All-Star Superman #11

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Frank Quitely Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 28, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 33
8.6Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Superman…dead? What is the secret behind the Daily Planet's ominous headline from the future? And what does Clark Kent have to say about it? All the pieces of Lex Luthor's master plan to kill Superman begin to come together, building up to the All Star big bang in story's finale!

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 29, 2008

    There's little I can say or do that hasn't been said before by better writers than me. Cloning should be started on Morrison and Quitely and mass production should be ready by 2015 so that we can replace every Superman title's creative team with an army of Morrison's and Quitely's. Only then will my dreams be fulfilled. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes May 30, 2008

    As plain and simple as Frank Quitely's art looks, there's an incredible amount of substance in the way he uses negative space and scope. There really isn't another artist like him working in the industry right now and he's one of the few mainstream artists that can get away with using such minimalism. Jamie Grant has always made this book pop with his coloring. The vivid palette gives this book a life of its own and adds to its charm. With next issue wrapping up this creative team's run, I'm bracing myself for a hell of an ending. I'm really going to be sad to see this series end. You can't go wrong with any issue in this series. Pick them all up! Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    IGN - Daniel Crown May 28, 2008

    Like most penultimate chapters, All-Star Superman #11 is quickly paced and high on action, but when taken in after a re-reading of the previous issue, Kal-El's battle with Luthor takes on a whole separate level of sentimentality. Morrison really sets the stage here for an exciting finale- a book poised to close out one of the great series of the modern era. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jun 6, 2008

    Lex Luthor's B story is the least interesting thing in All Star Superman. When was the last time that happened? The dialogue, however, is pitch-perfect: encapsulating Luthor's ego and hatred for the Man of Steel. His niece is a riot, yet I almost wish that Morrison had simply dropped the section involving Luthor to instead focus on Superman's final battle against a cosmic threat to the earth. The two stories don't mesh very well, and that's why the book itself isn't as ideal as other chapters in the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Jun 8, 2008

    The one major irritant in the story is Lex's niece, his partner in crime, who prattles on about her plans for mass murder and genocide like an adolescent mooning over some matinee idol. She must be useful but it is hard to believe Lex Luthor would tolerate someone so childish. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Benjamin Birdie May 31, 2008

    Last issue, which saw Superman rescuing a suicidal girl and then in turn being greatly and surprisingly assisted by her descendant hundreds of years in the future, cemented this run as one of comics' all time best. So it's certainly difficult to expect a follow up issue of the same weight and resonance. After all, Superman cured cancer in the final panel! While "Red Sun Day" might not reach those heights, it still stands comfortably among the other ten issues of this series as a sterling example of this medium's visual potential, and the superhero genre's ability to outstretch and surpass the limits of the imaginary. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jun 2, 2008

    The issue ends where the series began, in Clarks office at the Daily Planet, where the bumbling reporter has apparently succumbed to heart failure, just as Luthor strikes. Superman made a lot of new friends as this series progressed, however. Luthor assures Lois and Jimmy (who handled Nasty with aplomb, by the way, appealing to the base instincts she wears, like all teenagers, on her sleeve) that Clark is the least of their worries, but I think the same can be said to Luthor. Hes got a deep hurting coming his way, and boy does he deserve it! Read Full Review

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