Julius Freeman's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geekality Reviews: 66
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Yes, this is your typical zombie comic with chock full of clichs, but that doesn't matter at all. If you haven't been picking up this book, then you're missing out on some gut wrenching, intestine flying, brain splattering, fun.

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Seamless, invigorating, sucks you into a vortex of chaos, and madness, which makes Bedlam an instant classic. Where is Spencer taking this story? I dont know, but I cant wait to find out. I just hope he sticks with this one and not leave it hanging like he did Infinite Vacation (I know, I know, I should let it go, but I really wanted to know how Infinite Vacation was going to end). From what Ive read so far, this book is seriously a blockbuster book. It reads like one. It feels like one. It really is quite the start and at 54 pages at $3.50! Who else does that, but Image Comics? Who does it better than Image Comics? No one.

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The introduction of Eric sets up a clash that's coming. A clash I can't wait to read when it arrives in comic shops, but I'm jumping ahead. So the question arises, can you force someone to be moral? Can someone who found their pleasure harming other people remain moral? Like the sub heading of the series: Is evil something you are or something you do? Stick around, and let's find out.

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The story definitely took another step up the mountain of awesomeness. The issue was airtight, almost flawless with every page turn. The dialogue reads like a dream, the segments when Madder Red describes how the serial killer annihilates his victims was immaculately executed. Spencers cruel, unpleasant, twisted sense of humor and Rossmos stark-raving-mad pen work are potent mixes to the brew that is called Bedlam. Its becoming a fascinating insight into the mind of an ex-insane, sociopath attempting to peacefully live his normal life. On top of that, hes helping the police catch this serial a la Silence of the Lambs while Detective Acevedo has no idea that Fillmore Press is Madder Red! What more can you ask from a comic? Im sure Bedlams premise has been done before, but certainly not in the way Nick Spencer presented it. Joker, eat your heart out. You have a new kid on your block and his name is Madder Red.

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Lastly, I have to commend Spencer for taking the story to a forbidden zone of sorts. Im speaking about the subject of pedophilia within the institutions of religion. Im not going to go deep into it because the subject is heavy. Im happy that Spencer is exploring this heart wrenching subject with this story. It isnt the centerpiece of the story, which is nice, but it is an important side note to the story. Not many media (TV, Movies, novels and even comics) want to touch the subject because its taboo for a lot of people. Kudos to Spencer for at least raising awareness to this horrid phenomenon that has plagued our churches for God knows how long now; subjects like these need to be explored, and need to be told.

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Lastly, I cant comment enough how Rossmos eye for detail, camera angles, and sequential structure makes this book all the more enjoyable to read, and look at. I especially love the grey and red he uses for Fillmores memories, which gives the reader a glimpse into how Fillmore sees the world; bloody red. Creepy, but a pleasant touch of artistry nonetheless. If you havent been picking up this book, do yourself a favor, dont bother. If my five star rating, along with my rave reviews, isnt enough to get you to buy the book in the first place, then youre a lost cause.

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This is some finely tuned compositional work Spencer has given us, but fans of his already know that, dont we. Hes added another layer of subplot on top of the overall plot which hopefully will all converge with one another only to explode out of the pages when the series is wrapped. Go to your local comic book store and start following this series. Go to your local comic book store and start following this series (hopefully writing that sentence twice will help remind you to support your local comic shop).

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Underneath the comic tropes (action, comedy, and fun reading), Bitch Planet #3 is about self empowerment, self awareness and love of self no matter how one may look, feel, or think. If that isn't enough to quench your intellect, or shake the foundations of your complacency, take a gander at the essays in the back of the issues, they will definitely challenge any comic book reader, male or female, black or white. The team behind the book should be given a round of applause for being such courageous artists in a politically correct world.

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Let's recap: COS have some of the finest artisans in the industry today including Darwyn Cooke, which is a plus. You get three short comics along with advice on how to BREAK INTO THE COMICS INDUSTRY costing $3.99 for 48 pages. They do this every month for anyone who is willing to cough up four dollars! Why aren't you picking up this book? You owe it to yourself especially if you are an aspiring writer or artist.

