marneus Calgar (2020) |
5 |
Warhammer 40,000: Sisters of Battle (2021) |
5 |
Warlock (1972) |
15 |
Warlock (2004) |
4 |
Warlock and the Infinity Watch (1992) |
42 |
Warlock Chronicles (1993) |
8 |
Warlock: Rebirth (2023) |
5 |
Warriors Three |
4 |
Wasp (2023) |
5 |
Wastelanders (2021) |
5 |
Way of X (2021) |
5 |
Weapon H |
12 |
Weapon Plus: World War IV |
1 |
Weapon X (1995) |
4 |
Weapon X (2002) |
29 |
Weapon X (2017) |
27 |
Weapon X Noir |
1 |
Weapon X-Men (2024) |
4 |
Weapon X-Men (2025) |
1 |
Weapon X: Days Of Future Now (2005) |
5 |
Weapon X: The Draft (2002) |
5 |
Weapons of Mutant Destruction |
1 |
Web of Black Widow |
5 |
Web of Carnage (2023) |
1 |
Web of Spider-Man (1985) |
131 |
Web of Spider-Man (2009) |
12 |
Web of Spider-Man (2024) |
1 |
Web of Spider-Verse: New Blood (2025) |
1 |
Web Of Venom |
8 |
Web Warriors (2015) |
11 |
Weirdworld |
5 |
Weirdworld (2015) |
6 |
Werewolf By Night (1972) |
43 |
Werewolf By Night (1998) |
6 |
Werewolf By Night (2020) |
4 |
Werewolf by Night (2023) |
2 |
Werewolf by Night: Blood Hunt (2024) |
1 |
Werewolf by Night: Red Band (2024) |
8 |
West Coast Avengers (1984) |
4 |
West Coast Avengers (1985) |
47 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) |
10 |
West Coast Avengers (2024) |
5 |
Wha. . . Huh? |
1 |
What If Venom Possessed Deadpool? |
1 |
What If... This Was the Fantastic Four? |
1 |
What If...? Dark (2023) |
6 |
What If...? Venom (2024) |
5 |
What If...Miles Morales |
5 |
What If? (1977) |
47 |
What If? (2004) |
6 |
What If? (2005) |
6 |
What If? (2006) |
5 |
What If? (2007) |
5 |
What If? (2008) |
5 |
What If? (2009) |
5 |
What If? (2010) |
4 |
What If? (2018) |
6 |
What If? Age of Ultron |
5 |
What If? AVX |
4 |
What If? Galactus (2025) |
5 |
What If? Infinity |
5 |
What If? Wolverine: Father |
1 |
Where Monsters Dwell |
5 |
White Tiger |
6 |
White Widow (2023) |
4 |
Widowmaker |
4 |
Widowmakers: Red Guardian And Yelena Belova |
1 |
Wild Cards (2022) |
4 |
Winter Guard (2021) |
4 |
Winter Soldier (2012) |
19 |
Winter Soldier (2018) |
5 |
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March |
5 |
Winter Soldier: Winter Kills |
1 |
Witches |
4 |
Wolverine & Black Cat: Claws Vol. 2 |
3 |
Wolverine & Captain America |
1 |
Wolverine & Captain America: Weapon Plus |
1 |
Wolverine (1982) |
4 |
Wolverine (1988) |
190 |
Wolverine (2003) |
75 |
Wolverine (2010) |
40 |
Wolverine (2013) |
13 |
Wolverine (2014) |
12 |
Wolverine (2020) |
50 |
Wolverine (2024) |
7 |
Wolverine / Deadpool: The Decoy |
1 |
Wolverine / Doop |
2 |
Wolverine / Hulk (2002) |
4 |
Wolverine / Punisher |
1 |
Wolverine and Jubilee |
3 |
Wolverine and the X-Men |
43 |
Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) |
9 |
Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega |
5 |
Wolverine by Claremont & Miller |
1 |
Wolverine In the Flesh |
1 |
Wolverine Noir |
4 |
Wolverine Origins |
50 |
Wolverine Season One |
1 |
Wolverine Vs. Blade Special |
1 |
Wolverine/ Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants |
2 |
Wolverine: Black, White & Blood |
4 |
Wolverine: Blood Hunt (2024) |
4 |
Wolverine: Chop Shop |
1 |
Wolverine: Dangerous Game |
1 |
Wolverine: Debt of Death |
1 |
Wolverine: Deep Cut (2024) |
4 |
Wolverine: Exit Wounds |
1 |
Wolverine: Firebreak One-Shot |
2 |
Wolverine: First Class |
21 |
Wolverine: Flies to a Spider |
1 |
Wolverine: Infinity Watch |
5 |
Wolverine: Japan's Most Wanted |
4 |
Wolverine: Killing Made Simple |
1 |
