Joanna Robinson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: On Comics Ground Reviews: 87
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Superman Son of Kal-El is one of the best Superman books in ages. Jonathan Kent is an incredible new Superman for a whole new generation, while bringing the character back to his 1930s social justice roots.

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The Justice League wraps up their battle with Synmar. The book itself is fairly straightforward and action focused, which leads to a fun but mostly forgettable read. Hopefully The Justice League can move onto a newer and more pressing arc soon.

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Carol is single but is she ready to mingle? With her recent breakup and traumatizing experience in the Apocalyptic Future Carol isn't really ready to do much. But when you're one of the Avenger's, can't stay hiding in bed for long without punching SOMETHING. . . or can you?

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Captain Marvel may be the Supreme Accuser, but now she has help in trying to solve the Mass Murder of innocent Kree/Skrull people. She is more determined then ever to clear her half-sister's name but are their new powers enough?

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Captain Marvel must find the culprit behind the massive bombing that destroyed the City of K'In-Al. But the prime suspect right now is her half-sister Lauri-Ell who swears she is innocent, and Carol believes her. But if it's not her, and her Hammer isn't showing her who is at fault, how is Carol going to find out who to Accuse?

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Captain Marvel has been given the new Title of "Supreme Accoser" in order to help the Kree/Skrull Empires fight a new deadly foe threatening peace through the Galaxy. But a new title, new toy hammer and new powers always comes with new responsibilities, can she handle all of them?

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Captain Marvel, has been through a lot lately so its only fair she get a night off with some close friends. But that just isn't her luck or for her group of friends who all happen to be hero's when they decided to enter an Escape Room only to find, there may be no Escape from the man known as "The Nexus"

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All-Father Thor and his brother Tyr have come knocking on Asgard's Gates bringing with them a powerful evil that consumes everything it touches. It's up to Jane and her friends to try to stop them, but without her All-Weapon Undrajarn can she possibly save the Ten Realms from this endless darkness?

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It's the final battle between Captain Marvel and Vox Supreme and it is a brawl for all! But she isn't going in alone as her Avenger Team have her back. But is it enough to stop Vox or is it too late for everyone?

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Jane Foster must face off against someone she had hoped to never have to fight; All Father Thor. Possessed by dark energy, she has to free him and stop the life sucking energy from destroying everything. But can she or is the Mastermind behind this evil just using her for something bigger?

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Captain Marvel is running out of time to take out all the members of the Core Avengers to complete Vox Supremes Master Plan. But the last Avenger's may be the hardest ones, Physically and Mentally for Carol to fight and deliver.

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Life and Death are a huge part Jane Foster's being. So when an ancient entity bent of sucking all the life out of Earth's inhabitants comes up from the ground, its up to her to stop it But she's got some help from members of the Avengers, as well as her old friend and former flame the new All-Father Thor!

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Captain Marvel's plan to fool Vox and destroy/save her friends is working. But for how long? And what about her friends that aren't in on what is happening?!

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Jane, Dr. Strange and their gang of Medics have reached Death's Castle, but what is waiting inside for them and can they save or let alone WANT to save Death?

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Carol is off to defeat the next Avenger on her Kill list; Tony Stark AKA Iron Man! Can one of Earth's Strongest Hero's defeat the smartest of Avengers?!

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Jane is given a cryptic message about Death and needs all the help she can get in not only tracking her down but how to actually help her. Can she and her Doctor gang of misfits find Death herself in time?!

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Jane has to save Stephen Strange before its too late and Reaper brings his should to the underworld or she will loose her powers as a Valkyrie! Can she save him, herself and Reaper before its too late?!

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New look, new attidute but all Carol. What has gotten into Captain Marvel and why is she attacking the Avengers?!

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Jane is struggling with her new life and is just trying to figure out what the heck is next? But she won't have to wait too long as the Masterminds behind Bullseye's attacks come out of the shadows. .

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Captain Marvel is going to have to pull out all the stops when it comes to defeating someone with HER powers! But will she have enough strength to defeat Star after being drained to the point of death?!

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The truth comes out and while some of it isn't surprising, some is! But is Carol willing to make the Ultimate Sacrifice to save the world that has turned on her?

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Jane must lead her dearest friend to a Realm that no one has been to or even knows exists. Can she do it and does such a place exist?!

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Jane is up against Bullseye who is wielding one of the most powerful weapons for an assassin. With her friend down for the count, it's up to Jane to figure out her new powers before it's too late her and everyone!

