Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #58

Writer: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Mateus Santolouco Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: May 11, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
7.4Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"Leatherhead" Part 3! A violent skirmish between different factions breaks out in the Technodrome! The Turtles will have to make a difficult decision if they are to save the Utroms race.

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Jeremy Justice May 14, 2016

    All in all, a solid read. Great art, great color and great writing . But hey, what else would you expect from the team that put this together. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams May 10, 2016

    Above all, the most impressive aspect of IDW's ongoing TMNT series is the fact that, fifty-eight issues in, it still feels like one single, flowing story.  Yes, we may dip in and out of different character's lives, and yes, certain events may be pushed into the background or foreground as needs be, but all the changes, twists and turns along the way really mean something.  The cast of characters that the creative team has assembled are as rich and varied as any book on the shelves today, and the sheer confidence of the plotting from issue to issue, arc to arc, is truly something to be applauded. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 12, 2016

    This is a fantastic series in every measurable way, and while the segue into the book's next arc isn't its smoothest, it's still a shell of a good time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Freddie Nero May 12, 2016

    To be honest, I haven't been excited about any new Ninja Turtles since the TMNT movie in 2007 and the Michael Bay incarnations to follow have soured my love for them. I even refused to read the Batman/TMNT crossover series, even though Batman is my favorite character. This single issue has changed my views, at least for the comics. If you have ever enjoyed the Ninja Turtles at any point in the last 30 years, I suggest you start reading with me. I plan to stay consistent with this promising series and to catch up on this whole run as soon as I can get my hands on the collected editions. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis May 10, 2016

    Thankfully, the issue wraps things up with a cliffhanger that leads into a very chaotic-looking new story arc. It also concludes what is easily the series' best run of issues this year. Hopefully, this means that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is back to its usual stellar form. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Flickering Myth - Chris Cooper May 12, 2016

    On the plus side it's still awesome to see the turtles together and unified. They seem to have better understanding of each other now so hopefully they've become a stronger team overall. It's look as though they'll need to be, as the last few pages start the ball rolling on the next big story arc. We get some awesome Mikey expressions too which is always a good thing. I'm not willing to count his oxygen mask as new head wear, so I'm looking forward to Santolouco giving him a new hat soon! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nomadic Avenger Jul 7, 2016

    For me this is about as good as it gets. Amazing art, tons of action, and great characterization. I always prefer TMNT stories when they are out of their element, away from the ninjas and sewers. This was a great arc, and Leatherhead is a welcome addition to the series.

  • 8.0
    myconius May 11, 2016

    definitely an exciting conclusion for the Leatherhead story. i don't know why, but i was expecting this to spend more time on Burnow Island? but i guess once all the cards were put on the table last issue there really wasn't much reason to stay there? very satisfying read! the art was beautiful, even though Mateus Santolouco didn't get to finish the last few pages of the issue. it looked like it was done by the artist that illustrated the previous arc (which i don't mind at all)
    . . . . . awesome action, great dialog! . . . . . there are some really tense moments in this issue, and we get to see Leatherhead's actual origin (which is not as pleasant as the one he gave earlier) . . . . . the issue ends on an intense moment that'll have y more

  • 7.5
    Hislight Nov 16, 2020

    Leatherhead felt a little forced. The best part of this Arc was him and all his back story. The abuse part was actually pretty sad and hes a very interesting Villain. I just wish he was more in the spotlight and that this arc was a little less wordy. Still good stuff and a big win for any Turtles fan.

  • 7.5
    Gizmo May 19, 2016

    A bit of a cheap move to write Leatherhead into getting through the portal, but I can live with that. What happened the the rock dudes, they're still around but got shoved to the side in the latter half of the comic. Maybe we'll find out later since it looks like this isn't over.

  • 8.0
    mseccatore May 14, 2016

  • 8.0
    Mister Bungle May 11, 2016

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