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights (2024) |
5 |
Wolverine: Manifest Destiny |
4 |
Wolverine: Mr. X |
1 |
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size |
1 |
Wolverine: One Night Only (2009) |
1 |
Wolverine: Patch (2022) |
5 |
Wolverine: Revenge (2024) |
4 |
Wolverine: Road To Hell |
1 |
Wolverine: Saudade |
1 |
Wolverine: Savage |
1 |
Wolverine: Snikt! |
3 |
Wolverine: Switchback |
1 |
Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man & Other Bloody Tales |
1 |
Wolverine: The Best There Is |
12 |
Wolverine: The End |
3 |
Wolverine: The Long Night |
5 |
Wolverine: Under the Boardwalk |
1 |
Wolverine: Weapon X |
16 |
Wolverine: Worst There Is (2010) |
1 |
Wolverines (2015) |
20 |
Women of Marvel |
7 |
Wonder Man (1986) |
1 |
Wonder Man (1991) |
29 |
Wonder Man (2007) |
5 |
World War Hulk |
5 |
World War Hulk Aftersmash: Damage Control |
3 |
World War Hulk Aftersmash: Warbound |
5 |
World War Hulk: Front Line |
6 |
World War Hulk: Gamma Corps |
4 |
World War Hulk: X-Men |
3 |
World War Hulks |
1 |
World War Hulks: Captain America vs Wolverine |
2 |
World War Hulks: Hulked Out Heroes |
2 |
World War Hulks: Spider-Man vs Thor |
2 |
World's Finest (1999) |
10 |
X Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) |
5 |
X Lives Of Wolverine (2022) |
5 |
X Men Noir: Mark of Cain |
4 |
X Necrosha: The Gathering One-Shot |
1 |
X Of Swords (2020) |
4 |
X-23 (2005) |
6 |
X-23 (2010) |
21 |
X-23 (2018) |
12 |
X-23 (One Shot) |
1 |
X-23: Deadly Regenesis (2023) |
5 |
X-23: Target X |
6 |
X-Babies |
1 |
X-Calibre (1995) |
4 |
X-Campus (2010) |
4 |
X-Cellent (2022) |
5 |
X-Club (2011) |
5 |
X-Corp (2021) |
5 |
X-Factor (1986) |
149 |
X-Factor (2002) |
4 |
X-Factor (2005) |
114 |
X-Factor (2020) |
10 |
X-Factor (2024) |
8 |
X-Factor Forever |
4 |
X-Factor Special: Layla Miller |
1 |
X-Factor: Nation X |
1 |
X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead |
1 |
X-Files |
7 |
X-Force (1991) |
129 |
X-Force (2004) |
6 |
X-Force (2008) |
28 |
X-Force (2014) |
10 |
X-Force (2018) |
10 |
X-Force (2019) |
50 |
X-Force (2024) |
9 |
X-Force Special: Ain't No Dog |
1 |
X-Force/Cable: Messiah War Prologue |
1 |
X-Force: Killshot Anniversary Special (2021) |
1 |
X-Force: Sex & Violence |
3 |
X-Force: Shatterstar |
1 |
X-Infernus |
4 |
X-Man (1995) |
66 |
X-Men '92 |
8 |
X-Men '92 (2016) |
10 |
X-Men '92: House of XCII |
5 |
X-Men '97 (2024) |
4 |
X-Men (1991) |
113 |
X-Men (2004) |
51 |
X-Men (2010) |
42 |
X-Men (2013) |
26 |
X-Men (2019) |
21 |
X-Men (2021) |
35 |
X-Men (2024) |
13 |
X-Men / Alpha Flight (1985) |
2 |
X-Men / Alpha Flight (1998) |
2 |
X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) |
4 |
X-Men / Spider-Man (2009) |
4 |
X-Men 2099 (1993) |
35 |
X-Men 2: Movie (2003) |
1 |
X-Men 2: Prequel (2003) |
2 |
X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) |
1 |
X-Men Forever |
14 |
X-Men Forever 2 |
1 |
X-Men Forever Alpha |
1 |
X-Men Giant-Size |
1 |
X-Men Manifest Destiny: Nightcrawler |
1 |
X-Men Noir |
4 |
X-Men Origins (2008) |
11 |
X-Men Prime |
1 |
X-Men Unlimited |
50 |
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) |
142 |
X-Men Unlimited: Latitude (2022) |
1 |
X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green (2022) |
2 |
X-Men vs Avengers (1987) |
4 |
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas |
2 |
X-Men Vs. Hulk |
1 |
X-Men: Hellbound |
2 |
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (1995) |
3 |
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (2005) |
