G-Man's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Vine Reviews: 36
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #634

Jun 16, 2010

The older Spider-Man stories will always have a special place for me. They were the first ones I really started reading and I picked up as many back issues as I could. Kraven's Last Hunt ranks as one of my all time favorite arcs. I had high standards for this issue before reading it. I had big fears that it would possibly tarnish the memory I had over Last Hunt. I should have known better and had faith in the "Webheads" that have been overseeing the different story arcs.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) Annual #37

May 26, 2010

If you're a Spider-Man fan, there's no question whether or not you'll enjoy this. This is what comics should be about. Fun well written stories with stellar artwork. Don't let this issue pass you buy if you don't normally buy Annuals. The funny thing was, in between reading and getting ready to write this review, I was hesitant to look at the price. I feared that with today's prices, this would really be steep. If you look, it's only $3.99. That right there is...amazing. Buy this comic.

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Captain America: Patriot #2

Sep 29, 2010

I love this comic. I don't normally dig stories set in the "olden days" and I would like if Steve Rogers were actually in the story but I feel like I'm discovering a part of Marvel history that I never thought to look into before. Karl Kesel, Mitch Breitweiser and Bettie Breitweiser is something that has to be seen. Don't let this comic escape your attention. Track down the first issue and treat yourself to a great experience.

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Green Hornet #3

Apr 28, 2010

Once again, I'm surprised. If you haven't already, go out and pick up the first two issues along with this one. It's great getting in on the ground floor. While I was never the biggest Green Hornet fan, this comic really changes how I feel about the character. The writing, art and colors all just work wonderfully. All comics should be this fun and entertaining. A 5 out of 5.

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Star Wars: Purge: The Hidden Blade #1

Apr 13, 2010

Bottom line, I loved this comic. Whether it was seeing Darth Vader kicking butt or that we haven't seen too many stories that take place in between Episodes III and IV, this was a pleasure to read. It may not have huge repercussions in the overall grand scheme of the Star Wars Universe but it shows us that just because Anakin put on the armor, he still has his fighting skills. The combination of the writing and art is something I would love to see more often in Star Wars comics. This is easily a 5 out of 5.

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The Dark Tower (2007): The Gunslinger - The Journey Begins #1

May 19, 2010

If you've ever read The Dark Tower books or any of the past comics, you know what to expect here. The past series did delve into Roland's past but sometimes felt a little convoluted. I feel like we're back on track here. Even though we're finally seeing scenes from the first book, the telling of Roland's past is not over. Some time has passed between this series and The Battle Of Jericho Hill. We'll be seeing more of what Roland was up to and what made him who he is. I loved the books and really dug this comic.

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War of the Supermen #2

May 12, 2010

A teeny tiny bit of me wondered if the destruction in the last issue was a gimmick. It almost felt like it was borderline. The action continues here and I don't know how things are going to end. Obviously there will be some resolution since this is the second issue of a four issue mini-series. I feel almost like anything goes. It's a great feeling and I love that a Superman story can be so fun and exciting.

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iZombie (2010) #3

Jul 8, 2010

It's hard to tell if I'm simply being biased because I love the Allreds' work so much. So we're clear, I love the art and colors. I do have to say that I am intrigued with the story and Gwen's character. It's a great feeling being at a series at the beginning. We basically have this new comic world that we get to see for the first time. We get to discover the secrets of the characters and their surroundings with each issue. The idea that these different "creatures" exist in a seemingly normal world is cool. It's a good balance between the real and supernatural. We have the two guys trying to catch a nest of vampires, we have Gwen and Ellie trying to find out what's going on at that evil guy's house and we have Gwen dealing with the memory flashes of the last person's brains she had to eat. I just have a fun time while reading this comic. I love this little world that we're seeing and I easily get pulled in with each issue. For me, it's rates at the top for fun factor. Obv

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Batman: Odyssey #1

Jul 8, 2010

I wasn't completely crazy about the story but the art easily won me over. Reading this, you'll forget about all of the craziness currently going on with Batman and Bruce Wayne. It may not be clear when this is supposed to take place (if it's even in current Batman continuity). Even though Neal Adams' run on Batman was before my time, seeing it takes me back to all those old back issues I was able to pick up at cheap prices. If you've never read a comic with Adams' art, you need to pick this up. It's classic Batman in a slightly modern way. Because of the art and the warm feeling it gave me inside, I really enjoyed this book. I really hope the story picks up in the next issue and have a feeling this may be an arc that I'll end up buying in hardcover when it's released.

