"THE PHANTOM LANTERN" conclusion! It's Simon and Jessica's final confrontation with the Phantom Lantern as the evil Volthoom's plan for the rogue Guardian of the Universe inches closer to realization.
I read Green Lantern comics way back in the day. My first comic was the introduction of the Demolition Team. John Stewart came along and he was my favorite. His Mosaic comic was my favorite run in the history of the all the titles. It was short lived, but it has a social commentary and it was wonderfully written by Gerard Jones. Sam Humphries has a lot of that going on in this book. This story arc was not just well written and beautifully drawn. It, like Mosaic before it, is important. Thankfully, this book is doing well and hopefully Sam has no plans to leave it. Bravo to Mr. Humphries and his team for writing a smart, artful, and glorious book. Read Full Review
This second arc has been a lot better than the first, and now we have two new storylines to explore. One regarding the red lanterns goal, and the other regarding what Volthoom has planned for Simon and Jessica. Read Full Review
The evolution of Jessica was hands down the best thing about this title run, and this is the issue where she finally realizes that being a Green Lantern is her calling and she uses that to boost her confidence and finally make and control constructs. How could that not make you happy? Read Full Review
Some of the issue felt a little shoehorned in, like the inclusion of other Green Lanterns coming to check on the duo. It didn't particularly feel necessary, especially since the large portion of the story was over. It almost felt like an afterthought just show the inclusion with the rest of the corps. The ending of the issue sees the game change completely, as it gets a little weirder than we thought was possible. Volthoom is definitely coming back to the DC Universe in a larger role than he's previously had that's for sure. It's a good issue that will definitely lead to bigger things on the horizon. Read Full Review
While the writing comes off as redundant in times the art provided by Eduardo Pansica and Ronan Cliquet gives this issue the pop it needs. The vibrant colors and penciling compliment each other well and allows this issue to guide the pages along flow with ease. Paneling is done masterfully as most of the page is covered not allowing any wasted space giving readers the most bang for the buck. Read Full Review
GREEN LANTERNS #14 is a solid ending to “The Phantom Lantern” story arc. Though many readers won't be excited about an ending that isn't action packed, I believe they'll appreciate the logical finish. Not every villain can be taken down by force and it plays well as a learning experience for the rookie Green Lanterns. Their education isn't over yet with the Volthoom/Rami storyline still up in the air. It'll be interesting to see what's next for Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. They're stronger and more in sync than ever, so the future is looking bright for this pair! Read Full Review
Green Lanterns #14 offers a few surprises and some major turn of events that'll get folks talking and wanting more. Read Full Review
Despite the many conflicting natures shown, the villain ultimately falls into one-note territory, never feeling particularly important to the story at hand. However, Humphries again manages to get great mileage out of how Earth's greenest Lanterns are affected by the ongoing conflict, with Simon and especially Jessica seeing some much needed and well constructed growth. Read Full Review
This book has been really fun. Just when you think it'sgetting a little too fluffy they throw another twist at you. Half way through Ithought that the Frank plot was coming to an end in a too tidy of a bow, but ofcourse it was just to throw you off track. When in fact an even bigger threatis coming our way. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Now that Jessica has someconfidence I can't wait to see how her character develops with her new foundconfidence. Until next time. Read Full Review
Not a great way to end the arc as certain plot elements could be seen a mile away and Simon is left with a bag of nothing. I want to like this book but sometimes it's hard to do that. Read Full Review
The end of our Phantom Lantern arc comes to a close with this issue and I find myself really disappointed from what we got. There really wasn't much to this issue besides for the reveal at the end and with that, this arc comes off feeling really padded out and kind of useless. Sadly, the art wasn't as great as it normally is either and because of that, there's really not all that much to get out of this issue. Read Full Review
The final line: Starts well and then slides downhill. The characters continue to demonstrate unlantern-like behavior, which makes their actions and this series troublesome. I'm a Lantern junky and I'm buying this series for that reason, but my enjoyment is very low. Read Full Review
Green Lanterns #14 sadly stumbles across the finish line with a rather disappointing conclusion. I had high hopes for this arc but in the end the conclusion wasn't nearly as good as the initial buildup. Five out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review