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Captain Marvel has been ousted as part Kree and no one is accepting it. But thanks to this new mystery superhero taking over, does this mean that Carol has some time to figure out why her powers have been acting so weird or is she just going to accept it and keep going with her new life?

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Jane Foster is back and this time she is no longer the Goddess of Thunder, but the wielder of Life, Death and everything in between as the Last of The Valkyries. Welcome to Day 1 Jane!

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It's time for a new Chapter for Captain Marvel and this one is starting off with a bang! No literally, between the World finding out about Carol's Kree bloodline, the appearance of a new Hero AND something internally wrong with Carol she has a lot of mess to clean up.

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North America freezes in New Jotunheim, Europe becomes New Svartalfheim. Asia goes up in flames as the Queen of Cinder claims it as her new domain. Ilk the Troll claims Australia, Amora the Enchantress raises an army of the Dead in South America. The Angels of Heven take over Africa and Roxxon Oil takes its Stakes in Antarctia. All of Midgard has been taken over and its up to all the Marvel Hero's to find the one person who can stop it: Thor

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It's Here! It's Here! It's Finally HERE!! The War of the Realms has begun and if you haven't been keeping up then you're in more trouble than the God of Thunder and Marvel's Hero's as they battle Malekith's Massive Army. Get happening on catching up ASAP because this war is going to be Epic.

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It's the last issue before all Hell Breaks Loose in the Marvel Universe and it's been building for too long now. Sure, you could skip this issue but, why would you want to?!

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The War of Realms is 2 Months away... Thor is working his Hammer off but what is All-Father doing seeing as this is partially his fault for ignoring the other 9 Realms.

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The War of The Realms is coming, and Thor isn't the only one doing his part to prepare. Enter old girlfriend and newest member of The Agents of Wakanda; Roz Solomon. It may be her first week on the job but she is more then ready to prove herself anther worth to everyone.

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The Twisted Twins of Horror are here with a Black Widow who is dark, angry and back from the dead. She is ready to chew bubble gum and take names. . . and she's all out of bubble gum.

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Gwen HAS to get back to her friends before its too late. But first, she has to fight Green Goblin, or in this case; Goblin Gwen. Can Gwen break through Gwen to save herself, her friends and now, this worlds Gwen!

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Gwen HAS to get back to her friends before its too late. But first, she has to fight Green Goblin, or in this case; Goblin Gwen. Can Gwen break through Gwen to save herself, her friends and now, this worlds Gwen!

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Gwen has a lot to take care of and being stuck in another world isn't one she wants. What she feels she NEEDS to be doing is saving her friends from the Inheritors but instead, she is stuck helping this world's Peter Parker save his Universe from the threat of the Green Goblin, who may also be the only one that can help Gwen!

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Norton is clearly the key to the Black Barn's mysteries and things are beginning to tie together between the characters. Not to mention the appearance of the possible main villain who is so creepy you know, nothing good could be coming for our band of hero's.

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With Jason Aaron handing the rails to Seanan McGuire and Rosi Kampe, what could possibly go wrong? Gwen has been through a lot already so enough is enough right? Now it's time to start fresh, or is it? With a new Chapter, comes new problems for Gwen and even a New Vigilante Name! I know, Ghost-Spider sounds corny but if she likes it, then I like it.

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Doom is back and more powerful than ever before. It's up to the protectors of Midgard and a little help from an old fiery friend to stop him. But are their God-like powers enough for this new God-like Doom? And be careful of talking worms, they may trick you.

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Lemire and Sorrentino are back for Part 2 of this Horror Comic and they come in hot and ready from page 1 to the CREEPY last page. Everyone is connected in some way to the Black Barn, but now it's time to find out how and WHY!

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Nothing good ever happens when Thanos shows up and this is proof. But even still, Thor won't let that stop him from doing everything he can to defeat Cinder and get Hel back in order. And boy does it show with amazing Storytelling and artwork on every page. He may not be worthy to hold the Hammer but he is still God of Thunder for a reason.

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Fire and Lightning fill each page of this comic and it is beyond words to describe. As two old friends and old gods fight, each with their own reasons, the reader can only hold their breath as to who will win.

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If you're still on the Thor Ragnorock kick (which let's face, it we ALL are ha-ha) you will enjoy seeing the Beloved Queen of Hel, Hela come into the story. But she is just a small mix of what's going on in the bigger issue. It's only issue 3 and things are getting hot for Thor and his companions in a manner of speaking.

