Godzilla: Half-Century War #1
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Godzilla: Half-Century War #1

Writer: James Stokoe Artist: James Stokoe Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 8, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 6
8.6Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Introducing a new and exciting look at Godzilla's reign of destruction, courtesy of Orc Stain creator James Stokoe! The year is 1954 and Lieutnant Ota Murakami is on hand when Godzilla makes first landfall in Japan. Along with his pal Kentaro, Ota makes a desperate gamble to save lives... and in the process begins an obsession with the King of the Monsters that lasts fifty years! Don't miss the first decade in a tale of a lifetime!

  • 10
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Aug 8, 2012

    Art aside, what really makes this book work is the way Stokoe tells his story. All of the IDW Godzilla books have been pretty good, but they have always focused on the bigger story; the story of several monsters tearing the world apart. Stokoe tells the story of one guy, Lieutenant Ota Murakami, and his battle to save the citizens of Tokyo from Godzilla's rampage. It's a story told from the street, from the view of a single tank commander. It's engaging, thrilling and beautiful. I can't stress this enough, folks, buy this book. It's a must read and a must own. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Aug 11, 2012

    It is certainly difficult to try and decide what is better, Stokoe's art or his script. I am very anxious and excited for the next instalment in the series. The ending to this issue left me begging to see what Stokoe has in store for Murakami and Kentaro as they tread into uncharted territory. I can't tell you how happy I am that I took a chance on this book the other day. It was such an amazing read that I felt compelled to write this review even though I met my quota for the week. I want to spread the good word about Godzilla: The Half Century War in hopes that others can find the joy that can only be found with a two hundred foot tall irradiated, fire breathing lizard. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geekality - Julius Freeman Aug 8, 2012

    Even if you're not a Godzilla fan, this book is worth your attention and dollar. What are you waiting for? Go now to your local comic shop and pick this book up before you kick yourself in the butt for not doing so. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Aug 8, 2012

    Hands down this is the best Godzilla comic I’ve ever read. It’s not just because it actually has Godzilla in it rather than pretending that Godzilla is the title of the universe in which the stories take place like the ongoing. No, this book is great on many levels. The story is well crafted and interesting with art that is incredibly beautiful and captures the essence of the world perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Daniel Alvarez Aug 8, 2012

    Overall, a good start to The Half Century War. It's great how they're using Godzilla's original attack as the backdrop. While the writing leaves a little to be desired, it isn't cringe worthy like some of the earlier Kingdom of Monsters issues. We also get the best drawn Godzilla ever, this mini-series has a lot of potential. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov Aug 10, 2012

    So Godzilla may not exactly be relevant anymore and the classic film is over 50 years old, but with just one issue Stoke has proven that his reign is far from over. No, Godzilla is definitively back thanks to the folks at IDW, and "Half-Century War" is pretty much the perfect resurrection for him. With the first issue giving us a look at the events of the first film and once again bringing us back into his world, it is with baited breath that we wait for Stokoe's second issue. Bring on the monsters. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Aug 9, 2012

    Godzilla: The Half-Century War #1 proves to be a worthwhile monster story that becomes a standout when considered for its artistic achievements. Stokoe's got me hooked again. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Aug 11, 2012

    I can see this being a polarizing issue. If you're just a Godzilla fan, I'm not sure it's going to do that much for you because the story is pretty routine (so far). But, if you're a fan of unique and incredible comic art, it's a "must buy" because Stokoe is just that cool and special. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - stephengervais Aug 13, 2012

    I know the story is an old one done countless times but Stokoe writes it from the unique perspective of the obsessed Lieutenant to give it a fresh feel. The artwork alone makes this worth the purchase. I cant emphasize enough how spectacular it truly is. Just flip through it and you wont be able to resist. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Aug 21, 2012

    Overall, it looks like some cool adventure awaits in Godzilla: The Half Century War, and it's earned a reprieve from my previous disinclination to keep up with my favorite lizard's stories. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Zack Kotzer Aug 7, 2012

    To be frank, for Stokoe to take the subject anywhere other than streaming havoc is already flights above the expectations of a Godzilla comic's duties, even if the subject Stokoe ends up playing with may be a few steps above him. It's difficult to tell where the story will continue on, the title suggesting some more epic, ongoing contra between the human Murakami and the mammoth reptile, which may continue following the footprints of the films. But as long as we can continue trailing behind Stokoe's pretty path of destruction, then I'm willing the bare the fallout. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Aug 8, 2012

    "Godzilla: The Half Century War" #1 is a very tantalizing taste of what this miniseries holds over the following four issues. There is a major league action story being presented but it hinges on the personal journey of one man. Thinking about one person constantly raging against this elemental force of nature, and how this must feel to push the tide back, is a very interesting take on the mythos. It also stands out as unique compared to the current "Godzilla" ongoing from IDW. For an exceptionally cool take on Godzilla and how the beast affects the man, pick up this book. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Aug 7, 2012

    This is not a comic book for everyone. If you are not a fan this will do nothing to change your mind about the monster but if you are a fan of Gozilla you could certainly do worse and there is the curiousity of where the story will go from here. Read Full Review

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