So long, Dakota-with bridges burned and allies abandoned, Curtis Metcalf is on the move! He’s tracked down Edwin Alva’s former partner, Asher Sim, in Singapore to get the truth about their early days…and find some leverage he can use. But can Sim be trusted? Or is he as dangerous as Alva?
But the arrival of Metcalf in Singapore is the chance for Cowan to showcase beautiful shots of Hardware soaring in majestic flight. Bill Sienkiewicz sharpens the details with his inks and Chris Sotomayor brings out the rich depth of the night and the fiery flames from Hardwares jetpack as the hero streaks across the sky. Open the newest issue of Hardware Season One and let your dreams take flight. Read Full Review
There is a particular double splash page with Hardware flying around Singapore where, when coupled with Sotomayor's colors, made my jaw drop at how beautiful it was. When I can even think about the word beautiful when working my way through a story so intense, you know you're doing something right as an artist. Read Full Review
Hardware is gaining momentum and has now reached the excitement level of other Milestone imprint titles, Static and Icon & Rocket. It's a great time to be a fan of this reinvigorated Milestone universe. Read Full Review
Cowan delivers some beautiful art in this issue. The art perfectly captures the gritty tension of the story and the action is visually thrilling. Read Full Review
All in all, while not the most riveting of issues, Hardware still remains a solid read. Brandon Thomas, Denys Cowan, Bill Sienkiewicz, Chris Sotomayor and Rob Leigh really do have a deep love for this character and it still shines through with this issue. Read Full Review
This book has been hit by delays since the start, which makes the slow pace somewhat frustrating. We're halfway through the first run, and compared to the other books in this line, it feels like barely anything is happening. Read Full Review
Sure it helps to have Cowan and Sienkiewicz involved, but this latest story feels undeniably 90s, for better or for worse. Read Full Review