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Just when I think C.O.S. couldn't surpass its' previous issue, it does. Just when I thought their format would get stale with time, I'm proven wrong. This is why they are the pros, and I'm not. It's good to have friends in the industry, and it's also a excellent thing to have a long rap sheet in the industry to pull off a book like C.O.S. It really is a book you can't miss, especially if you're a long time fan of comics; and especially if you want to break into the industry.

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This series has become one of my favorites; it's a shame that the run will only last three issues. Hopefully, this book is released every quarter during the year with new stories. Let's keep those fingers crossed. It's been a long while since anyone had produced a comic like this outside of Dark Horse Presents, and I'll be sad to see it go.

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If you havent picked up this book, DO IT NOW! This is what comics are all about. This comic is precisely the kind no other media can reproduce. It cant be made into a movie, or a TV show. The magical essence would diminish if that ever happens. It maybe could be produced as an animated feature, but this story is made for comics and should stay that way. This issue shines brighter than any diamond and blows all the other books on the stands out of the water.

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Fatale is a prime example of what comics could be if you simply use the medium to its fullest advantage, and I'm a happy man that I finally get to talk to my girlfriend about a comic we BOTH love.

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Even if you're not a Godzilla fan, this book is worth your attention and dollar. What are you waiting for? Go now to your local comic shop and pick this book up before you kick yourself in the butt for not doing so.

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You have to give IDW credit here. Whoever decided to hire Stokoe to draw this book knows talent when he sees it. I know we dont give editors enough credit since the names of the writers and artists are on the cover of the book, but if you dont have a good editor in your team, that can make all the difference. Dont wait until the fourth or fifth issue when the hype is at its all time high. Get this book now before the bandwagon comes around. It wont hurt you. Ill admit that the book looks like Orc Stain only with Godzilla in it, but I dont care. I just love looking at anything James Stokoe produces. We also have to give him credit for the skilled writer he really is. The Godzilla craze may be gone, but Stokoe, and IDW, are keeping it alive. Could this be the beginning of another Godzilla craze? I guess well have to wait and see. One thing is for sure, Ill be looking forward to it.

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You will not, never in a million years, regret purchasing this book. So, go to your local comic shop and BUY THIS BOOK NOW

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It's been a while since I've read anything Millar has produced because he seems to write the same book over and over again. I hope he does something different here because Quitely's skills deserve nothing but the best stories. He's a master of movement, action, and facial expressions. He really does bring the characters to life and most of us know that sometimes all you need is the perfect team to make an awesome book. We saw it with All Star Superman, Watchmen, Wanted, The Authority, and many other books I fail to mention. Here's hoping that Jupiter's Legacy is another book that will be added to that list.

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This book has so much pulp, it puts Tropicana to shame. This one issue has a little bit ofeverything, action, comedy, drama, and a ton of scifi to along with that. Not many writers can do thatas clever as John Layman. Aspiring writers, take notes. Usually, these franchise books aren't really thatgood and I try to stay away from them. Most of them don't do the franchise justice because writers onlyhave so much they can work with. This book on the other hand, is worth picking up. IDW did a great jobassembling the team of Layman and McCrea to produce a high octane book that is done extremely well.

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I know it's a bit out there, but what other book leaves you on the edge of your seat month in and month out? And let's not forget Esquejo's art. I don't think the book would have the same effect if another artist took on the task of drawing this complex, compelling tale of life, mystery, and death. Or is that you're afraid to read such a complex, thrilling story?

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Jim McCann is proving to be a writer to watch during 2013 and beyond. Hes taken something as universal as death and spun it into a metaphysical roller coaster ride. Like a true pro, he allows the story to unfold on its own without dragging it out too long. Every issue, theres something new and fresh that is added to the overall story. It isnt convoluted either. This is some mighty fine writing here and we snobby comic fans should take notice. Im just saying.

