Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #4

Writer: Mateus Santolouco Artist: Mateus Santolouco Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 28, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
9.4Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

The most infamous villain in the TMNT universe gets his own mini-series! Oroku Saki faces the Dragon! With demons closing in on every side, the Shredder faces the truth about the world's primal forces, the mysterious Pantheon, and his own soul! Fan-favorite artist Mateus Santolouco returns to the world of TMNT!

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Ronnie Gorham Aug 28, 2019

    Mateus Santolouco never ceases to amaze with his TMNT stories, and Shredder in Hell #4 is just another great addition. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Aug 27, 2019

    TMNT: Shredder in Hell #4 is another great issue in this series. With only one more issue to go, we will see if Santolouco can stick the landing to end the series. I am very excited to see if somehow this will connect with the upcoming TMNT #100 issue. With the Pantheon of gods and what happens in this issue, it should have some bigger effects on the TMNT Universe, so fans are definitely going to want to pick this up to see what happens and what could be coming up. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    I Review Comics Nov 30, 2019

    I struggle with Shredder in Hell. On the one hand its easily one of the most beautiful books released in 2019. It's also the most unique series in the TMNT line. The problem with the series is that at times I'm reading the series and totally lost. The script mentions "The Dream" which is ironic because the series has read like a fever dream.

    The confusing direction of the series is primarily due to Matteus making the reader work for answers. Either that or I'm just slow. If you're patient you're in for a truly epic journey akin to Dante's Inferno as Oruku Saki makes his way through hell. I'm happy to report that for the first time since the series began I feel like I have a firm grasp on whats going on.

    In this issue more

  • 9.5
    Micky H Aug 30, 2019

    This was a great issue and I enjoyed it better than the last issue. Cannot wait for oraku sakis fate in the final issue. The art is some of the best i have ever seen in a comic. One downside is the wait for the last issue

  • 8.0
    myconius Aug 28, 2019

    excellent comic.
    this Shredder mini-series is the best thing to come out of IDW in ages.

    Mateus Santolouco's art is amazing!
    and the story truly feel like Purgatory. like a Hellish nightmare.
    the design of the Dragon and Demons is just beautiful.
    the characterizations of Hammato Yoshi and Oroku Saki are perfect.


    it's always a welcome sight to see Tang Shen.
    i'm glad we finally see some closure for her and Yoshi.

  • 10
    Soul Assassin Sep 3, 2019

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