Grayson is about to fly over this issues cliffhanger with no safety net! You wont believe what happens!
In a mere eight issues, Grayson has accomplished more world-building and character growth than most books can muster in an entire year. Read Full Review
This is a wonderful conclusion to the arc; it's a shame we have to wait two months to see what is going to happen to Dick Grayson. Needless to say, we can't wait to read his next adventure. Read Full Review
Great wrap up to the Paragon storyline. Strong characterization across the board. The surprises and twists make coming back for issue #9 in June a must. The creative team is putting out a quality book consistently and doing so in a manner that is accessible to new readers. Go buy this book and then get the other issues, youll be glad you did. Oh, and that reporter- Kathy Kane? Read Full Review
I loved this issue, but that's not surprising since this is my favorite book. I mention that because when it was announced, I was a huge detractor. I wanted Nightwing back, but now that this first arc is over, I will do whatever it takes to keep Grayson. Maybe even mind control. Read Full Review
Overall this was an excellent issue and an extremely intriguing read. Read Full Review
An incredibly strong, fast-paced issue of one of the better comics on the stands today. It has everything that makes this book great in spades, and some new doors are opened for future installments and mysteries. Read Full Review
Grayson #8 was a great finale to the first part of the series and really makes me look forward to the future of the title. The story and writing on this comic have been fantastic, as is custom. It's going to be a long wait until the next issue, but in the end, I'm sure it will be worth it. Read Full Review
Janinis still a real standout with this series. His characters are crisp and well-defined (that was a butt joke), and the action is never too difficult to follow. Janinbrings these characters to vivid, adventurous life, which is quite fitting this vivid, adventurous series. Read Full Review
Grayson has once again proven this week that it is one of DC comics top tier books. Richard Grayson has developed so well as a character that universally is loved. This is definitely a book someone can jump into and instantly love. It is covered in mysteries, but has enough where you can feel connections with the characters and be entertained by the writing as well as amazed by the art. Read Full Review
Issue 8 is a fantastic example of everything this comic does right: fun action, intense mystery, and great characters. Read Full Review
There are plenty of twists and turns to be found throughout this issue with an ending that is undoubtedly intended to open things up for some status quo changes in the issues to come. This issue leaves things just as mysterious as ever, however, which may infuriate some readers. Read Full Review
With Convergence coming, it seems that there'll be a brief hiatus - think a mid-season break - before we see what happens to Spyral in the wake of this first season of Grayson. But what Seeley, King and company have figured out is that Dick Grayson's appeal is that he's fun. He's got the moves, he's got the toys, he's got the sex appeal, and when you combine that with the undercover spy games, you've got yourself a recipe for an exciting comic. Here's hoping they can keep this momentum up when Grayson returns. Read Full Review
"Grayson" #8 is another great issue of a great series. Dick Grayson, one of the oldest characters in the DC Universe, is deserving of a top-tier, high quality title. When it was announced that he would be losing the Nightwing identity, fans were outraged. However, if this run continues apace when it returns, fans may wonder why they ever wanted to see him back in a domino mask at all. DC is slowly starting to find unique identities for each of their comic book properties after a few years of standard storytelling. If anyone has not had a chance to check out this book, it's a good time to catch up now before the second act kicks into gear. Read Full Review
There's an art to balancing a story's short-term satisfaction and its long-term payoff. Ideally, you want to keep the audience entertained in the present, all the while building towards something bigger and more important down the line, but if you have the former, you can take as much time as you need to deliver on the latter. It's the stories that struggle to keep you in the moment that need to worry. They can't afford to string you along before unveiling their overarching plans. Read Full Review
Grayson #8 didnt quite hit the heights that I wanted. While the things that I love about it are still there, the overarching narrative has shown itself to be weaker than most of the individual stories told within each installmentleading to a dissatisfying resolution once we hit the climax of that narrative. There are a lot of new and different things this book is doing in terms of its visuals and its characterization, so Im really hoping that the story of the next arc manages to catch up. Read Full Review