CASS COMES FACE TO FACE WITH HER OWN PAST! As Batgirl continues to unravel the complicated relationship with her mother, she finds herself alone in the dark den of her enemies. Plunged into poppy-induced hallucinations, Batgirl relives her past alongside a surprise visit from a Bat-Family member, who helps Cass confront the tangled roots of her origins. The lines between love, shame, and legacy begin to blur. Will Cass survive long enough to embrace her heritage...or break free from it at last?
A densely layered and deep examination of Cassandra's relationships that calls back throughout the character's long and storied history. Read Full Review
This arc has been the best focus Cass and Shiva got since the end of Cass' last solo series, and with one issue left to go in this arc, next issue has a lot to still resolve. Absolutely love the direction this series is going so far, and highly excited to see what Brombal has planned for Cass next. Read Full Review
Batgirl #5 is a shining example of how comics should embrace visual storytelling to their fullest potential. Brombal's script smartly lets the art take center stage, while Miyazawa, Faucher, and Spicer craft a breathtaking world that feels both surreal and emotionally raw. Napolitano's lettering is the final piece that ties everything together, making this issue one of the best Batgirl stories in recent memory. Read Full Review
Batgirl #5 is the best issue of the series so far. The pacing continues to be dynamic, the artwork continues to be stellar, and the colors continue to be vivid and captivating. We really got an insight into who Cassandra really is and what she wants to be as a person, even with all she's been through in her upbringing. The next issue is the conclusion to this arc, and I can't wait to find out what happens. This book is why I love comics… it's just pure fun. If it's not on your pull list, then what are you waiting for? Read Full Review
With so little talking, allowing for Miyazawa's action to take center stage and Cassandra Cain at maximum aura, this is the best presentation of the character since Batgirls #14 in 2023. Read Full Review
Brombal brings Batgirl to the penultimate chapter of its first arc with a boat load of action and intrigue. With plenty still to be revealed and Cass staring down the entire of the Unburied this book couldn't be in a better place heading in to the "Mother finale. Read Full Review
Cass is really supposed to be totally emotionless and unflappable. This can be really difficult to bring to the page and the reader to connect with them emotionally. However, the whole creative team is doing a really good job. Cass needs to really connect with the reader without betraying the overall aloofness of her and her ability to move around on the page amidst all of the danger that she runs into. It's really delicate that they managed to maintain quite well throughout the entirety of the issue. They've been doing a pretty good job on the whole in the issues this well. Read Full Review