jwilliamcarroll's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 1
8.0Avg. Review Rating

In the end what you think of Dragon Age: The Silent Spring will largely depend on whether or not you enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins and/or Dragon Age 2. For fans of the games it's a fun book that raise some intriguing questions to keep the wheels turning during what promises to be a long development cycle of Dragon Age 3 so this is a definite buy. If you didn't like Dragon Age, than nothing here is going to change your mind. Those who have never ventured into this universe at all may find themselves adrift since The Silent Grove largely relies upon a reader's previous connections to the character's and the setting, and provides only the barest glimpse of what made the games so much fun. If you're one of these people I'd recommend buying the first two issues to see how much you like the series, or waiting for one of Dark Horse Digital's bundle sales.

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