The motley crew of “Doom Metal” sets sail for the cliffs of insanity, captained by Nightwing-or so he thinks! The team fractures, and Detective Chimp reveals the horrible secret wish in his heart. And speaking of hearts, Hawkgirl will stop at nothing to find Martian Manhunter, even if she jeopardizes the League’s mission and their souls. Part three of this five-issue tie-in to Dark Nights: Death Metal features the debut of a villain so huge he dwarfs all hope. Enter the Omega Knight.
Justice League #55 is a great chapter in an entertaining side-story to Death Metal. This story is adds some depth to the overall event, allowing a look at more of the Death Metal DCU. While you probably could follow the event without reading this story, I would recommend that it is well worth reading on its own merits. Read Full Review
This tie-in has sort of slipped under the radar compared to the main miniseries and one-shots, but Joshua Williamson has been telling a tense and creepy story that works as a great complement to Dark Nights: Death Metal. Read Full Review
Justice League #55 pits the team against each other and Nightwing will have to trust Luthor if he wants everyone to survive. Read Full Review
The odds look stacked against the team with this issues cliffhanger although theres every reason to be excited about what direction Williamson and Rocha will take this tie-in next. Read Full Review
"Doom Metal" finds its mid-tempo groove inJustice League#55, leaning strongly into the inherent strengths of its quest-style story and really running wild with them to great effect. Strong characterization and crisp, detailed art bring it all home. Don't miss out on this one! Read Full Review
This is everything I like about Death Metal wrapped into an issue, and it's been making for a very enjoyable bi-weekly read. There's legitimate merit to wanting to make an event that tries to tackle all of continuity, ambitious as it may be: it shows a respect for the intelligence and commitment of the reader, and makes it feel like the time they invested was worthwhile. When you can do that while still making it accessible for those who haven't read everything, then you have something special on your hands. Read Full Review
This issue may not be a grand slam, but it's a helluva lot of fun. Read Full Review
Joshua Williamson and Robson Rocha continue to do a great job using the setting created by the Dark Nights: Death Metal event to tell fun story in "Doom Metal." Taking everything these characters have been through over the last few years helped enhance the impact of Justice League #55. The ending hit all the right notes to make you as the reader worry about what will happen next. Read Full Review
Robson Rocha delivers some great art. I love the retro looks during the characters delusions and there are a couple of decent thrills. The Valley of Starros reveal was definitely a highlight. Read Full Review
Justice League #55 continues the Death Metal tie in arc, and it does read better than most tie-ins. However, if you don't care about Death Metal, there are still some things to have fun with here, namely the interesting team dynamic and the fantastic art. While the book feels rushed in places, it also has some neat ideas that are worth exploring. Overall, a well made book that succeeds despite the circumstances surrounding it. Read Full Review
This story which was fun as a concept kind of falls flat for me here as we just get to the end of our journey and discover that we're all doomed like we get over and over again from the Metal stories and while it might lead to a fun action sequence in the next issue, all the interesting parts to what this team and scenario could have been was put on fast forward, losing all the fun aspects of seeing the Metalverse. The art was good though and this could lead to great things next issue, but this one didn't do it for me. Read Full Review
If you enjoy fantasy you'll get a kick out of the "Doom Metal" story arc, but so far it has lacked direction and been slow in its development. I'm curious how this story arc plays out overall, but at this point it's been an okay twist on familiar characters. Read Full Review
If you're enjoying the Dark Nights story, I'm sure this comic has value to you. Otherwise, take a pass. Read Full Review