"SUICIDE SPLITS"! Mistaken for metahumans, thrown in the bowels of Belle Reve, the animal rock band Banana Splits are recruited by Amanda Waller for a secret mission: to save the Suicide Squad! What follows is the weirdest team-up you never thought you'd see! How can Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper and Snorky stand up to Harley, Deadshot, Katana and Croc?! And in the backup feature, Snagglepuss is a Southern gothic playwright working with an ensemble cast of cultural figures, exploring an intensely creative time in the New York City theater scene of the 1950s...
This comic is my favorite of the week delivering two entertaining stories that are entertaining in totally different ways. Read Full Review
And I'll say this word is DC is going to try again with a second round of Hanna-Barbera remakes. If this version of The Banana Splits, by this issue's creators, is in that mix, I will most definitely pony up my hard-earned cash every month for some of that. Read Full Review
The Suicide Squad and The Banana Splits?! Did I just read that? Yep. It happened. Hanna-Barbera and DC Comics create a mash-up that was not only a good read but was pretty funny to boot. Including the story name of Suicide Splits (Hey, it beats "Banana Squad"), that gave me a good laugh. Read Full Review
In life, you do not fight battles because you intend to win. You fight them merely because they need to be fought. Read Full Review
Suicide Splits is exactly what you'd expect and what your soul wants in your one off mash-up story. Well written, great art and a bit of a pulp all in one comic. Trading off of the Squads badassery and having them need a rescue from a pop band who hasn't had a hit since before I was born is a cute touch that works well with the over the topness of the Squad. Read Full Review
While I can appreciate what DC is trying to do by mixing up two of the craziest teams in the Warner Bros. library, there is something that feels odd about this issue. Maybe it is just too crazy and over the top for my liking, but I found the Snagglepuss backup to be much more interesting, entertaining, and "deep." If you are a fan of Crank or Fast and Furious 6, then Suicide Squad Banana Splits Special #1 is going to be perfect for you. The team of Bedard and Caldwell did a great job of bringing these two teams together and those it seems like an odd combination, in the end everything works. Read Full Review
The "Suicide Squad/Banana Splits Annual" #1's wild, irreverent tone will demand your attention thanks to the beautiful art and surreal writing. Read Full Review
Knowing nothing about the Banana Splits besides what is available on Wikipedia, I can't say whether or not any of what takes place in Suicide Squad/The Banana Splits is true to the original incarnation of their characters. That said, I don't particularly care if it is! This book is fantastic and one of the most fun reads on the shelf this week. I can't say it's a timeless work, but it's certainly the sort of book that will leave you giggling from start to finish. Read Full Review
The true star of this book, and the main reason why everyone should pick this up, is the Snagglepuss story by Mark Russell and Howard Porter. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad/Banana Splits has absolutely no reason to exist, but at the same time is not harming anyone for being a thing, it is fun and weird..just..read it for the sheer fact it's there. Read Full Review
Better than it has any right to be, the juxtaposition of 1970s characters and a modern team of criminals is funny and interesting in a way rarely found in DC comics. If you like humor, animals, and Amanda Waller this may just be the book for you. Read Full Review
This joke was worth telling; it just shouldn't have been a full-length story. If anything, this one should have been the backup tale to Snagglepuss Read Full Review
I wasn't expecting much going into this issue so I wasn't too disappointed. There isn't much going on to get fans of either property excited and it all ends up being a pretty forgettable Annual. However, I did enjoy the Snagglepuss backup and am suddenly looking forward to his upcoming book. Read Full Review
Unless you really think this might be worth something one day, I'd leave this one on the rack. Read Full Review
I expected a Suicide Squad-Banana Splits crossover to be silly and it was. I'd recommend this book to those that have nostalgia for the old show or just want a brainless fun ride. I wouldn't say that there is anything compelling here though and its $4.99 cover price may rightly dissuade some readers from getting the book. Read Full Review
This is not a good issue. Eight pages of high quality work cannot make up for thirty pages of boring writing and art that fail to live up to an interesting premise. Read Full Review
I dont know who this book is for, and I dont know why it exists. Im not even sure why I Im here. Snagglepuss, I guess, but I could have just skipped to the ending like an actual adult. God knows I dont like the Suicide Squad or care about the Banana Splits. Perhaps deep down I had hoped for something really strange, stupid, and fun, but Im far too cynical to think DC could actually deliver on that promise. Read Full Review
All in all, this is probably one of the strangest comics I've ever read. I'm sure those of you who are familiar with Banana Splits will find it much more exciting; for me, though, it was just a little over the line of 'surreal' for my taste. That said, the Snagglepuss story was exceptional. Read Full Review