What's Batman without the Joker? Why does Batman get to have Batmen all over the world, when Joker only has Gotham? Well, the end of Batman's global monopoly is approaching. The Joker is here to disrupt his enterprise with the launch of Joker Incorporated! Australia gets a Joker! China gets a Joker! England gets a Joker! Australia gets a Joker! Argentina gets a Joker! France gets a Joker! Everyone gets a Joker!
It'll be interesting to see if Brisson uses the arrival of The Joker as an avenue for a quick Batman cameo/team-up or show how competent Batman Inc. is in tackling his greatest rogue without his help. Read Full Review
The setup in this issue is wildly exciting and leaves a lot of questions coming up for the next issue. As long as Brisson and Timms lead the story in a way that makes it very distinct and different from the previous arc, this story should be a success that will leave a lot of fans ecstatic. Read Full Review
Timms delivers some bright, vibrant and brilliantly detailed art throughout the story. I love the visual style of the issue and how it captures the dark menace of the characters as well as the visually engaging action. Read Full Review
The comic was great; it was more fast-paced than the last issue in the series and builds excitement for what's next in the series. Read Full Review
Overall, still a solid read. Read Full Review
Batman Incorporated #8 Covered a lot of ground, ticked a lot of boxes and introduced 5 new plot threads. I just hope that this start can be followed by a deserving end. Read Full Review
There's just enough that's flashy and intriguing here to keep fans enticed for more, especially with John Timms' lively art. Read Full Review
I have always wanted Batman Inc. to face a challenge from an opposing collective. Nevertheless, I never wanted it to have anything to do with the Joker. Despite my apprehension, there is endless potential for character development in facing Batman's most intimate foe. Which some may hope includes taking the wind out of Ghost-Maker's sails. Ed Brisson sets up a compelling jeopardy for the team to overcome analyzing identity and the bigger picture. Despite Joker Inc. populating its roster with nobodies, the home team finally receives the narrative attention they deserve. If executed properly, Joker may actually set Batman Incorporated in a positive direction. Read Full Review
With so many moving parts, this team needs a strong central focus point, but Ghost-Maker comes across as arrogant, ill-informed, and needlessly abusive to his colleagues, combining with a 'too much, too fast' problem in plotting for a confusing whole. Read Full Review