As the Tin Can Society processes their discovery during the showdown with Caliburn, they're left with as many questions as answers. To unravel the baffling truth, they must confront Hillary Cross-movie star, ascendant leader of Moore Progress, and Johnny's enigma of a widow.
The series enters its third act next issue. 2/3 of the story down and it feels like it's really built up a solid rhythm. It will be interesting to see where the plot goes from here. It would be all too easy to place this through the pages of a standard three act Hollywood structure every three issues being a different act. It really looks like the creative team, looking to do something much more sophisticated in Texter than standard Hollywood movie, though. There is reality here every reason to believe that there might not necessarily be a totally happy ending. It's nice to see some darkness hit the page. Read Full Review
Warren continues to craft a brilliantly complex and engaging story in this issue. Not only is the mystery in this story consistently compelling, but the action is thrilling and the twists and turns of the plot keep me invested in this world and these characters. The story is satisfying and entertaining as it leads to a fantastic twist ending that makes me excited to see what happens next. Read Full Review
This sixth instalment is an action-packed entry full of mind-blowing revelations and jaw-dropping moments. The Tin Can Society continues to be one of the best series out there, and as the story slowly creeps towards its end, the tension only seems to be getting more and more palpable with every issue. Read Full Review