Scott Harrigan's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Booked Reviews: 4
9.0Avg. Review Rating

The only major downside to this issue is that the storytelling can be a bit disjointed and confusing as it is constantly switching between Lois and Superman. It is definitely not a standard single issue and such a deviation may not be for every reader. The writers were trying to do something different and, for the most part, it was a success. These slight imperfections are the only thing keeping this issue from a perfect score. It is still worth picking up and a must read for Superman fans everywhere. If this issue doesn't shine, it is likely due to us being spoiled by the stellar first two issues.

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This comic makes a serious case for digital releases. The next three stories that will be featured in issue #3 are already released on the digital market and the first story of issue #4 is out as well. People who love Superman will get more of what they love, and people frustrated with Superman's godlike power level should be refreshed to see Superman deal with problems that he cannot just punch of blast with heat vision.

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The Adventures of Superman #1 is an excellent start to what could be an excellent series. It is great for people intimated by the decades of lore due to it's stand alone nature; there is no better jumping on point for new comers to Superman comics. Aside from one morbid scene, it can be appreciated by any age group as well. This comic is a must read and must own for anyone who considers himself or herself a Superman fan. It delivers on all of its promises. It is going to be a marvelous summer for truth, justice, and maybe a little of the American way too.

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Overall this was a very good introduction to the series for both new readers and fans of the Guardians. There is much potential for storytelling and hopefully Bendis will capitalize on it in the series proper.

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