After the shocking events of the last issue, Lord Drakkon's victory seems assured-unless the Rangers can find a way to team up with another team of Power Rangers they've never met before!
Shattered Grid is everything I would have expected it to be, and this is just the beginning. There are still questions that need to be answered and still a story to be told. Read Full Review
Not only is the story amazing, but the artwork is as well. Daniele Nicuolo puts together some stunning fight and action scenes that jump off the page. Add in Drakkon's upgraded Samurai armor, and this issue has it all. Read Full Review
Sorrow, shock, regret, emptiness, and anger all show their faces throughout the issue, and writer Kyle Higgins also includes some sad realities of what the death of Tommy means to those outside the Ranger bubble. Read Full Review
I cannot shout it from the mountaintops any louder, if you call yourself a Power Rangers fan you NEED to pick up this book. Run, don't walk to your nearest comic book store and get in on the greatest thing to happen to the Power Rangers since they first exploded onto television screens 25 years ago. Read Full Review
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 is still an incredibly strong installment in the run, as well as a continued piece in the Shattered Grid story arc. Its biggest problems come from a lack of cohesive transition between the types of scenes both within this issue and the prior, but those issues do not overall hinder the strong character moments and compelling action the book offers. Read Full Review
Morphin Power Rangers #26 took big leaps forward for the second chapter to this crossover event. Momentum seems to be what they are pushing for and its working. We are moving from A to B and they are pulling no punches in what is at stake every moment that they aren't putting a stop to Lord Drakkon's crusade. Read Full Review
The main story is tense and exciting, the backup is amusing, and while they don't quite gel together, the total package makes for a good read. Read Full Review
The action heats up as Power Rangers start crossing over, but the whole event takes a lot of explaining. Read Full Review