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Many Sci-Fi stories involve space travel or intergalactic wars between different alien races. Not this book. This is a survival book, in the same likes as that of a zombie book only it takes place in an alien planet. The end of the issue leaves you petrified for the survivors who already have such a fragile state of hope. The comic book industry wouldnt survive if writers and artists didnt do a great job hooking you in the end of every issue. Ken Garing, to my understanding is new to print, is already a master of this craft. He exploded onto the scene and, from the looks of it, will remain here for many years to come.

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It will be sad the day when Graham leaves the book, or when the book is cancelled, or even when the story is finished because this is one of the most innovative, ground-breaking, ingenious take on an old 90's Image book. Please stop reading this review, turn off your computer, and go to your local comic shop and pick up this book. You won't regret it.

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Not many books in the market today dares to comment on the social upheavals of the world, and put it so sternly on paper. This is why I hold Vaughn to such high standards because he's the only one daring enough to comment on those delicate issues. War is hell. That is a fact. Instead of making it all about us versus them, Vaughn decides to focus on the Romeo and Juliet aspect with Marko and Alana. It's a tragic love tale that will make Shakespeare smile with glee. It's because of books like this that fills my heart with hope because without books like this one, we'd have to read the same old stories from Marvel and DC. Support your indie books because right now we're living in the golden age of indies.

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If you haven't started reading this book, then what the hell are you waiting for? Seriously, this book can go toe to toe with any of the other books the big two publish on a monthly basis. Why Brian K. Vaughn isn't working for the big two is a mystery to me, but I prefer he write for Image Comics alone. He can write whatever he wishes without the corporate chains of intellectual property restraining him. The characters are so alive they might as well jump out of the page. Usually, books of this magnitude reach a stagnant plateau where it remains until the end of the series, but not this book. This book keeps on climbing to a peak invisible to the naked eye.

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Brian K. Vaughn is one of the most illustrious writers the comic industry has today. He can make you laugh, he can make you cry, and he can make you think. Let's not forget Fiona Staples. Her aquatic pencil strokes make this sci-fi epic a true original classic. She brings so much life and depth into this story giving it that oh so delicate feminine touch that appeals to both male and female readers. This book has it all.

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If you want to read a book that will brighten up your day? Skullkickers isthe proper medicine to your daily blues.

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The big two have the best, BEST, talent in the industry, but countless stories involving superheroes saving the universe, the noverse, the multiverse, the nowhereverse, or whateververse in whatever crossover event they happen to be in, is becoming tiresome, expensive and, yes, boring. Im hungry for something fresh, real, raw, and Image Comics is feeding that to me. Image has done the right thing by allowing writers and artists to shine, both well established and up and coming. Ten Grand is yet another addition to a library of great works of art.

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It's a lot to take in, sure, but it's a book you'll read over and over again with gusto while catching the little things you may have missed the first time you read through it.

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Anyone can read this and enjoy it, so if you're a person who wants to read something with meaning, substance, character development, and just plain old good story telling, Lil' Depressed Boy is sitting on the rack of your local comic shop waiting for you to pick it up.

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MP never bores and it reads like a dream. I turn the page with eager anticipation. Aliens, conspiracy, thrills, and colors pleasing to the eyes makes MP a dream come true for any comic loving fan. I admit this book can only go so far before it becomes stale and, as surprising as this may sound, look forward to the end of this series. Transmetropolitian comes to mind. It was a fantastic series, but Warren Ellis ended it gracefully. I hope that Hickman does the same with this series. It deserves it. If you havent been picking up this book yet, then I feel sorry for you. Really, I do because youre missing out on some mind bending, gut wrenching, awe inspiring fun. So, get your butt off your chair, go to your local comic book store, and pick up MP.

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What a series and it's only the second issue! This is a book I can get behind. It's written well, and the set up is top notch. The art work could be a hit or miss with readers, but I felt it works well with the story. This is a comic book in every sense of the word. There's intrigue, a crazy and wild set up, the involvement of two regular guys caught up in a crazy world, and there's monsters, lizard men, and werewolves oh my! What more can you ask for?

