At last-the Outsiders take off on their mission to rescue Sofia from none other than Ra's al Ghul! But Ra's has other ideas for the quartet, and with the aid of Lex Luthor's mysterious gift, they are playing right into his hand.
Batman and the Outsiders #4 is a stellar piece of character work from a stellar creative team. Next issue concludes the "Lesser Gods" story arc, and I hope that Hill, Soy, and Gandini close it out in style. Read Full Review
There's not as much high octane action in this particular issue, but Soy's artwork is still very engaging even if most of the characters are just having conversations. Soy does incredible work with the facial expressions and body language of the cast that compliments the tone perfectly and remains dynamic with its perspective. Read Full Review
Four issues in, andBatman and the Outsiderscontinues to exceed expectations and deliver on promises made. This fourth issue makes it apparent that the war for Sofia's soul has just begun and that epic battles are on the horizon. Read Full Review
Dexter Soy's art is fantastic. All of the characters and backgrounds look amazing and full of detail. Read Full Review
Ra's Al Ghul continues to sink his claws deeper and deeper into Sofia. Sofia may be a lost cause before The Outsiders can respond and rescue her. Plus The Outsiders have their own problems to deal with as they are still gelling as a team while addressing past traumas in their lives. Will The Outsiders be able to save Sofia's soul? Read Full Review
An outstanding issue that really builds up to what should be an action-packed conclusion to the first arc. Read Full Review
Batman And The Outsiders #4 has the dominos all lined up, but Bryan Hill seems to have left the table on a tilt, giving the story a sense of urgency and futility. While this is frustrating, and a bit of a downer, I know that with a writer of his calibre (and Kailber), the rug of doubt could be pulled out from under me in the blink of an eye. With a creative team as strong as this one, I'm looking forward to whatever the future may bring. Read Full Review
Batman and the Outsiders continues to deliver as one of the more thoughtful team books out. As the team finally set off on their mission we understand who the team really are. As a testament to Bryan Hills writing, it is just as exciting to witness the outcome of the mission as it the mission itself. Read Full Review
I feel like this could become a great series, but it'll have to do it in the second arc. Read Full Review
From what we see in the panels of Sofia and Ra's, it seems the Demon's Head has done his work well and the Outsiders will have their hands full in the battle to save Sofia's soul. For fans. Read Full Review
Another issue of Batman and the Outsiders standing around while Sofia (you know, the girl they need to save) suffers. I love Dexter Soy's art, but this book needs some forward momentum real soon. Read Full Review
......don't bother with this book if you have other things you're interested in. The only good things about it are Dexter Soy's art and the tiny interactions between Katana and Black Lightning. Those parts seem like they were edited in from a better book and that's about it. Read Full Review
Batman & the Outsiders #4 isn't bad, but it's also far from great. There's a lot of potential here between the roster and the plot, but Hill is trying to do too much at once. There doesn't appear to be a consistent or cohesive focus, and that's only gutting the momentum of the story. Read Full Review
It's not a bad issue. It's just not particularly great as it lurches forward towards what is (hopefully) an action-packed future. Read Full Review