It's a deadly showdown between Batman and Superman--two former best friends now turned deadly enemies. Batman has run out of time to replicate the pill that will give anyone Godlike powers. He's about to pay a terrible price.
The momentum has been building and building for quite some time now, and this long anticipated encounter feels organic instead of totally forced. It's unlike the other encounters we've seen between the two and it's sure to leave you shocked. Opinions will definitely to be mixed on this development, but I think it was brilliantly executed and awesomely engrossing. Given everything that has happened and the relationship they share, I can absolutely see how this was a feasible solution for one of them. Read Full Review
Injustice: Gods Among Us #35 is another great chapter in a great run. We finally get to see Batman and Superman square off and the wait has been worth it. Everything rings true between them which makes the end result even more upsetting. I seem to say it every week, but I can't wait until next issue. Read Full Review
A solid issue and a smart executed encounter between Batman and Superman. It's great to see everyone involved have some part in this story, but these two are the soul of the conflict and when they engage each other you know you will feel mixed emotions as you should. Read Full Review