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Batgirl is facing an old nemesis, Grotesque, but he is readier for her then ever and deadlier. Worse, when he messes with the Chip in Barbra's spine she has to find a way to keep herself sane and standing! Scott's writing is fresh and vibrant and Pelletier's art compliments every page.

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Batgirl is back from Gotham and the wedding that never was and has no time for breaks with all the Madness going on in Burnside. From funerals, costume parties, and murderous art thefts, it's no wonder Barbra needs a little down time with her old friend and flame Dick Grayson.

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Another wonderfully creepy issue of this tale and it can only get better from here. This issue is the end of the First part of the series and it is worth the read to get you ready for what's to come. Its dark and scary and full of story that keeps you on the edge of the page.

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From the first page to the last be ready to be on the edge of your seat as the horror finally sets in and secrets are revealed more about not just the Barn, but the character's and their connections to the Barn. Now that the Door has opened (to our favorite color Red cause of course), will you step inside?

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Batgirl is still entertaining as always, and Two-Face is a pleasure to see. Another fun issue with its usual message at the end that makes you think. Hopefully a larger storyline is on its way from all these self-building issues Barbra is having.

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Issue 2 starts with a bang and ends with one. Love the reunion of all the Boys and Karnilla to help them out. But things can't always be what they seem and that's what makes this fun. Tons of great action and comedy with some gorgeous art. The ending alone is going to keep you hyped up for the next issue

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Hooray for more backstory about the Black Barn that we have now realize is more than what it appears to be. And more to the history about Gideon Farms which is keeping the story moving strongly. The last page is what is going to get you (it definitely got me!) and make you anticipate the next issue. Horror in a comic at its best.

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Only one more issue to go before we say Good-Bye to our(my) love Gwen Stacey. This issue is a perfect build-up to the ending which we can only hope is going to end with either a BANG! or a positive not. Or maybe both. Either way, I'm sad to see her go but I'm excited to see how it ends!!

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If you're worried about continuing with Thor now that Jane is gone, don't be. This first issue is a perfect way to restart the original God of Thunder's Journey back to being worthy. And, as said earlier, it flows so well with the story Jane had started. It's time for Thor to finish it and we should all look forward to it.

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Latour and Rodriguez's run of Gwen is coming to an end and its sad for everyone. But things have to start getting wrapped up for Gwen and her story. Murdock is at the end of his ropes and Gwen must now face the world with her identity being out there. Hopefully it will go better than the last time a Spider Person revealed their identity!

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We all go through times in our lives where we have to decide what we want in life, especially now with graduation time right around the corner for students. This issue will hopefully serve as a reminder and a comfort to those that it can be done. Batgirl shows that no one might have it down, but it's possible to find yourself in the struggle.

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If it isn't obvious that Jane Foster as the Mighty Thor was inspiring to people, especially girls, you are going to feel it in this issue. And you are going to feel it in a very heartwarming way. If you aren't convinced by the Granddaughters faces when they meet Jane, they I don't know what else will convince you. But with Jason Aaron still at the helm of the series, you know that the action is not over, and the story must go on with Odion returning as The Mighty Thor once again!

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A comic with a horror theme can seem difficult but as expected, Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino deliver. You are excited and scared to pick up the next issue and that's how any good horror should be.

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As always with a new arch, I'm interested to see where this goes. As I said, Babs goes through constant mental struggles with the chips in her head and her life. To see where her brain has taken her during this one is interesting though, imagining a day in her life like its nothing.

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Well now that Gwen is back with a slightly new perspective on things, here is hoping that she puts it too good use with the alliance of Jameson. Jason Latour's writing hasn't been bad this whole run so now that they are getting back on track with the main story, its only a matter of time before all hell can "officially" break loose.

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This is a great set up for what is to come and even though I've been all about the thought of having a female Thor, the way it ended has me excited for Odison taking over. Jane has shown throughout her run that she is worthy of this in more ways than one. As a girl, it's hard to live in a male dominated world but "Lady Thor" has made waves. Now it's time for Odison to show that he can carry on the Mantle that she carried when he couldn't. While it's sad to see her go, I'm happy to see her mark on the Marvel Universe.

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This is the end of Priest's run with the Justice League but let's hope he returns, perhaps for Wonder Woman with the way he has written her in just these last few issues. The League is now stronger than before and ready for their next big arch, which if you've been reading comic Gossip News, is going to be a big one.

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Between Wonder Woman dying, Cyborgs dialogue with Slade, the whole fighting going on in Africa and the fate of the Fan, it's pretty intense.

