Critically-acclaimed, best-selling DESCENDER is back with "SINGULARITIES," its next exciting arc. Learn the terrible secret origin of the vicious doppelgänger Tim-22 and what secrets shaped him into a monster.
Descender #12 is an amazing issue, showing that there is a lot more to Tim-22's tale than we originally thought. Not only does this give us some emotional moments, but when coupled with yet another gripping climax, it makes the wait for the next issue all the harder. Read Full Review
Jeff Lemire gets his third story arc off to an incredible start. His signature humanistic writing is on full display. Dustin Nguyen continues to deliver a unique artistic style that fits not only the sci-fi genre perfectly, but this specific series as well. Traditionally, I would be a bit frustrated that I waited three months for a cliffhanger to be resolved only to find myself still hanging from the same cliff. However, Tim-22's backstory was well worth reading and provided context I didn't know I needed. If you haven't checked out this series, this is a great jumping on point (but do yourself a favor and start at Descender #1. Read Full Review
Descender fills in a little more backstory this time around as it eases us back into the larger storyline. Lemire delivers a good look at why TIM-22 is as he is and it's very easy to feel sympathy for him considering what he's been through. There's a lot to like here in getting a look at the events that changed everything and how some survived. Dustin Nguyen brings this to life in a really great way as there's such an air of loneliness about TIM-22 before it all goes wrong and then seeing the way he has to struggle after that is compelling through the decay that he's going through. Nguyen is delivering some of the best work of his career here and the passion shines through with how it's presented across the board with detail, color, and layouts. I can't get enough of the world he's bringing to life. Read Full Review
Even ignoring the amazing art, anyway, Descender is a good series to get into. And this is the first issue in a new story arc " the right one to start. Perfect chance! Read Full Review
'Descender' is back and while the main story hardly moves forward the reveal of TIM-22's backstory adds emotional weight to the present. Lemire once again shows why he's one of comics' best with a compelling issue that pulls no punches. Nguyen's art is predictably flawless and the new arc is totally accessible to new readers. It all goes by too fast but it's totally worth it. Read Full Review
Lemire and Nguyen sacrifice plot development to focus on character work in a good way. Read Full Review
This issue doesn't get us anywhere new, but the emphasis on character proves the difference. Read Full Review
Descender is back with its twelfth issue and it feels"brief. It's not that the issue is necessarily bad, but there really isn't a lot that happens here. Not only that, what does happen is drawn out to such an extent that you could cut it in half, and the basic narrative would still work without any problems. After the excitement of last issue, which managed to end the second arc on such a strong note, this can't help but feel anticlimactic. I will be avoiding spoilers in this review. Read Full Review