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Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Red Robin #1

Oct 13, 2010

I wasn't really sure how I felt about Tim taking on the Red Robin guise at first and I really wasn't sure what he would do once Bruce returned. Obviously there is the feel that we're missing something as Bruce is back, in a new costume but that's just something beyond our control. Putting those minor issues aside, this was a really good story. Things are getting set into motion. These may be a series of one-shots but with the bits left hanging, you're going to want to read this issue and the others to see more on Bruce Wayne's return.

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Buzzard #1

Jun 9, 2010

It's an interesting choice to give Buzzard his own mini-series. Normally I'm not a fan of those that only last three issues. In this case, because Powell's art can convey so much, I feel like this might be just the right amount. There isn't a lot that is known about him and I can't wait to see where this adventure will take him. I did like that The Goon did not make an appearance here. Buzzard can carry his own book and it's enough that The Goon's name is on the cover. I simply can't get enough of Eric Powell's art and I'm already eagerly waiting for the next issue.

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Cowboy Ninja Viking #6

Jun 9, 2010

This is one of the "funnest" books out there. The story and art have a depth that a lot of other books lack. The idea that this series isn't dependent on a universe full of other characters is also a plus. You can dive right in and experience the story without having to worry what is happening in twenty other books. If you haven't checked this out yet, give it a shot.

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Creepy Comics #3

May 19, 2010

I felt like I was taking a trip back to the 60s when horror comics were more abundant. This book does justice to the Creepy name and Uncle Creepy should be proud to appear in this book. Horror comics might not be for everyone and the $4.99 price tag might seem a tad high, but you do get a lot of really good content. Creepy is just a really fun comic that you can jump into at anytime. You just might want to read it while there's daylight outside.

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Incorruptible #5

May 5, 2010

I have to admit that I was a little confused in the beginning. I thought there was a typo in terms of the "time" the events were happening. I thought what was happening "now" was really a flashback. After I realized what the deal was, it made me like the story that much more. I just really dig this series and how we're slowly discovering more about the characters as we move along. You don't have to worry about decades of continuity. You can go in not knowing who all the characters are because you'll soon find out what you need to know about them. I strongly recommend picking up this series (and/or the trade of the first four issues).

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Incorruptible #7

Jun 23, 2010

Month after month I simply enjoy this book. I think I might actually prefer this one over Irredeemable. Max may be on the road to being a good guy but it's not going to be a short journey. Even thought Max is trying to be a good guy, you can't help but wonder if he'll be able to keep this up? Will he be able to operate without crossing the line. And of course the big question is, when will he face off against the Plutionian again?

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Incorruptible #11

Oct 27, 2010

I love this book. I have a hard time determining if I enjoy this book more than Iredeemable. It's a tough decision. I really like where things are going now and I am eagerly waiting for that inevitable crossover between the two books. If you haven't been reading this, pick up the trades and get caught up.

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PunisherMax (2009) #7

May 12, 2010

I'd forgotten how cool a Punisher story could be. I do like the FrankenCastle stories but this simply different. The Punisher and Bullseye should both be portrayed as crazy and deadly characters. Being a "Max" book allows there to be more adult situations including the violence and language. I've liked Frank's appearances in the regular Marvel books but this is almost like a whole new character. Keep this one away from the kids. I just hope the final confrontation between Punisher and Bullseye won't be a let down.