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Once again, this is just a filler till a big arch starts and it's a cute one. There is still the action and suspense of lots of Science-Detective talk to make it a Batgirl comic. But it's a nice one to add to the Batgirl collection more so because it shows the strong bond between the Gordon's, in and out of the Mask. Let's hope it stays that when bigger arch's occur.

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Now that Thor is dead and the truth about her identity can be revealed, I look forward to seeing how the Marvel Universe reacts. Not to mention I know that I will be sobbing like everyone else at saying goodbye. It's terribly sad to see such a strong female character go after all the anger of introducing a "female Thor" to the Marvel Universe. Jane and Thor together were strong not just physically, but mentally in their hardships against supernatural forces and the reality that humanity must face on a daily basis. Sure you have strong female characters like Wonder Woman, don't get me wrong, but she is considered an Amazon and doesn't have to deal with humanities struggles such as Cancer.

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I hope that they continue the art style between the two Gwen's as long as possible ha-ha. I am also interested to see how the story goes now that the villain has been revealed. Not to mention just EVERYTHING about this villain should be interesting if done correctly, which I'm sure it will be

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Another issue with so much going on its hard to keep things straight. A lot of referring back to previous issues so if you missed one you might be lost even in its subtlety.

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This is definitely creepy in the way that it is written and the sketchy art style.

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This issue brought up some interesting things. First the obvious issue with the rights of Black People against cops. Not to mention the difference in treatment between the rich and the poor. This was touched on a bit in the last issue and to see it still going a bit in this one is good. With everything going on in the world, it's nice to see these issues touched upon with Superheroes being thrown in the mix.

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The issue is so battle heavy it would have made sense. But as usual the dialogue is placed so effortlessly in the right places and the comedy included with the Watchers is enough that I can get over less Captain and Gwen fight.

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There is some pretty funny stuff in this issue, which fits in well since it's kind of a "filler" arc. But it still shows off why Barbra is part of the "Bat" Family with her super smart thinking and detective like skills. Not to mention her ability to kick some major butt.

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The writing is once again so thought-provoking while reading it and just plain fun to read.

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Jane's tragic past is shown to us in beautiful flashbacks. She has been fighting on two difficult fronts to live and save those she loves. Jane is forced to put the hammer down while she attempts to recover before she is killed by her transformations.

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Wow. Lots of wow. The dialoge in this issue is heavy but it never FEELS it despite the heavy themes. It flows smoothly throughout the story and you never have a moment of "hu?". Especially when Flash is talking which with all the science talk has the potential to be confusing.

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OK, we all know The Devil of Hell's Kitchen's back story. To see it twisted so well while keeping to the original is delightful. Now there is much more dialogue then I'm going to let on in the review so as not to spoil everything. And that is delightful too. There is so much more to Matt Murdock then what we have seen in the previous issues. It's refreshing and the writing is so well done as to be expected. This is a Matt Murdock based issued but the small clips of Gwen struggling between her friends, the Parkers and herself is more than enough.

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Ok, so Jane's cancer has ALWAYS been the main underlying fact of this series. It's mentioned in every issue and imbedded in our brains with good reason. But to now see the seriousness of it, the effects it has finally had on Jane is hard. Really hard, and not just for the characters but for the reader. The severity of the situation has finally been addressed and it couldn't have come at a worse time. You can see Jane's pain in the amazing artwork as she makes the decision wither to save the Realms or die. Especially since Jane has always been so Gun-Ho about being Thor and saving other's lives over her own. Also, don't worry about the mysterious stranger at the end of the comic. It's a set up for the return of one of Marvel's biggest character's and he's just popping in for a quick cameo.

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I'll admit, I'm a big Green Lantern fan myself. Got two giant shelves on my wall of JUST Green Lantern Universe figures and merch and they fill the majority of my Graphic Novel shelves. Hal Jordan is my boy. But dressing like him and trying to kill people isn't my thing. Priest's writing is a joy in this issue to read between the little bits of comedy and the serious notes of the Fan and his mindset. It's creepy yet makes total sense. There is also something about the artwork this issue (not that it was bad in other issues with Pete Woods) that seems to really stand out. But most importantly, it comes down to the major question of how is the League going to deal with someone like The Fan? It has to be a question most fan's of the comic universe have had and now the League must answer it!