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This is by far one of the best action comics in the market today. When I read it, it felt I was watching a Hollywood blockbuster film only ten times better. Tonci Zonjic's artwork compliments Edmonson's script. Zonjic's art reminds me of the late Edvin Biukovich who drew the Human Target with Peter Milligan years ago. Zonjic's work is glossy, suave, and ambitious, which makes it extremely pleasing to the eye. Let's not forget Nathan Edmonson's technique to tell a story of such high octane caliber.

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Im not going to bother describing what I read in this issue because Id just ruin it for you. You have to purchase the book to see the brilliantly produced sequential story art, the dialogue that pops between characters, and the edge-of-your-seat thrills and spills for yourself. Overall, Where is Jack Ellis is what comics ought to be. Nathan Edmondson has a bright future in any medium, and Ill be looking forward in the other projects he plans on producing outside of Where is Jack Ellis. I cant say enough great things about Zonjics art style which fits like a glove to Edmondsons script. This is what they call the total package. Do yourself a favor, give this book a chance.

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If youre a diehard Millar fan, no doubt youll pick this book up, but if youve been tired of his work lately, Id still suggest you pick this book up.

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This book has all the elements a Vampire comic should have; a real Vampire, a murky, sinister, setting and a hint of dry humor. Mike Raight does a wonderful job setting up the series and the cliffhanger in the end was a great one albeit a bit predictable. The artwork matches the tone of the story and the dialogue is sharp enough to cut a T-bone steak. If you're looking for something that doesn't have sparkling vampires, or vampires that are from the pages of Cosmopolitan, then this is the book for you.

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Overall, this is a great read. All of the stories going on in this issue (I counted four) gracefully intertwined with one another without ruining the experience. It doesn't seemed force or tries to be clever because the book is naturally clever. This is great writing on the part of Daryl Gregory. He manages to keep you glued to the page at every turn, which isn't easy to do. The art is remarkable! Carlos Magno's technique is fresh and innovative. His style reminds me of a young Lenlil Yu only more detailed and grittier. This political, and religious, drama that takes this property to a whole other level is one you can't miss.

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The first two issues were a slow start, but the book has definitely picked up and I highly recommend picking up the series before you miss out on " what appears will be " an explosive ending. After all, it's only four issues. Usually, books of this size tend to be dense in their delivery, but not this series. It's just the right amount of story for us to properly digest it.

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Pitarra and Hickman work extremely well together complimenting eachother's craft. This is what a great comic book should look like. Yes, I said it. This is a great comic. If youhaven't picked up this series then you're missing out, for this is what comics should be all about.

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Scott Snyder is a force to be reckoned with in the horror genre; Jocks artwork never really clicked with me, but, for whatever reason, when he works with Snyder it clicks. They just go together like bees and pollen. Overall, Im impressed with this series and Snyders writing talents. I came in late in the game and yet his story still managed to hook me, and have me emotionally care for characters I knew nothing about. That takes mad skills. So, I pledge you, dear reader, to go into your comic book store, pick up this book if you havent already, and believe in the Scott Snyder hype. I do. And whatever Image books he decides to do next, Ill pick up.

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Again, like last weeks review of Ten Grand, this is what happens when you allow big time names to let their creative juices flow like the Niagara Falls. Once again, we need to give credit to Image Comics for ushering in this new Golden Age of creativity. Chin Music is a book you cant miss, and yeah, wed all prefer if these superstar artists drew and wrote our favorite superhero books, but I much rather have them produce original works. Theres only so much you can do with superheroes before they become stale and recycled (>coughcough< Marvels NOW). Ive experienced three clean slate revisions by the big two and every time its the same ol story. Try something new, exciting, daring, and provocative in Chin Music. I know I will and so should you.

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If you haven't picked this book up, you should consider doing so. It's worth your nickel.

