Mini-Series Premiere. Slade Slaymaker is a kid from Alabama suddenly lost in a vicious world beyond his imagining, a world of marauding ant armies, spellcasting spider witches, and beetle-riding barbarians. A kingdom of tiny but deadly warriors hidden in his own backyard. The same world that saw his father eaten alive by insects now plunges young Slade into the middle of a brutal Bug War to decide the fate of his family. From the superstar team of writer Jason Aaron and artist Mahmud Asrar comes the over-sized debut of a dark fantasy epic for the ages.
Bug Wars is emotional, thrilling, and full of surprises. This book is going to top the charts in 2025. Read Full Review
Bug Wars #1 might have a world that's small in scale, but it's bursting with potential thanks to its creative team. Aaron and Asrar deliver a comic that's bloody, epic, and grabs the reader from the first page and probably won't let go until the final page of the final issue. Yeah. It's that good. Read Full Review
Bug Wars #1 is a great kickoff issue and really immerses you in the world right away. Jason Aaron does an awesome job of building the world that we are in. He also does an awesome job of introducing us to the family and getting to know them, well also keeping some things back to build intrigue. The introduction to some of the bug factions also works out and helps shape where we may be going as this series progresses. Read Full Review
Bug Wars is a successful launch that promises an exciting future. It is positioned to emerge as a notable series in 2025 because to its gripping story, intricately detailed artwork, and deep thematic depth. Fans of comic books are invited to explore this epic tale and discover the dangers and wonders of Slade Slaymaker's universe. Read Full Review
Bug Wars is an imaginative and ambitious dark fantasy story full of epic moments. It's not all violent as the family drama feels relatable as they try to recover. Read Full Review
Jason Aaron describes 'Bug Wars' as"Game of Thrones meets Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and you know in the opening sequence it's an all-out war giving credence to that description. It's an R-rated 'A Bug's Life' where the combat is vicious and bloody as choreographed by Aaron and artistsMahmud Asrar and Matthew Wilson. There is an entirely microscopic hidden world amid the blades of grass and anthills of the Slaymaker property where Slade's father was eaten alive by bugs. Slade's family is in a bit of disarray trying to pick up the pieces when he finds himself entrenched in the middle of a bloody conflict. Genuinely thrilling as a fully realized tribal conflict as the first issue lays out the factions and interesting character designs. As any good opening chapter should do, it reels in the reader wanting to see more. 'Bug Wars' is a captivating new adventure you can't miss. Read Full Review
Asrar delivers beautifully detailed and insanely brutal art throughout the issue. I love the character designs and the visual style of the issue. Read Full Review
Its a nice opening with a lot of potential. The dichotomy between the two worlds is firmly established in the opening issue of a promising mini-series. Hopefully Aaron and Asrar can build momentum. This is kind of a tricky bit of narrative timing to negotiate. Theres a hell of a lot of action bursting through the first issue. A slowdown in action is inevitable in the second issue. Whether or not Bug War will live up to its potential will likely be decided by how Aaron and Asrar handle that slowdown. Read Full Review
Bug Wars is a cool concept with epic art that is executed well and leaves plenty of mysteries on the table for future issues. Read Full Review
The virtue of fantasy epics is that they can take place in any world that can be imagined. Bugs in someones front yard are just as good as any other world. Rooting this fantasy world in the real world with real world characters adds dimension to the story and builds extra investment for following issues. Bug Wars #1s unique world is certain to draw in fantasy lovers. Read Full Review
Such a cool concept and flawless execution.
Instantly sold on the premise.
Solid start. I’d rather have spent more time in the first issue with the family/MC instead of the long intro to the bugs, although the art is fantastic. Also, I’m not letting it affect my rating(yet.) but the bug pun insults are a lot haha.
good job Jason Aaron. I am happy you found your groove. The art isn't too bad
A pretty solid start. My only gripe is it felt a little formulaic.
I didn’t expect to like this so much. I’m usually not a fan of Asrar‘s art, but what he‘s doing with the bugs and ants here is pure genius. The scenes with the family look more like his usual stuff. Solid, but I wouldn’t read it if the whole book looked like this.
The story, although clichéd and seen in different variations a few hundred times in The Narnia Chronicles, Alice in Wonderland or Honey, I shrunk the Kids, is enchanting and well written.
I guess I’ll be back for issue 2. Let’s hope for more bugs than everyday stuff.