"Space Ghost doesn't kill!"
In this issue: A dark and shocking figure from the future emerges, presenting a new yet disturbingly familiar threat to the team. Together they must stand fast against the tide of evil that is about to be unleashed - or else Doom will sweep across the entire galaxy!
Written by award-winning scribe DAVID PEPOSE and illustrated by superstar artist JONATHAN LAU, Space Ghost #10 boosts the series into an even higher orbit - fueled by combustible covers from FRANCESCO MATTINA, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, BJORN BARENDS, and ANTHONY MARQUES!
Space Ghost 10 is further proof for any few remaining skeptics that this is a title you have to add to your pull list to ensure you dont miss an issue. Read Full Review
Space Ghost #10 proves once again why this is the best series in comics today. This issue has something for everyone and really tugs at the readers' emotions. This is a must pick up at the LCS, and if this isn't on your Pull List at this point, what are you waiting for!? Read Full Review
Overall, it's a strong start to the new story, ending on a great cliffhanger that will keep us all guessing until the next installment. Read Full Review
SPACE GHOST #10 is a rip-roaring adventure from front to back when a strangely familiar figure arrives from the future to wreak havoc on the present. David Pepose's script busts at the seams with drama, action, and suspense. Plus, Jonathan Lau's artwork is practically glorious. Read Full Review
Space Ghost is a consistently strong series. Even the comparatively weak issues are still high quality. Space Ghost #10 is not one of those, though. Thanks to the culmination of ongoing character growth as well as Lau and Dalhouses work, especially on Space Spectre, Space Ghost #10 is one of the series best issues so far. Read Full Review
Space Ghost #10 is another turning point for the series. With its first anniversary around the corner this is a series really flexing its muscles with all the creators showing what they're capable of. Read Full Review
David Pepose is on the hottest winning streak of his career with this title as issue ten is another roller coaster ride of thrills and emotion. It's a guaranteed good time aided by the amazing visuals, colors, and designs of Jonathan Lau and Andrew Dalhouse. Read Full Review
Space Ghost #10 feels like the start of a new story arc with lots of teases to what's to come, even though the story within is self-contained. This one-and-done approach worked so well in the first few issues of the series, but it makes the character arc in this issue feel a bit too rushed. Jonathan Lau's art continues to impress, and the teases definitely have me intrigued. Read Full Review