"ROGUES RELOADED" part three! Dragged on a wild goose chase all over the world, The Flash tracks the Rogues to their next target: the people of Central City! But is even Barry Allen fast enough to solve five diabolical crimes at the same time?
I'm loving the return of the Rogues. It feels like a fresh take on old characters and it's working. Captain Cold is upping his game and it leaves the reader wanting more. Then there's the artwork. Love it. I can't see a series like the Flash being that easy to draw with all the lightning and shattered mirrors and freeze guns etc. But Di Giandomenico does a fantastic job. The colors and shading and depth in the panels, love it. Read Full Review
In conclusion Williamson is writing one of my favourite books in all of DC and I can’t wait to see the final battle between Flash and Captain Cold and seeing what the future of the Rogue’s will actually be. Read Full Review
With Rogues Reloaded, The Flash is on a serious roll and is zooming along as the best arc of the Flash's Rebirth era. Given this issue's cliffhanger, the fun has only just begun for a title that's gotten a nitrous boost from the return of The Rogues. Read Full Review
The Flash is at a loss trying to figure out how to stop all the Rogues. Writer Joshua Williamson has the Flash explore his feelings towards the Rogues. This prompts a very poignant observation by Williamson on why the Flash cares so much for the group of thieves. Stunning artwork by artist Carmine Di Giandomenico and magnificent color choice by colorist Ivan Plascencia round out this great issue. Read Full Review
One of the things that has always set the Flash apart from his Modern Age contemporaries is his strong set of bad guys - his Rogues Gallery - and it's good to see them back in the spotlight. And it's great to see the Flash acting like a capable hero again. Read Full Review
The story is well told and gives the reader a sense of character and a desire to read more. The artwork is dynamic and fluid in its depiction of motion. Read Full Review
This is another good issue of The Flash and while it wasn't as fun as the previous one, it was full of action and surprises. Barry may have figured out the Rogues plan, but that may lead him into more trouble in the near future. Carmine Di Giandomenico's art was great and Joshua Williamson seems to be using the Rogues as a way to show what makes Flash great, but also expose his flaws. Read Full Review
Seeing Barry in action against the Rogues hearkens back to the classic days of the silver and bronze age stories. Williamson's take on the Flash gives me the same thrill I had when I would read The Flash as a kid in the 70s. Read Full Review