Low #16

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Greg Tocchini Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 8, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 8
8.2Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

NEW STORY ARC! "OUTER ASPECTS OF INNER ATTITUDES," Part One-As a gladiator, Marik Caine brought the light of hope into the one of the darkest corners of the ocean before that darkness swallowed him whole. Now, a new hero arises from the fighting pits of Poluma to carry on Marik's legacy.

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Benjamin Birdie Mar 13, 2017

    Although we still don't know what happened with Stel's terrifying dead end last issue, this one brings us what "Low" always finds in the most unlikely places: hope. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Joe Ryan Mar 8, 2017

    I am positive once the next few issues hit, we will know more about why this narrative choice was made, and what IO means to the overall story. Remender says this right off the bat in the letters section. But for the time being, it was nice to see a character from the stories past, and from another perspective. If you have been reading Low, this is a great issue, but remember, you aren't getting any answers from where we were left from issue #15, and that is okay. If you are not reading Low, you should give it a whirl. Like most Remender stories, it's original, refreshing, action packed, and moves at a breakneck speed. No other writer gives the industry more twists and turns, and I suspect some more major ones coming very soon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - JJ Travers Mar 9, 2017

    The story is relatively short but manages to pack in plenty of action, violence and colorful language. The balance in the writing is beautifully put on display. I'm always impressed with Remender's ability to mix a deeper philosophical message of hope with giant sea monsters, pirates and gladiators. IO could mean a lot to the overall story–either way, it shows me that Remender's not even close to being out of original ideas. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Jeff Lake Mar 9, 2017

    In the afterward of Low #16, Rick Remender promises that events in this issue will have an impact on further events down the line. While that certainly bodes well for the future, the present finds itself a bit more muddled. Read Full Review

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