John D. Kennedy's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 4
6.0Avg. Review Rating

Pogrom's a tricky deal. On one hand, it seems to have some cool concepts to it and the characters seem interesting at a glance. But the pacing issues and the confusing plot twists drag down the plot. The series has a goal but until it can clear up its pacing issues some readers might feel frustrated waiting to get to the end. I would definitely recommend this series, however, as it seems to have a lot of untapped potential.

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While this is a bad issue to pick up the series if its your first time reading Fall of Cthulhu because of how complex the plot seems, this series is excellent and continues to impress me. Fall of Cthulhu continues to define itself as a great horror comic that can hold its own when compared to other titles.

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Im really wanting to like this series but its difficult at times. I loved Dingo in the series and the Hunters were great villains in the last part of the second season. But this series, billed by Weisman in his letters section as a slow build up, is just moving too slow to keep interest in it. Hopefully Weisman turns this series around soon. If you are a faithful and die hard Gargoyles fan this comic is for you, but for others you may just give this comic a pass to read Thunderbolts or Suicide Squad.

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This series is good but is really written with certain types of people in mind. If you are a hardcore Lovecraft fanatic, who has all the books and can recite the Cthulhu oath by heart, then these stories will appease you and make you long for the moon drenched shores of Ryleh. If you are new to this series or have only a passing knowledge of the Mythos in general, then these stories might not be for you. Good art, imaginative stories, but Im left wondering how long a series that shows people continuously losing against monsters will eventually last. All in all, I was entertained but was left wanting for more than just a couple of pages for each story.

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