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The points of the congresswoman at the beginning of this issue set the tone. It's going to be a rough one, not just physically but mentally. It is the perfect way to really get the team to start to break apart with some clearly on Bruce's side and some not. It all goes back to the age-old question some people have with Superhero's: Should They, or Shouldn't They? It's also interesting to see how the team feels and their reasoning's without breaking their character's like some other comics have done. And it more importantly gets the reader thinking.

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Priest's writing is always amazing and it still manages to keep you entertained while throwing in major story issues. I liked the art in this one as well, no one likes bugs. These bugs are no exception. Even in some of their simplicity of art.

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This is one of those issues where you aren't going to see a lot of fighting, this is all about storytelling and setting up for the big boss battle to come. And it's wonderful.

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This is also one of the few issues where Robbi Rodriguez isn't the main artist for the panels and only the cover art. You can't really tell the difference when the artist switch pages except on the very last page. Reminded me of something out of the movie "The Grudge" and I liked it.

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Priest does a great job in this with the mix of humor, action and important story telling (like there was going to be any doubt).

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The writing for this issue is spot on, especially between Gwen and Linda. You are so ready for the interaction between the two but the conversation is so well written you can't help but laugh, cry and get mad all at once. The art, as always by Robbi Rodriguez, is wonderful. Gwenom's look still creeps me out as she gets darker and darker in her mental journey. I'm also excited to see more Captain America and Gwen together.

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The back story of Mangog is enough to make you cringe but to see him completely beat the living thunder out of War Thor was impressive. The art is simple but you can still feel the pain of every punch both fighters give. You always think that a new villain is never powerful enough to take out your favorite superhero out but Mangog is pretty fierce. I'm kind of nervous to see how our favorite Lady Thor handles him when the two finally meet!

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About the Author Latest PostsAbout Joanna RobinsonIm 34 years old, attending school for Graphic Arts and Illustration. I started reading comics in the 90s and have continued on till now adding Manga to the mix. I sing and work at Indy Wrestling shows, love going to Cons and Cosplaying. Big movie buff and toy collector. Moose.

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I would never want to be on Gwenoms bad side after reading this. Seeing her emerge was great, but seeing her be evil is pretty bad ass. At the same time, seeing her struggle to keep some part of her tears at your heart strings. Latour knows how to keep the balance between the drama, a little mix of comedy and action.

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With a title that has the word Death in it, you know it cant be good. I know comics are meant to jump around but this was a bouncy house of jumping around. I had to reread it a few times (note, this is a 50-page comic) to figure out what was actually going on and the point of the jumping. Its because there is just SO MUCH going on all over the realms and how it all connects that I finally was ok with it. Not to mention there are different art styles going on with every story. From the playful style of Loki to the dark style of Mighty Thor and She-Hulk going at it. A lot is going on here and while its all good story telling, it gets to be a smidge too much. But some of the stuff in here (stuff that is big time spoilers) is amazing to see and I look forward to seeing if those spoilers come true.

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If you dont love Jane Foster as Thor by now, you will after this. Seeing her at one point with TWO hammers made me squeal. But its her compassion and dedication to protecting her friends and innocents that makes me love her. She knows she is dying of Cancer but that thought is what is making her stronger (at one point she even screams it) when fighting. The small prelude to Malekeiths plans of destruction is making me impatient. He has been planning something since day 1 and Im just ready to see it!

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I was totally going with everything. The fights, the secrets revealed, the hate/love relationships going. Even the struggles of the Justice League that these kids represented futures they probably didnt want. I was even down for how they defeated the darkness. To see the kids true powers was very impressive. But I didnt like how fast it ended, the darkness just defeated like that. Then the way they disposed of it, while sad and heartbreaking, seemed like way to easy an answer that was brought up very quickly. I think they left a few things unanswered and that was my only head tilt. Otherwise, I enjoyed it. Seeing the Justice League realize that there is hope for them and their future was reassuring with everything they go through.

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FINALLY!! As a Spider Gwen fan from day 1, I have been excited since the announcement of Gwenom. And I was not disappointed. Its interesting to me how the Symbiote is not the Symbiote Spiderman fans know but a hybrid creation. Its also been hard to watch Gwen fall apart mentally over her being not as in control as she has wanted to be since becoming Spider Gwen. To see her finally have a moment of clarity, as short lived as it was, turned away from the Anxtiey Gwen that she has become. But more importantly, just to SEE her lose control was not as hurtful as I was afraid it was going to be. Jason has done a fantastic job of transitioning her to this new form. Also, the artwork by Rodriguez does not disappoint, not just in her new outfit but in each panel from a fight scene to standard dialogue.

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