Green Lantern: Rebirth #6
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Green Lantern: Rebirth #6

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Ethan Van Sciver, Marlo Alquiza Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 19
7.6Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

The return of Hal Jordan concludes here! The heroes of the DCU are split, and it may mean doom for some - unless Hal Jordan can accomplish what many believe impossible and lead them to victory!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley May 15, 2005

    I know Ive been called an alarmist; that Ive been warning of such catastrophe for years. I humbly remind the Commission my warnings about manga breaking down societys artificial gender roles, alternative comics reviews in our propaganda literature, (Time Magazine, USA Today, etc.), and the growing number of small-press conventions around the country. Im warning you now. Green Lantern: Rebirth marks the return of a traditional hero. We cant afford to let that happen. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas May 15, 2005

    My lasting impression of Rebirth though is that its a series where Van Sciver placed himself into the highest of echelons of comic book artists. With tremendous assistance by Prentis Rollins and Moose Baumann (I can imagine Baumann would prefer to stay away from the color green for a while), Van Sciver now is a maestro. Of course, Van Sciver has produced distinguished work before Rebirth, but just think about how comic book readers a generation ago only finally realized George Perezs magnificence once he drew New Teen Titans (even though he had been drawing super-hero comic books like The Fantastic Four for years already). Or think about what happened to John Byrnes stature once he took on Uncanny X-Men. Rebirth will have a similar effect on Ethan Van Sciver. He has now earned an enormous fan following who cant wait to see the next brilliant work he can produce. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning May 15, 2005

    For fans of Hal Jordan, this is vindication. For enthusiasts of the Green Lantern Corps, this is a resurrection. Whichever Lantern a reader favors, Green Lantern: Rebirth has featured enough action and assortment of heroes to satisfy all tastes. While some may regret that Kyle will no longer star in the regular title, he seems to be keeping busy in this weeks Rann/Thanagar War and the forthcoming Corps mini. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bob Agamemnon May 15, 2005

    Occasional groan-inducing prose aside, GLRB #6 augurs an entertaining future for the titles relaunch. This month sees the release of Green Lantern: Secret Files 2005 which teams Geoff Johns with star artist Darwyn Cook (New Frontier) followed by Green Lantern #1. One hopes that the new series will feature the rest of the corps as much as it does Hal Jordan and that the ratio of soap-opera drama to giant pencils and space pigs will favor the latter, giving readers the over-the-top fantasy this sci-fi book calls for. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 24, 2005

    The presence of three inkers makes it pretty clear that the title was racing the deadline, but it doesn't look like any corners were cut when it comes to the level of detail on the page, and Ethan Van Sciver deserves full marks for his work on this final issue, as he splendidly sells the sheer visceral impact of the big final battle, as the gathered Green Lanterns carry out their various attacks. The art took the suggestion about Kyle's ring constructs a little too literally, as having the character using a giant pencil to draw out his ring constructs struck me as trying a little too hard to let the readers know that Kyle is an artist. On the other side of the equation though I did enjoy the visual design elements that showed us John Stewart's constructs coming together, and the art also perfectly captures Guy's attitude with the one panel where Guy kisses his power ring. There's also a number of impressive big impact visuals such as the double-page spread where the collective might Read Full Review

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