Dinah dives deeper into the past of the mysterious white ninjaalong a trail that takes her deep into the heart of Europe, and face-to-face with a bizarre new enemy!
This book is incredible. Whenever I read this series, I just feel good about everything. With the the exception of #9, every issue has been great and this is the best one yet. I cannot recommend this high enough. You should definitely be reading this. Read Full Review
At this point Ive written thousands of words about this series since its debut, shamelessly double dipping with a review of the first trade, and while I endeavor to tease something specific out of each issue it always comes back to the same conclusion. Black Canary is the current benchmark for greatness in monthly comics. Read Full Review
Black Canary is a pleasing change of tone for a series that's now almost a year old, giving pre-reboot fans a taste of the old magic. While it's mostly an issue about D.D. finding out who she is outside the context of the band, there's a dynamic between that eclectic group of misfits that is sorely missed in this outing. Perhaps that is the lesson to be taken away here, that Black Canary works best as a character when she has equally strong characters to surround her. Read Full Review
The Dynamic Duo of a bat and a bird is back in action, but this time it's Batgirl and Black Canary, and they spend half the issue talking about Black Canary's family tree. Some good action scenes in this issue, but also a huge info dump of which I could not make heads or tails. The art shift from Moritat to Jarrell is a little jarring, but it's really the extended yammering that made it more of a drag. Only two issues left to figure out whatever the hell it is we're supposed to care about involving Dinah's mother and maybe some weird Swedish dude that may or may not play an important role at the end of this series. Read Full Review
I might have given this issue as high as a 5 based on the absence of the band and the effectiveness of the Babs and Dinah detective work. But unforgivable oversights in the artwork and Fletcher's usual exposition-heavy dialogue hold this one way back. Stay away. Even if you've been reading the series, consider this as good a point as any to drop it. Read Full Review