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Sam And Twitch: The Writer (2010) #1

May 12, 2010

I have to say I am glad I picked this up. I know we've been seeing more "crime" comics lately but this was a fun read. This is a pure cop story. Sam and Twitch may have their roots from the Spawn comic but this is a believable cop story. Part of what I like is I didn't know what the premise would be and I don't know where the story will go. If you're looking for a temporary break from superhero books, this is worth a read.

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Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #3

Sep 15, 2010

Ed Brubaker + Steve Rogers = a good time. I was worried when Steve returned and it was decided that Bucky would stay as Cap. I wanted more Rogers action written by Brubaker and we're getting it here (and in

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Thanos Imperative: Ignition #1

May 26, 2010

Boom! I'm still getting over that ending. I've been trying to avoid the cosmic books lately but this has pulled me back in. Thanos, Nova, Magus, a mystery surprise person, it's all crazy and it's all good. If you haven't been reading Guardians of the Galaxy or the War Of Kings books, you can still pick this up and follow along. This is what "event" books should be like. You get a feeling that something big will happen and we'll see some lasting results. Siege was a nice story but this one issue felt like it could have a bigger impact than all the Siege books combined.

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Abe Sapien (2008): The Abyssal Plain #1

Jun 30, 2010

There's simply something really cool about Abe Sapien. I enjoyed seeing him get his chance in the spotlight but it would've been nice to see him do more. The way this issue leaves you hanging, it's possible that there will be more action in the second issue. Fans of Hellboy and BPRD will want to check this out. The writing and art makes it feel as if it fits perfectly with the other stories.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #35

May 5, 2010

Even though this is billed as the "Final Chapter," that applies more towards the Twilight story. The overall story is still going. I enjoyed the comic but it started getting a little too sappy. I understand that there's a lot still between Buffy and Angel but there's also a lot of action involved in this story that we want to see. If you're a Buffy fan, you know how good this series is. If you're not completely familiar with the Buffyverse, this won't be the best starting point. Try backing up a few issues or pick up a trade.

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Conan the Cimmerian #20

Apr 28, 2010

I'm not a long time Conan reader. I do like what I see here. While I did want to see more action, this issue shows that there is more to Conan than just seeing him hack away at people. Giving this story a three issue run seems just the right number to set things up and we'll see the final payoff next issue. There is action and suspense. We get a sort of cliffhanger that makes you want to come back next issue to see what Conan will do after the events here. It's a solid 4 out of 5. I may finally become a regular Conan reader after this arc.

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Conan the Cimmerian #21

Jun 3, 2010

Conan is a badass, no doubt. This series shows that Conan can still be a great and fun read among today's other comics. With a Conan comic, you expect certain things. It's great to be able to get them. This issue also shows that the outcome may not be as predictable as you might think. Conan is defeated. What will happen before the story ends?

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Conan the Cimmerian #22

Jul 8, 2010

Despite not being a huge Conan fan, I still enjoyed this comic. I liked that Conan's still recovering from the massive battle in the last arc yet he can still kick butt. It's great having a continuation and some closure while also setting the stage for the next arc. The "island" in question could make for a very interesting stage in this next arc. If you're a Conan fan or simply love swords and violence, you should already have plans to pick this up. If you're looking to give Conan a try, it's a new arc so you can jump right in.

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Kill Shakespeare #2

May 19, 2010

Kill Shakespeare is a fun book. And that's coming from someone that wasn't too crazy about having to read Shakespeare in high school. I like that we have this new world that is familiar in some ways with the characters that I still have some recollection of. King Richard comes across as quite the interesting character and it's nice seeing Hamlet as the lead. I never thought I'd be into "Shakespeare" again. Just don't tell my high school English teacher.

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Michael Turner's Fathom: Blue Descent #0

May 26, 2010

I've been an on-again-off-again Fathom reader. There's been times that comic almost felt like just an excuse to have a female in little clothing swimming around. With Blue Descent, it looks like we will be getting answers here. After reading this zero issue, I'm actually looking forward to reading the rest. Let's see what answers Aspen will have for us.