6 |
X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula |
2 |
X-Men: Battle of the Atom |
2 |
X-Men: Before The Fall (2023) |
4 |
X-Men: Black (2018) |
5 |
X-Men: Blood Hunt (2024) |
4 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) |
36 |
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants (2010) |
3 |
X-Men: Days of Future Past - Doomsday (2023) |
4 |
X-Men: Deadly Genesis |
6 |
X-Men: Die By The Sword |
3 |
X-Men: Divided We Stand |
2 |
X-Men: Emperor Vulcan |
4 |
X-Men: Endangered Species |
1 |
X-Men: Evolution (2001) |
9 |
X-Men: Fairy Tales |
1 |
X-Men: First Class (2006) |
8 |
X-Men: First Class (2007) |
16 |
X-Men: First Class: Finals |
4 |
X-Men: Forever (2024) |
4 |
X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic (2024) |
22 |
X-Men: God Love, Man Kills Extended Cut |
2 |
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills (1982) |
1 |
X-Men: Gold |
1 |
X-Men: Gold (2017) |
36 |
X-Men: Grand Design |
6 |
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse (2024) |
4 |
X-Men: Kingbreaker |
4 |
X-Men: Legacy (2008) |
70 |
X-Men: Legacy (2012) |
25 |
X-Men: Legends (2021) |
12 |
X-Men: Legends (2022) |
7 |
X-Men: Magneto Testament |
5 |
X-Men: Manifest Destiny |
5 |
X-Men: Messiah Complex |
1 |
X-Men: Messiah Complex-Mutant Files |
1 |
X-Men: Movie Adaptation (2000) |
1 |
X-Men: Movie Prequel (2000) |
3 |
X-Men: No More Humans |
1 |
X-Men: Odd Men Out |
2 |
X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) |
1 |
X-Men: Original Sin |
1 |
X-Men: Phoenix - Legacy of Fire (2003) |
3 |
X-Men: Phoenix - Warsong |
5 |
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back! |
2 |
X-Men: Prelude to Schism |
4 |
X-Men: Red (2018) |
11 |
X-Men: Red (2022) |
18 |
X-Men: Regenesis |
1 |
X-Men: S. W. O. R. D.--No Time to Breathe |
1 |
X-Men: Schism (2011) |
5 |
X-Men: Second Coming |
2 |
X-Men: Second Coming - Revelations: Blind Science |
1 |
X-Men: Second Coming - Revelations: Hellbound |
3 |
X-Men: Spotlight On Starjammers (1990) |
2 |
X-Men: Sword of the Braddocks |
1 |
X-Men: The 198 Files |
1 |
X-Men: The End Book 1: Dreamers and Demons |
4 |
X-Men: The End Book 2: Heroes & Martyrs |
3 |
X-Men: The End Book 3 |
2 |
X-Men: The Heroic Age |
1 |
X-Men: The High Hand (2011) |
1 |
X-Men: The Movie (2000) |
2 |
X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop |
1 |
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) |
5 |
X-Men: The Wedding Special |
2 |
X-Men: Worlds Apart |
4 |
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever |
5 |
X-Men: Xavier's Secret (2025) |
1 |
X-Nation 2099 (1996) |
6 |
X-Necrosha |
1 |
X-Statix (2002) |
26 |
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl |
5 |
X-Termination |
2 |
X-Terminators (2022) |
5 |
X-Tinction Agenda |
4 |
X-Treme X-Men (2001) |
46 |
X-Treme X-Men (2012) |
14 |
X-Treme X-Men (2022) |
5 |
X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land (2001) |
4 |
X-Treme X-Men: X-Pose (2002) |
2 |
X-Universe (1995) |
2 |
X-Women (2010) |
1 |
Years of Future Past |
5 |
Yondu (2019) |
5 |
You Are Deadpool |
5 |
Young Allies |
6 |
Young Allies 70th Anniversary Special |
1 |
Young Avengers |
12 |
Young Avengers (2013) |
15 |
Young Avengers Presents |
6 |
Young Avengers: Sidekicks |
1 |
Young Avengers: The Childrens Crusade |
1 |
Young X-Men |
10 |
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2024) |
3 |
Ziggy Pig - Silly Seal Comics |
1 |
Zombies Assemble |
8 |
Zombies: Christmas Carol |
5 |