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If you're a fan of good old fashion Sci-Fi, I would give this book a look. It's not original, but it's a nice throw back to the Sci-Fi of old, which, by the way, I'd like to give kudos to the creators of Divinity for the ever so subtle nod to the iconic character, Adam Strange.

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No I'm not that old, but I at least can see what all the hype surrounding Jack Kirby is all about. He was innovative and never held himself down by the standards of what the publishers expected their creators to produce. This same rule applies to Joe Casey. He seems never to fail on delivering a thought provoking, out of this world, comic book. What are you waiting for? Pick this book up and 'enjoy the ride'.

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Jim Zub is quickly becoming one my favorite comic book writers and I can't wait to see what else he has in store for us.

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Theres something genuinely creepy about this story. You have the religious fanatics who claim to be Christ-like which is eerie in of itself; you have body parts smuggled in and out of Wasau County; the Mayor finds his wife throwing up blood in their bathroom; and a glowing fetus-looking-creature appeared out of nowhere in this issue. I dont know how the story began, but Im hooked. Its right up my alley. Will I now start reading Revival? Yes. I cant wait to read what will happen next, but first I need to read the first eight issues to find out just what exactly is going on.

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The sequential storytelling is very innovative and thecomedic pacing is spot on. I especially enjoyed the Pirate Dictionary is an additional gem we get frombuying this book. What are you waiting for? Buy this book!

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This is an edge of your seat book you can't miss if you're a fan of the first person shooting games, or of covert military operation movies. Sure, it's not my cup of tea, but I can't ignore the fact that this is one hell of a series with crispy dialogue, epic action sequences, and good old fashion thrills that will knock your socks off.

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Considering what I read here, it looks like we're about to be given a treat, so I highly recommend " if you are a fan of this kind of book or of Mark Waid " to pick this book up and enjoy it for what it is.

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Comedy in comics is something we should have more of. I like my drama and mind bending sci fi, but some straight comedy/action comics would be nice once in a while and The Fox fits that need. If you havent been reading this, you should jump on the band wagon. The dynamic between the Fox and his son is a delight to read. Its what makes this book all the more interesting. The rebellious teen who thinks he knows it all working alongside his out-of-touch father is a cool dynamic and Im eager to see where they will take this already bumpy relationship. Again, this is a fun comic. It may not be the kind you like, but I would recommend giving it a try. You wont know if you like green eggs and ham if until you try it first. Give this book a try. You may not regret it. I know I havent.

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Why can't comic creatorsthese days do the same with their books? Don't give us what we think we want. Give us what wehaven't seen yet. This is what this book does month in and month out. Don't get me wrong, this bookisn't for everyone, but if you truly are a comics lover. You should give this book a shot.

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The artwork by Stephan is good for the most part, but it doesnt dazzle just yet, for me anyway. From my understanding, this is his second issue as he replaced the one who shall not be named. Perhaps if he gets a few more issues in there, finding his groove, he will no doubt make the book all the more fun to look at. Sometimes it takes a while for an artist to get his groove when working with a writer with a vision in mind, but then again what do I know? Im no artist.

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I feel Rossmo's absence hurt the actual book because, nothing against Mr. Geini, some of the artwork didn't look finished. I really expected this issue to be Goliath from Six Flags Magic Mountain, but instead got Space Mountain from Disneyland. It's still a good roller coaster ride, but it doesn't compare to the ferocity that is Goliath.

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I would love to see this book transformed into something much larger than what it is now. Rossmo has a vehicle here that could be used for aspiring writers, who havent been published yet, to showcase their storytelling skills. The same goes for aspiring, talented, artists looking to showcase their work. That would be interesting, and Id definitely read that. Who knows the amount of untapped geniuses who are out there floundering in the sea of freelance hell (I should know). Thats just my wishful thinking, but so far this book has been a fun ride. The stories are well written and the art is spot on, giving the book its unique flavor. Deep down, I was hoping theyd return a few of the characters I only got to know in the first issue. For instance, I would love to see more of Zan, the Paranormal Intuitive Life Coach, the character introduced in Reflections, as a regular of the series in the same spirit as the comiczines of old. Again, my wishful thinking.