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New Mutants (2009) #13

May 12, 2010

Despite my gripe about the New Mutants not being the focus of their own book, this was a pretty good chapter. We find out about another teleporter, we see if Hope can stand for herself, we see more of Donald Pierce's plan and get a decent cliffhanger. I feel like it could've used a tiny bit more action but it was still a satisfying read.

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X-Men (2010) #1

Jul 8, 2010

The X-Men have a big battle coming their way. I'm not crazy about vampires but I do think this could be a welcome change from fighting mutants or other mutant hating humans. There is an acknowledgment to Storm's past encounter with Dracula that was nice. Since this is the first issue, the battle hasn't fully started yet. The pieces are being put in place. There is action. There are some potential implications occurring already (like the fate of Jubilee). It just didn't blow me completely away. I'm curious to see how the events in this title will correspond to the other X-books like Uncanny X-Men. If we're going to see a huge battle between the X-Men and vampires, you would expect to see mention in the other books as well. Hopefully we'll have a good amount of continuity between the titles to avoid any future nitpickings from people like me.

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Beasts of Burden/Hellboy: Sacrifice #1

Oct 27, 2010

I wasn't sure what to expect with this crossover but I was pleased with the result. It's a fun light-hearted adventure with some slightly intense moments. It was interesting seeing Hellboy interacting with cute critters while still waving his gun and fist around. If you're a fan of either series, pick up this issue for a fun time.

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Hellcyon #2

May 12, 2010

I wasn't completely sold after the first issue but I am starting to warm up to this series. It is nice reading a mix of the comic/manga genres. Dark Horse used to put out more manga comics and it's a welcome return. That being said, I wonder if this series might read better once it's collected. I'm all for the cliffhanger at the end of an issue but the ending here wasn't so much of a cliffhanger but more of a pause in the scene. The mix of the story along with the art and colors makes this worth checking out.

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Serenity: Float Out #1

Jun 3, 2010

It was okay. I was let down. It wasn't everything I hoped it would be. I enjoyed getting more information on Wash but the stories told weren't stellar. Even though the aim of the comic is clearly set on Wash, you can't help but wish to see some of the other crew. The ending was shocking even if it was a tiny bit clich. Still, it was nice to see something dealing with Serenity. We definitely need more.

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The Death Of Dracula #1

Jun 30, 2010

We have an interesting take on vampires here. I dug the different sects and didn't really think about the different types of vampires that might exist in the Marvel Universe. You get a hint of how the events here could lead to a bigger repercussions in other Marvel comics. I'm not sure if anything here was really crucial enough to warrant a $3.99 one shot comic. Yeah, there is a "death" and the players are set up but it just wasn't enough to knock me off my feet. It could be worth picking up, depending on how much we'll see of these vampires and Dracula's sons in other titles.

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The Guild #3

May 26, 2010

Now that the "origin" of Cyd is over, I'm not sure where things could go from here. I understand that this comic was based on the we series. Unfortunately, I've never watched it. If there were to be a continuation of the story, I'm not sure how I'd feel about it. This series has been entertaining but there would have to be something to hook me into reading more now that Cyd's intro. has been established.

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Turok, Son Of Stone #1

Oct 13, 2010

I am interested to find out more about Turok. I feel I learned more from the reprint story than in the newer main story. It will be interesting to see how closely this version and the old version will be. I can't say I'm completely sold on reading a monthly Turok comic but perhaps once I see more dinosaur action and get more background information, I will be.

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Devil #4

May 19, 2010

I like seeing this mix of comics and manga. Hopefully we'll see more from Dark Horse. I don't see any reason the two mediums can't be merged since they've often influenced each other at times. Reading Devil seemed like it would offer something different. It did but I still feel like I wanted something a little more at the end. The story gets resolved in ways and it is open for more. Part of me is curious to see what would happen next, but the other part could almost live without knowing

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