Manolo's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Pop Culture Uncovered Reviews: 6
6.1Avg. Review Rating

Bottom line, if you are not reading the DC's Metal story line, you owe it to yourself to do so as soon as possible. While the premise of the narrative is outrageous by current comic standards, it is stories like these which stay with you as reader for the rest of your life.

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Fans of suspense comics such as The Black Monday Murders and/or Kill or Be Killed may see this as an off-week filler series with potential for expansion into a full-blown international crime drama centered around drug cartels, black magic, and murder. With the improvements noted, Gasolina has earned my money for another month but remains far behind other titles in the genre.

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Fans of suspense comics such as The Black Monday Murders and Kill or Be Killed may see this as an off-week filler series with potential for expansion into a full-blown international crime drama centered around drug cartels, black magic, and murder. But as of now, the creative team has some work to do if they wish to garner the same critical acclaim of their contemporaries.

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Ultimately, issue five served as a stronger climax to the initial arc with Rose uniting with her Khatz and issue six felt like the beginning of the second arc. Fans of the series will enjoy the character development but may see this issue as more of a bridge toward the next big event. Newcomers should begin at issue one to fully appreciate the direction the series is going.

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Ultimately, these questions do not drive reader interest but instead serve as a distraction and prevent the reader from achieving emersion into the story. A trait which similar titles have accomplished with much greater degree of success. Yet, despite this, it is just the first issue, and the conclusion is compelling enough to warrant follow through into issue two (Sep '17). Perhaps with some further character development this story could take us Elsewhere.

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Diablo House is a great start to what could become this generations Tales from the Crypt. However, what made that title special was the publishers desire to push the boundaries of social commentary. If given the flexibility to do so, the creative team seems well suited for elevating this title to similar heights. Especially, considering our current socio-economic climate. I for one am interested in seeing where they go in issue #2 (Sep 17).

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