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The book was tough to read at times because a lot of the dialogue seemed forced and cluttered for my taste. The story and the premise, I dug. This series is much more superior to the other slasher comics that are out there in the market today. Whereas publishers like Avatar, which produces some of the finest horror books out there today, treat their horror material with gusto. Hack Slash has humor in this book, that sometimes hits and sometimes misses with its delivery, but nonetheless still fun to read.

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If you're a fan of the original series, this is worth the pick up if you want to know the origin of The Cape.

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I enjoyed the idea of the armor having a mind of its own, sensing its destruction and going to great lengths to protect itself by using its human host. Some of the dialogue was rough around the edges, but bearable. Admiral Xylems dialogue seemed too cartoony and clich for me. When I see Admiral Xylem, drawn by Travor Hairsines hands, I hear regal, elegant, but brute. Instead, we received the Im-going-to-destroy-the-world-muah-ha-ha villain. Yawn! Other than that, the rest of the story was solid. I critique a comic, or any story for that matter, by how badly I want to turn the page to find out what happens next. Every time I read X-O Manowar, although not perfect every single month, Im eager to learn what will happen next. Give this book a shot if youre into the superhero genre and want to take a small break from Marvel or DC. Lets give this underdog a chance to shine.

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Still a good issue all around, the dialogue good, narration spot on, even the scenario of the parents joining forces was a great idea, but it simply didn't deliver in the climax of the story. Yes the ending was cool, but it wasn't shocking. Yes the story was decent, but not fantastic. In other words, expect a dud of an ending this issue, and let's hope the book goes back up from eight to eleven in the next issue.

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This franchise has so much potential. It really does even though the premiseis as simple as the alphabet, but I will have to wait until someone else comes along and does the seriesjustice. Don't get me wrong, they have all the elements there, but those elements weren't properlyexecuted. The rushed story simply killed the momentum the series could've had for all those hardcoreCrow fans.

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The premise sounds good on paper, butwhen you read the actual story, it fails to deliver on the potentially good premise.

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This story felt rushed right from the beginning. I feel that if they stretched this story out to another issue, it wouldve worked. I was intrigued with the mystery in the beginning, but lost all interest when I learned the identity of the murderer only a couple of pages later. It was a great premise that had so much potential to create a newfound villain for the team. A little girl with powers to manifest things from the internet to kill those on Earth intrigued me. Sure, it may have been nothing new, but it wouldve been distinctive to everything else thats out there now. They couldve kept the character to explore how she was able to get such power, but this is simply wishful thinking on my part. Instead, they jam packed this story into one issue and the revelation in the end simply seemed like a cop out. Is this a book I recommend you pick up? Only if youre feeling nostalgic.

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The book is on the borderline of cheesy, dull, and tiresome. Seriously? How many times can we see the Turtles fight Shredder and get away without defeating him?

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Sadly, for this reviewer, the book failed to capture theawe of the Transformers franchise. When I think Transformers, I think epic. This book was nowhere near epic.

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I've read three issues of this short series, and I've been trying to figure out why I couldn't get into this book. The art was fine, even the lettering was nice, but the story was missing its pizzazz. When I finished reading this issue, it all became clear to me. The emotional investment I should have for the characters is nonexistent. It just isn't there.

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The ending to this story arc was cool, action packed, and fluid, but as I wrote earlier, the resolution lacked that emotional punch leaving the reader empty like a shell. That's how I felt after reading this issue, empty, hollow, and dull.

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Would I recommend this book? No. It's sad to say, but this book isn't worth your time or money.

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If I want to believe that these women are true warriors, thenwhy do they need to dress like strippers? I read this book, like all other new books, with an open mind.The more I read, the more I wanted to finish the issue so I won't have to read it anymore.

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