Apocalypse Now! The pawns have fallen! The rooks have hunkered down. The knights continue to rally! All the while the Rat King has looked on in glee as Oruku Saki, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and even his allies, the Trio of Terror, have played their parts. But now, as true chaos becomes manifest, the regent of rodents is faced with the full results of his machinations. The Pantheon will play! Whether chaos reigns or order wins the day, what comes next will forever change the world of the TMNT. Don't miss the epic conclusion of The Armageddon Game!
At long last the war has ended as the final issue of TMNT: The Armageddon Game wraps up over a decade's worth of plotlines and character moments, while seeding plenty of new ones. This team has created a satisfying event story that has played well with the main series and achieved what many event comics have only attempted in the past. Read Full Review
A monumental conclusion to the months-long crossover event, leaving readers satisfied and eager for what lies ahead. Waltz adeptly weaves together multiple plotlines and an extensive cast of characters, ensuring each one has their moment to shine. The artwork throughout the issue is outstanding, with impressive details, enhancing the visual impact. Read Full Review
In the end, the creative team behind The Armageddon Game promised something epic, and they certainly delivered in that respect. Read Full Review